Under 10.7.0 Server I was able to activate the root user and I was able to login to my Mac Mini Server i7 as root. Now after I did the update to 10.7.1 Server, this capability has disappeared . I'm able to du a "su root" with the coresponding password, but I'm nomore able to login through the login window.

Just as an additional information. If I try to change the root password with the Directory Utility I get an error message in the system logfile, but not in the Directory Utility. The error is like the following line: changing root password failed: Error Domain=com.apple.OpenDirectory Code=5100 "This authentication method is not supported" --> This is a translation from the german output!!!

What's going wrong?

1 Answer 1


You shouldn't have to re-enable root after an upgrade, but perhaps there is a bug.

Have you tried performing the "little dance" Apple asks us to do for enabling root now that the update is over?


  • Hello, yes I did that several times after reinstalling Lion Server. Right now, as version 10.7.1 is out, I'm no more able to install 10.7.0. It will be always 10.7.1. Commented Sep 1, 2011 at 18:30
  • Ouch - I wonder if that's been filed yet at bugreporter.apple.com - I don't have a test server to try things at the moment...
    – bmike
    Commented Sep 1, 2011 at 19:07

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