Zenesis Corp

Zenesis Corp

الاستشارات والخدمات في مجال الأعمال

Dubai، - ٦٬٣٦٠ متابع

#Transform your Business!

نبذة عنا

Zenesis Corporation is a Dubai-headquartered company with an extensive international network of associates providing bespoke business transformation services such as Digital Transformation, Corporate Management & Training, Real Estate Management, Company Incorporation, Taxation & Bookkeeping and Crisis Management & PR. Talk to us to learn how we can help you transform and future-proof your business to get the results you expect.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
الاستشارات والخدمات في مجال الأعمال
حجم الشركة
١١- ٥٠ موظف
المقر الرئيسي
Dubai, -
شركة يملكها عدد قليل من الأشخاص
تم التأسيس
Specialised in UAE/Dubai Free-Zones and business setups for young entrepreneurs!، VAT & Taxation Services، Book Keeping & Accountancy Services، Business Transformation Services، Real Estate Management، Owners'​ Association Management، Management Consultancy، Digital Transformation، Content Creation، Corporate Training، و Owners Association

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في Zenesis Corp


  • عرض صفحة منظمة Zenesis Corp، رسم بياني

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    WE WON! It is a great honor for us to end the year with such wonderful awards for recognition of our outstanding real estate management initiatives. We are awarded as BEST REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY OF THE YEAR and a runner-up for BEST IN EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVES. This would not be possible without the tireless efforts of our CEO Jeevan D'Mello & Managing Director Cecilia D'Cunha and the support of our exceptional team - the best in the industry. We are pleased with these great awards and we will continue to rock the Real Estate Management world with new, tailored-made, and innovative solutions in the coming year. #IRECMS #ZenesisCorp #Awards #BestREMConsultancy #Dubai #CommunityManagement #ownersassociations #realestate #Dubairealestate

    • ZenesisCorp won the awards!
  • عرض صفحة منظمة Zenesis Corp، رسم بياني

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    ✨ Eid Al-Adha Mubarak! ✨ As we celebrate this joyous occasion, we extend our heartfelt wishes to our esteemed customers and their families. May your Eid be filled with abundant peace, joy, togetherness, and prosperity. 😊 We appreciate your continued trust and support. 🙏🏽 Let's embrace the spirit of this occasion by sharing love, compassion, and unity. Best wishes to you and your loved ones! 😊 #EidMubarak #EidAlAdha #ZenesisCorp #Joy #Family #Peace #Prosperity

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Zenesis Corp، رسم بياني

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    Want Happier, More Loyal Customers? Prioritize Their Experience. Customer retention is critical, and happiness drives loyalty. Companies investing in robust customer happiness initiatives see revenue growth up to 5X higher than competitors. At Zenesis, our customer happiness services provide a strategic framework designed to optimize satisfaction, delight customers, and elevate your brand. Specific offerings include: ↗️ Happiness Branding - We conduct brand audits and consumer research to shape your unique happiness positioning and messaging. ↗️ Happiness Framework - Our experts partner with you to build customer journey maps, define happiness KPIs, and develop customized models for your organization. ↗️ Strategy Development - We create targeted blueprints to ingrain customer happiness through policies, technologies, and employee engagement programs. ↗️ Customer Experience Audit - Utilizing VOC analytics, we identify CX pain points and bright spots to focus your improvement efforts for maximum impact. ↗️ Customer Focus Groups - We uncover actionable insights via immersive discussion groups with existing and potential customers. ↗️ Customer Surveys & Polls - From NPS to transactional surveys, we deploy the right assessment tools to glean wisdom from your customers. The results speak for themselves - our clients have achieved 30-50% increases in customer satisfaction and loyalty. How happy are your customers? Let's connect! #customerhappiness #customerloyalty #customerjourneymapping #customersurveys #marketing

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Zenesis Corp، رسم بياني

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    What is the Key Ingredient for Organizational Success? Employee Engagement! There's no denying it - engaged employees are productive employees. Companies that invest in robust employee engagement initiatives reap tremendous rewards in performance, innovation, and bottom line results. At Zenesis, our employee engagement services provide a strategic framework designed to maximize worker dedication, satisfaction and effectiveness. 📍 Engagement Framework Development We partner with leadership to deeply understand organization priorities and worker motivations in order to build customized engagement models. 📍 Engagement Strategy Deployment Our experts guide companies through executing multi-channel engagement plans that get buy-in across the employee lifecycle. 📍 Organization Structure Design & Development We help design efficient team structures, roles and reporting policies that empower workers and align with engagement goals. 📍 Skills Analysis Utilizing assessments and workforce analytics, we identify competency gaps and training needs critical for optimal engagement. 📍 Training Programs We create immersive training solutions targeting engagement drivers from managerial communication to cross-collaboration. 📍 Town Hall Meetings For building transparency and trust, our specialists can facilitate productive town halls and workshops between executives and staff. The results speak volumes - our clients have raised engagement scores by over 30% on average. Is your workforce truly energized? Let's connect to learn more about our employee engagement services. #employeeengagement #workplaceculture #traininganddevelopment #productivity

  • عرض صفحة منظمة Zenesis Corp، رسم بياني

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    Tough times can shake up any business. When things get difficult, it puts a lot of pressure on the top leaders to keep things running smoothly. They have to navigate problems coming from all directions - angry customers, worried employees, changing technology, economic downturns. It's easy for leadership teams to panic when large storms arise. However, the leadership team at Zenesis handles crises differently. We work together as a cohesive, balanced unit. When issues appear on the horizon, We take action. For example, we may: - Call special meetings to understand what each leader is seeing - Reach out to key customers and frontline workers to prepare contingency plans - Redirect finances or people to tackle problems head on - Assess innovative business ideas to take advantage of changing landscapes This kind of calm yet proactive leadership keeps Zenesis on a steady course even when bad weather hits our industry and markets. Other leadership teams can learn from our experience.  #leadership #takeaction #experts #zenesis

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Zenesis Corp، رسم بياني

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    Is AI Important for Changing How Companies Work? In today's fast-changing business world, artificial intelligence (AI) is very important. Here's why: 💡 AI makes work more efficient. It can automate tasks and reduce mistakes. 💡 AI can analyze lots of data and help companies make smarter choices. 💡 AI can spot patterns and predict future trends. This gives companies new ideas for growth. 💡 Using AI helps companies compete globally. It makes them ready for change. 💡 AI tools help companies keep getting better. They can improve plans, processes, and more over time. Adding AI is not just a trend. Companies today need it to stay successful. We'll share more later on how AI can transform businesses! What do you think about AI's role in changing how companies work? #ai #transformbusiness #technology #business #zenesiscorp

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Zenesis Corp، رسم بياني

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    Why do good businesses still fail sometimes? Making big business decisions without updated market research is very risky. It's like driving blindfolded. You may crash! But many companies do this. Market Research - A Key to Business Success Why is market research vital for businesses? There are a few key reasons: ★ It provides data-driven insights - Market research gives objective data on customers, needs, trends, and competitors. This data enables strategic decisions. ★ It replaces guesses with facts - Too many choices rely on instinct rather than market facts. Research reduces errors. ★ It enables risks to be calculated - Studies forecast product demand, facilitate pricing, guide investment. This hugely decreases risks. ★ It powers most business functions - Marketing, product R&D, operations, HR and more all benefit from continuous research integration. ★ It uncovers hidden opportunities - By deeply understanding markets, companies identify unmet needs, new targets, partnership potential. ★ It future-proofs strategies - In fast-evolving markets, research helps leaders adapt quickly and stay ahead of disruption. In summary, treating market research as a recurring business investment rather than ad-hoc expense allows organizations to base their vision on real-world signals. This leads to sustained customer relevance, exponential growth as well as future viability. #datadrivendecisions #strategicplanning #marketresearch #competitiveintelligence #exponentialgrowth #futureofwork #datadrivenmarketing

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Zenesis Corp، رسم بياني

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    As a business owner, understanding your customers and the broader market landscape is critical to success. Yet conducting comprehensive market research and analysis often requires expertise and resources many businesses lack. That's where we come in. Our team of experienced market researchers, data analysts, and strategic consultants partners with companies to uncover actionable insights that drive growth. We conduct quantitative and qualitative primary research to understand customer demographics, behaviors, perceptions, and unmet needs. Combining this with secondary research on market trends, competition, and industry dynamics provides a 360-degree view to inform strategic decisions. Whether you're looking to launch a new product, enter a new market or geography, understand changing customer preferences, or benchmark performance, we provide customized market intelligence and analysis. Our action-oriented deliverables include market segmentation, demand forecasting, product concept testing, pricing studies, competitive benchmarking, and more presented through compelling data visualizations and dashboards. Let us support your next product launch, expansion plan, or strategic vision as a true partner, not just a vendor. We're here to help you understand markets, customers, and growth opportunities better than ever before!! DM us Now! #marketresearch #businessgrowth #quantitativeanalysis #datavisualization #strategicpartnerships #marketresearcher

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Zenesis Corp، رسم بياني

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    Business transformation, when executed well, has the power to take an organization to new and unprecedented heights of success. Just ask Netflix and Apple - two major players that reinvented themselves to become dominating forces in their industries. Netflix.: Netflix was nothing more than a DVD rental-by-mail service. Recognizing the rapid rise of streaming and shifting consumer trends, Netflix transformed its model for the digital age - becoming the giant of online entertainment we know today. Key to its success? Visionary leadership guides the way, the agility to adapt quickly, and an unrelenting commitment to the customer experience. Apple Inc.: Apple Inc. morphed from a niche computer manufacturer into the global tech titan they are today. Central to this business transformation was the introduction of revolutionary and wildly popular products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Underpinning it all was Apple’s trademarks - simplicity and design excellence woven into products integrating seamlessly within the Apple ecosystem. Powerful branding also played no small part. The transformations undertaken by Netflix and Apple hold invaluable lessons for companies looking to evolve. They demonstrate how visionary leadership, innovation, customer-centricity, and effective decision-making can redefine an organization and launch it to unprecedented success. By studying and understanding key transformation success factors, companies can increase their chances when undertaking initiatives that promise to reinvent their business. The time for change is now - will your company seize the opportunity like Netflix and Apple? #BusinessTransformation #NetflixTransformation #AppleTransformation #DigitalTransformation #VisionaryLeadership #CustomerCentric #TransformToday #FutureReady

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