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Questions tagged [avd-manager]

The tag has no usage guidance.

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Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver

I am using android studio 2.2.3. I am trying to run an avd. Whenever i run it, it gives me warning that intel haxm is deprecated and to switch to android emulator hypervisor driver(aehd). I have ...
Pratik Mehta's user avatar
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Built AOSP, can't run emulator

Following the directions to build AOSP, everything seems to go fine. I run: . ./build/ lunch sdk_phone_x86_64-userdebug make m That seems to go fine. Then the instructions say simply to ...
Gorilla Sapiens's user avatar
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Run avdmanager with sudo

I am running avdmanager create avd from my python script that I start with sudo -E to make my script be able to do priveldged stuff. But for some reason avdmanager created AVD inside /root/.android/...
Euler-Maskerony's user avatar
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"cannot add library" when trying to start emulator

This is my first time attempting anything Android. I have installed Android Studio 2021.3.1 Patch 1 on Ubuntu 22.04 and created an Empty Compose Activity as a test. The Device Manager looks like this ...
spraff's user avatar
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Cold boot: snapshot failed to load

Sometimes I start Android Emulator with the GUI, and sometimes I start with the CLI. If I keep using the same method, everything is fine, but if I switch between methods, it causes problems. For ...
Zombo's user avatar
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Which format the system images for avd are in

After downloading an image for android virtual device via avdmanager there are system.img userdata.img ramdisk.img and kernel_ranchu in system images folder. Which format are they in and how to read/...
flappybirdy's user avatar
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Are the IMG files in the AVD data directory really encrypted?

If I enable phone encryption with password or PIN on my Android Virtual Device, will that actually make the raw NAND images (*.img / *.qcow2) encrypted? Does it render the data in those files ...
Dan's user avatar
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Recently deleted my AVD and did not get back the 8 GB it took up?

I haven't used Android Studio in a few months so I went ahead and deleted my AVD and system image from the tools menu inside Android Studio. The image deleted fine, however I notice that while the AVD ...
Dave's user avatar
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How to make Android always use external SD card instead of internal storage?

I created an AVD using bin/avdmanager create avd -d "Nexus 5" -c 2G -n nexus_5 -k "system-images;android-29;google_apis;x86_64" The -c 2G is supposed to create a 2GB sdcard. When ...
rumpel's user avatar
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Share virtual machine between Genymotion and Android AVD Manager?

I've installed Genymotion and configure it to use the SDK folder from Android SDK. (In preferences, ADB -> Use custom Android SDK tools, and select /Users/XXX/Library/Android/sdk) But when I open ...
daisy's user avatar
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I was running an AVD on Android Studio and I got the following 2 errors. What do they mean?

Error number 1: Emulator: E0809 05:21:56.677723102 2704] check for SO_REUSEPORT: {"created":"@1596930716.677712232","description":"...
Sbavert's user avatar
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Can I get more RAM in emulator while still having a Google Play image?

I know how to make a new system image, by cloning an existing one... But, I can't alter the amount of RAM in a Google Play-enabled image, without the clone being non-Google Play. Is there a way to ...
Malady's user avatar
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Rooted Android Emulator

I want to install avd with google play and work with it as a root, is it possible? if not there any chance to install google play on rooted android emulator , because I have an app the I can't ...
Elior's user avatar
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avdmanager hangs on "Loading local repository..." Linux

Repro: Headless Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VM (kvm note enabled) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y wget openjdk-8-jre-headless libc6-i386 lib32stdc++6 python3-pip nginx unzip sudo wget https://dl....
Anton Toshik's user avatar
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How can I launch AVD Manager without opening or creating a project in Android Studio?

Sometimes I just want to open the AVD Manager GUI that is reachable from Android Studio's Tools menu, but without having to start Android Studio and creating or opening a project. How can I do this?
Magnus's user avatar
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