I come from here: Send a SMS for every Android notification (goal: get notifications on Garmin Edge 1000)

I have a Forerunner 30 that I only receive SMS notifications on. I have managed to convert a WhatsApp notification into an SMS and am able to read its content, but I am not able to show the sender, I only see my own phone number. Does anyone have any ideas?

2 Answers 2



enter image description here

I don't know what I was thinking, I had the solution in front of me, I just needed to add a space between variables

  • Looks like you found the solution by yourself, which is great! But I think it can be improved a little bit more to directly answer the question, which parameter is the sender? You can edit your answer to add this information :)
    – Andrew T.
    Commented Apr 26 at 2:21

I would suggest that Whatsapp is being secretive about it (for security reasons). It sounds like a programming question to me. Asking Tasker support may be the way to go.

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