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Questions tagged [daemons]

macOS, which is a Unix system, uses daemons. A daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user.

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How to prevent process / daemon from running on macOS?

I installed an app called "ShadowsocksX-NG" and then whenever I restart my computer, /Users/admin/Library/Application Support/ShadowsocksX-NG/ss-local -c ss-local-config.json will be running in the ...
aeroxy's user avatar
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Launchd plist runs everyday instead of only weekends

Scenario: I need to force a reboot as a Launch Daemon at a specific time only on Saturdays and Sundays. Output The reboot command gets launched at the specific time everyday instead only on ...
DankDalf's user avatar
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Mouse moves, but cannot click

My mouse just got stuck: I could still move the pointer, but clicks would not register. This occurred with both my external Magic Trackpad, and the laptop's internal trackpad, apropos of nothing. As ...
Xophmeister's user avatar
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Script to run Adobe Update Remote Manager as Launch Daemon at Boot without MDM

Scenario: I need to figure out how to run the /usr/local/bin/RemoteUpdateManager at DeepFreeze maintenance cycle. During this maintenance cycle, the computers will restart to the login screen and ...
DankDalf's user avatar
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macOS Catalina: execute bash script on boot with launchctl

Before updating to Catalina (10.15.1) my agent based on a bash script was working perfectly. I had set the agent in order to execute the bash script on boot. Here is the plist file: <?xml ...
suikoy's user avatar
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How to prevent non-root load of a LaunchDaemon

I want to prevent a LaunchDaemon (/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mycorp.service.plist) from being loaded by a non-root user. Running sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mycorp.service.plist ...
craig65535's user avatar
134 votes
6 answers

How do I start the docker daemon on macOS?

I am using macOS 10.14.6 and docker info shows me that the docker daemon is not running. How do I start the docker daemon from terminal? I have not found any information on doing so anywhere. On ...
Alex's user avatar
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Append instead of overwrite log file by StandardOutPath and StandardErrorPath

I have a launchd job that periodically runs in the background. Any stdout and stderr output during the job is logged to some files set in the job's plist using the StandardOutPath and ...
Erik's user avatar
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Are the results of Apple Photos processing shared between my computers?

I have a MacBook and and Mac mini with same Apple ID. My photo library size is 55,109 photos, 3,670 videos, 68 items. photoanalysisd has been running for 7 days on my MacBook. It doesn't appear to ...
userG's user avatar
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Where should a daemon started by launchd store its data?

When I develop UI application for OSX I store user's preferences and application config to ~/Library/Preferences/AppName.plist (using NSUserDefaults). But when I create global background daemon that ...
GRaAL's user avatar
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IBM Trusteer Rapport... Daemons... Is rapportd part of Trusteer or an Apple MacOS Daemon?

Working here on problems arising from IBM Trusteer Rapport security software. Problem: Their daemon rooksd has 60,000 ports open; mac slowed to a crawl. Question: Is the daemon rapportd part of ...
ColSebastianMoran's user avatar
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What are the various auto launch paths mean in OSX?

I'm trying to track down sneaky apps that launch upon reboot. They are not in System Preferences > Users and Groups > Login items and the in-app preferences for auto starting is disabled too for ...
TruMan1's user avatar
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What are all these tvOS services?

I noticed Apple's tvOS broadcasting no less than 7 mDNS PTR-RRs (via Bonjour, I presume): + Apple TV._airplay._tcp.local + Apple TV._mediaremotetv._tcp.local + Apple TV._companion-link._tcp.local + ...
voices's user avatar
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High Sierra performance problems - efilogin-helper taking a lot of CPU

I have a stock 2015 15" MacBook Pro, i7 / 16GB / 512GB, still runs on High Sierra because I am contemplating to do a full clean install instead of an upgrade. Performance has been deteriorating to a ...
Lucas van Dongen's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

How to access a launch daemon's values/ system defaults value

So I am trying to silence the "Your Disk is Almost Full" notification from a mac running Mojave, as right now it pops up way too frequently and it is so annoying. I followed all answers from this ...
Joe's user avatar
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