I've been wondering if there's a way to lock specific chats within the official WhatsApp app. Sometimes, I need to lend my phone to a friend or family member, and I'd like to keep certain conversations private.

Is there a feature or app that allows me to lock individual chats within WhatsApp? I'd appreciate any suggestions or insights you might have on this matter.


1 Answer 1


Yes, you can.

I tried locking instructions from WhatsApp FAQ after seeing your question.

  • Long press on any chat you want to hide and from the 3 dot menu on top right →Lock Chat →continue →Lock with your biometrics.

  • The selected chat(s) are visible in a locked folder when you swipe down your chats.

  • Others can see the locked chats folder but can't access them since they are locked with your biometrics.

  • If you want the locked chats folder to be invisible, you can set up a secret code:

For an extra layer of privacy, you can also choose to hide your Locked Chats folder so that it doesn't appear in your chat list and only appears when you type your secret code into the Search bar. To create a secret code:

  • Go to your Locked Chats folder > Settings.
  • Tap Secret Code > Create Secret Code.
  • Create your code and tap Next.
  • Confirm your code and tap Done

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