Graduate Students E-H

Below is a list of graduate students. If you are not listed here and should be, please contact the webmaster.

Sara Eriksson


Research Interests: Mediterranean Archaeology, Slavery and Dependency Studies, Household Archaeology, Materiality, Archaeological Theory

Fabian Fernandez

Medical Anthropology
Research Interests: hospitals, safety/security studies, workplace violence, critical race theory, health social movements

Natasha Fernandez-Preston


Research Interest: Contemporary archaeology, political economy, critical geographies, materiality, neoliberalism, governance, racial capitalism, food sovereignty, agroecology, freedom, social justice, decolonial studies, Puerto Rico, Caribbean.

Josh Feng

Sociocultural Anthropology

Research Interests: Japan, climate, science and technology, tourism, branding/advertising, food, environmental anthropology, taste/distinction, commodity chains, media studies, cuteness and kawaii, sensory ethnography, Taiwan

Raphael Frankfurter

Medical Anthropology
Research Interests: West Africa, Ebola, Affect Theory, Subjectivity, Magic and Witchcraft, Global Health, securitization, care and disregard

Justin Greene

Sociocultral Anthropology

 Research Interests: Noise and sound studies; ethnographic poetics and experimentation; urban anthropology; anthropology of infrastructure; Brazil; affect theory; political economy; queer theory; media studies

Emanuele Guglielmini


Jesus Gutierrez

Sociocultural Anthropology

Jarre Hamilton


Research Interests:  African American History, Race Colony, Heritage, California, Environment, Agriculture, Buffalo Soldiers

Rabindra Hayashi

Sociocultural Anthropology
Research Interests: Personhood, Ontology, Infrastructure, Digital, Media, Race, HCI, Data, Software, Personhood, Death, Games, Ludology, Technology