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Google I/O
Google @ KotlinConf 2024: A Look Inside Multiplatform Development with KMP and more
Google @ KotlinConf 2024: A Look Inside Multiplatform Development with KMP and more

23 May 2024

Posted by Murat Yener – Developer Relations Engineer Following our recent Google I/O announcement recommending Kotlin Multiplatfor...

Let’s go. It’s Google I/O 2023
Let’s go. It’s Google I/O 2023

07 March 2023

Posted by Jeanine Banks, VP & General Manager, Developer X, and Head of Developer Relations Google I/O is back and you’re invit...

Modern Android Development at Google I/O ‘22
Modern Android Development at Google I/O ‘22

23 May 2022

Posted by Nick Butcher , Developer Relations Engineer   Our goal is to make developing beautiful and engaging Android apps as ...

Android 12 Beta 2 Update
Android 12 Beta 2 Update

09 June 2021

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering Just a few weeks ago at Google I/O we unwrapped the first beta of Android 12, focusing ...

What's new in Android TV (and Google TV!)
What's new in Android TV (and Google TV!)

18 May 2021

Posted by Ben Serridge, Director of Product Management - TV Platforms and Dan Aharon, Product Manager Today at Google...

Google releases source code for Google I/O 2019 for Android
Google releases source code for Google I/O 2019 for Android

14 August 2019

Posted by Takeshi Hagikura, Developer Programs Engineer Today we're releasing the source code for the official Google I/O 2019 Andr...

Say Hello to Android Things 1.0
Say Hello to Android Things 1.0

07 May 2018

Posted by Dave Smith , Developer Advocate for IoT Android Things is Google's managed OS that enables you to build and maintain In...

Google releases source for Google I/O 2017 for Android
Google releases source for Google I/O 2017 for Android

18 August 2017

Posted by Shailen Tuli Today we're releasing the source code for the official Google I/O 2017 for Android app. This year's ap...

Semantic Time support now available on the Awareness APIs
Semantic Time support now available on the Awareness APIs

16 June 2017

Posted by Ritesh Nayak M, Product Manager Last year at I/O we launched the Awareness API , a simple yet powerful API that let develope...

What’s next for Google payment and loyalty experiences
What’s next for Google payment and loyalty experiences

18 May 2017

Posted by Pali Bhat, VP of Payment Products Thousands of apps and millions of stores accept Android Pay, a simpler and more secure mobi...

What’s New in Android: O Developer Preview 2 & More
What’s New in Android: O Developer Preview 2 & More

17 May 2017

Posted by: Dave Burke, VP of Engineering With billions of Android devices around the world, Android has surpassed our wildest expectation...

Article Image Placeholder
The Power Of “Early Access”

01 September 2016

By Karolis Balciunas, VC & Startups Business Development Manager, Google Play If you have ever launched a mobile app, you know full we...