I have two accounts on my phone

  1. institutional google managed workspace - [email protected]
  2. private gmail - [email protected]

The institution that manages ([email protected]) ended relationship with Google and switched to Microsoft instead. I am no longer able to use that email address as my Google Account.

I am now logged in with my private gmail - ([email protected]), but I can no longer update nor install existing apps linked to my obsolete account ([email protected]). I get Google Play Store error "oops something went wrong" - even if I uninstall the app and try to install it brand new.

How do I fix this?

Do I just have to remove my old gmail account ([email protected]) from the phone? If I do this, will I lose everything on my phone (i.e. all my apps will be removed?)

  • 1
    Removing a Google account form the device will not delete apps. Some paid app may refuse to work but they never just disappear.
    – Robert
    Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 16:58

1 Answer 1


I removed my old google workspace account ([email protected]), and I am now able to install the app with my logged in ([email protected]).

I was just too scared to do that before. The existing apps still work, so I can now slowly uninstall/reinstall them at my leisure.

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