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Top 3 Updates with Compose across Form Factors at Google I/O '24
Top 3 Updates with Compose across Form Factors at Google I/O '24

11 June 2024

Posted by Chris Arriola – Developer Relations Engineer Google I/O 2024 was filled with lots of updates and announcements around helpi...

Announcing Glance: Tiles for Wear OS made simple
Announcing Glance: Tiles for Wear OS made simple

26 January 2022

Posted by Anna Bernbaum, Associate Product Manager Last year we announced the Wear Tiles API . To complement that Java API, we are...

Announcing Jetpack Glance Alpha for app widgets
Announcing Jetpack Glance Alpha for app widgets

15 December 2021

Posted by Marcel Pintó Biescas, Developer Relations Engineer, @marxallski Android 12 revamps a key feature for many A...