I deleted some images on photos.google.com but the Photos app on my phone doesn't reflect these changes and still show the images. How do I force the app to refresh? I already tried clearing cache but that didn't do anything.

3 Answers 3


Turn the sync on for your Google account. If it still does not update, re-install the app, that should solve the problem.


Sometimes just dragging down just below the notification bar and releasing will give the circling "I'm refreshing" arrows and start the sync.

  • This doesn't work for me.
    – Flimm
    Commented Mar 4 at 22:04

You can try one or more of the following:

  1. restart the app.
  2. sign out and sign in your google account again; or, switch to other account and switch back.
  3. restart you phone.
  4. cut off network connection and reconnect it.
  5. clear drive database.

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