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What topics can I ask about here?

Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange is for users of the Android operating system.

If your question generally covers...

  • Using your Android device
  • Using a particular app on your Android device
  • Trying to solve an error or other issue in using your Android device

then this is the right place to ask. Basically, what problem (with your Android device) are you trying to solve?

What if I have a question about Android development?

Development/programming questions are not covered on this site. You can visit our sister site, Stack Overflow, instead. Creating or modifying custom ROMs is also off-topic.

What about other Android-related questions?

The following topics are expressly off-topic here:

  • Marketing your Android app or doing market research
  • Issues with the Google Play Store (or any other app marketplace) from the point of view of a developer or publisher
  • Questions asking the community to find or recommend something for you (a device, app, ROM, website, etc), including what to buy and where to buy it
  • Other shopping or pricing questions
  • Speculative questions, like "When will X be available in my country?" or "Why does Company X do this?"
  • Legal questions, such as "Will X void my warranty?"
  • Android-independent questions, such as "Does Carrier X have prepaid plans?"

Please see Where can I ask questions that aren't Android Enthusiast questions? if you're interested in finding a home for one of these questions.

For more help, see "What types of questions should I avoid asking?"

Please look around to see if your question has been asked before. It's also OK to ask and answer your own question.

If your question is not specifically on-topic for Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange, it may be on-topic for another Stack Exchange site. If no site currently exists that will accept your question, you may commit to or propose a new site at Area 51, the place where new Stack Exchange communities are democratically created.