I am a participant in a WhatsApp group for a long time. I want to view all posts I have done in the WhatsApp group.

How to view/filter them?

  • The official WhatsApp app doesn't really provide such a feature. I think the alternative is to export the conversation and filter them externally.
    – Andrew T.
    Commented May 17, 2023 at 9:15

1 Answer 1


Go to telegram
Create an empty group.
Go to whatsapp group you want to filter messages of.
3 dots > Export chat > including media > Telegram group that you just made

All the Chat's will be exported and then you may filter it by the users. Screenshots below


  • you will not be able to see the tagged messages
  • some stickers (but not all) won't appear if it isn't added in telegram. As seen in the screenshots
  • there will be numbers instead of name (if the contact is not on telegram, I guess)

enter image description here

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