Type Name Files Added Size DLs
CAMUS Cardiac Acquisitions for Multi-structure Ultrasound Segmentation 7500 2023-01-12 3.83GB 55212+ 0
HMC-QU echocardiography ultrasound recordings 1 2023-01-07 2.49GB 1,10712+ 0
STructured Analysis of the Retina 1 2022-12-31 484.37MB 93813+ 0
Data of the White Matter Hyperintensity (WMH) Segmentation Challenge 1 2022-12-21 8.72GB 678 0
TotalSegmentator CT Dataset 1 2022-11-17 28.40GB 15012+ 1
INbreast: toward a full-field digital mammographic database 1 2022-08-06 2.06GB 3,1719+ 0
The HAM10000 dataset, a large collection of multi-source dermatoscopic images of common pigmented skin lesions 6 2022-07-29 3.20GB 2097+ 1
The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset 2 2022-07-29 811.09MB 60,242114+ 1
Reddit comments/submissions 2005-06 to 2022-06 404 2022-07-17 1.76TB 1896 0
TAC KBP Comprehensive English Source Corpora LDC2018T03 1 2022-07-12 6.80GB 783 1
Spanish Gigaword 3rd edition LDC2011T12 1 2022-07-12 2.78GB 953+ 0
French Gigaword 3rd edition LDC2011T10 1 2022-07-12 2.08GB 1,8624+ 1
Chinese Gigaword 5th edition LDC2011T13 1 2022-07-12 4.39GB 1084+ 0
English Gigaword 5th edition LDC2011T07 1 2022-07-12 9.76GB 3416+ 0
Abstract Meaning Representation AMR Annotation Release 3.0 LDC2017T10 1 2022-07-11 38.82MB 1708 0
BOLT Egyptian Arabic Treebank Conversational Telephone Speech NLP LDC2021T12 1 2022-07-11 19.42MB 2195 0
TAC KBP Entity Discovery and Linking - Comprehensive Training and Evaluation Data LDC2019T02 1 2022-07-05 20.36GB 853 1
DARPA TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus LDC93S1 1 2022-07-02 385.52MB 2,7075+ 0
OntoNotes 5.0 Annotated Text Corpus LDC2013T19 1 2022-07-02 839.11MB 3694+ 0
The New York Times Annotated Corpus 1 2022-07-01 3.23GB 2,92016+ 0
Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images 15 2021-11-15 73.50GB 3,48210 2
Reading Text in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks 1 2021-11-12 10.68GB 34,60530 1
COCO 2017 Resized to 256x256 1 2021-04-05 1.64GB 6859+ 0
Ukrainian Open Speech To Text Dataset 4.2 ~1200 hours 18 2021-03-09 188.31GB 6 2
Vggface2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age 14 2021-03-07 40.25GB 20,18232+ 1
Breast Ultrasound Images Dataset (Dataset BUSI) 1 2021-03-05 205.87MB 7,04613+ 0
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive (7800 images, 2011) 1 2021-02-22 2.82GB 1,96113 0
10 years of Dukascopy Forex Tick Data (2008-2019) 475 2021-02-21 65.03GB 7586 1
115 paintings from the Hermitage museum, high-resolution, JPEG 113 2021-01-28 2.23GB 15,52228 1
TB Portal Tuberculosis Chest X-ray dataset for Belarus 1049 2020-10-22 12.40GB 43011+ 0
UT Zappos50K (Version 2.1) 6 2020-10-16 887.03MB 1185+ 0
PanNuke: An Open Pan-Cancer Histology Dataset for Nuclei Instance Segmentation and Classification 3 2020-08-14 2.08GB 49016+ 0
Whale Shark ID Dataset 1 2020-07-31 6.47GB 1226 1
Great Zebra and Giraffe Count ID Dataset 1 2020-07-31 10.43GB 1927 1
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning Tutorial 2020 - Joseph Paul Cohen 7 2020-07-28 76.86MB 8,62620+ 0
DRIVE: Digital Retinal Images for Vessel Extraction 2 2020-07-11 29.34MB 22,06220+ 0
Object-CXR - Automatic detection of foreign objects on chest X-rays 4 2020-07-08 13.64GB 1,3609+ 0
Sci-Hub SQL Database (2020-05-30) 1 2020-07-07 10.35GB 2,64912+ 1
SIIM-ACR Pneumothorax Segmentation 15295 2020-07-04 2.07GB 81610+ 0
Leaf counting dataset 2 2020-06-22 925.39MB 1736+ 0
[Coursera] What A Plant Knows (Daniel Chamovitz, Tel Aviv University) 108 2020-06-09 538.94MB 16,20126+ 0
PMC Open Access Subset 16 2020-05-24 84.14GB 2279+ 0
TrackingNet: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Object Tracking in the Wild 13 2020-04-19 1.14TB 511 2
RSNA Pneumonia Detection Challenge (JPG files) 29686 2020-03-19 3.93GB 1,38111 1
LNDb CT scan dataset (training) 240 2019-12-16 29.21GB 25510+ 1
Illinois DOC labeled faces dataset 8 2019-12-05 6.36GB 2758 0
musicnet.tar.gz 1 2019-12-03 11.10GB 2974+ 0
Ocular Disease Intelligent Recognition ODIR-5K 3 2019-11-25 1.30GB 8,08310+ 0
Replicated GPT-2 1.5B Parameter Model 3 2019-08-24 5.79GB 1,1215+ 2
1000 Fundus images with 39 categories 1 2019-08-20 402.76MB 1,1378+ 0
MRI Dataset for Hippocampus Segmentation (HFH) (hippseg_2011) 1 2019-08-20 598.88MB 7349+ 1
Minecraft Skins 1 2019-08-05 2.47GB 9187+ 0
Twitch Emotes Images Dataset 1 2019-08-03 4.29GB 5458+ 0
P. vivax (malaria) infected human blood smears (BBBC041) 1 2019-08-02 2.26GB 56610+ 0
ISIC2018: Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection 9 2019-07-24 17.08GB 4729+ 1
r/WritingPrompts, Text (2018) 1 2019-06-19 87.47MB 3855 1
01QZP 2018-2019 Ambient Intelligence 21 2019-06-13 4.38GB 6,1919 1
DRIMDB (Diabetic Retinopathy Images Database) Database for Quality Testing of Retinal Images 1 2019-06-05 17.07MB 5,33612+ 0
DiaRetDB1 V2.1 - Diabetic Retinopathy Database 1 2019-06-05 144.10MB 9,45119+ 0
MS-Celeb-1M: {A} Dataset and Benchmark for Large-Scale Face Recognition 7 2019-06-04 246.39GB 4,89717 1
OpenWebText (Gokaslan's distribution, 2019), GPT-2 Tokenized 395 2019-06-01 16.02GB 2015 0
MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database 145 2019-05-29 93.86MB 2818+ 0
CMU Graphics Lab Motion Capture Database Converted to FBX 1 2019-05-16 1.92GB 9504+ 0
Stanford Drone Dataset 1 2019-04-27 71.00GB 6869+ 0
Inria Aerial Image Labeling Dataset 5 2019-04-27 20.96GB 2326+ 1
PROSTATEx 42121 2019-04-27 4.32GB 6359 0
Head-Neck-CT 43286 2019-04-21 22.84GB 29810 1
UCF Google Street View Dataset 2014 15 2019-04-10 46.25GB 1366+ 0
PADCHEST_SJ (Feb 2019 Update) 60 2019-04-07 1.13TB 1267+ 1
Lung CT Segmentation Challenge 2017 (LCTSC) 9569 2019-03-22 5.11GB 1,1709+ 0
ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (V2017) 1 2019-03-06 166.02GB 3,45111+ 0
IDRiD (Indian Diabetic Retinopathy Image Dataset) 3 2019-02-06 1.01GB 16,31619+ 1
Kaggle Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Training Dataset (DRD) 3 2019-02-06 35.00GB 3,04813+ 0
ExtremeWeather: A large-scale climate dataset for semi-supervised detection, localization, and understanding of extreme weather events 25 2019-02-05 1.65TB 683+ 5
DeepLesion (10,594 CT scans with lesions) 59 2019-01-26 243.04GB 2,60414+ 2
Condensing Steam: Distilling the Diversity of Gamer Behavior 1 2019-01-15 18.30GB 2605+ 0
Labeled Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) 1 2018-12-15 5.79GB 13411+ 1
Chest X-Ray Images (Pediatric Pneumonia) 1 2018-12-14 1.24GB 3,44912+ 0
30M Factoid Question-Answer Corpus (30MQA) 2 2018-11-29 529.34MB 3,3519+ 0
Indiana University - Chest X-Rays (PNG Images) 1 2018-11-22 1.36GB 30,29740+ 0
Indiana University - Chest X-Rays (XML Reports) 1 2018-11-22 1.11MB 32,53838+ 0
Tom Mitchell - Machine Learning - 2012 110 2018-11-18 5.87GB 6,30614 0
The PatchCamelyon benchmark dataset (PCAM) 10 2018-11-13 8.06GB 1128+ 0
University of Washington - Pedro Domingos - Machine Learning 113 2018-11-09 9.07GB 10,78819+ 0
POLEN23E: image dataset for the Brazilian Savannah pollen types 1 2018-11-09 34.56MB 1498+ 0
BRATS2013 Tumor-NoTumor Dataset (T-NT) 1 2018-11-05 65.63MB 2,2618+ 0
ImageClef - IAPR TC-12 Benchmark 1 2018-11-03 1.76GB 595+ 0
comma.ai driving dataset 6 2018-10-25 48.28GB 7015+ 1
Non-contrast head/brain CT CQ500 Dataset 493 2018-10-05 28.66GB 7,89214+ 3
CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks Spring 2017 16 2018-09-25 2.63GB 27,54425+ 0
Medical Segmentation Decathlon Datasets 4380 2018-09-20 75.91GB 28011+ 2
MoNuSeg Training Data - Multi-organ nuclei segmentation from H&E stained histopathological images 1 2018-09-05 142.31MB 1949+ 0
Holistic Recognition of Low Quality License Plates (HDR dataset) 1 2018-08-30 65.88MB 1,8957+ 0
VizWiz v1.0 dataset (Answering Visual Questions from Blind People) 1 2018-08-23 15.39GB 1057+ 1
LiTS – Liver Tumor Segmentation Challenge (LiTS17) 262 2018-07-21 16.66GB 11,20215+ 0
North America roads GIS data 1 2018-07-21 8.35GB 1305+ 0
Corpus of Russian news articles collected from Lenta.Ru 1 2018-07-16 1.81GB 1356+ 0
LUng Nodule Analysis (LUNA16) All Images 888 2018-07-15 66.00GB 6,92414+ 1
A collection of sport activity datasets with an emphasis on powermeter data 1 2018-06-23 919.75MB 2,4029+ 0
Malignant lymphoma classification 1 2018-02-19 1.44GB 7,99517+ 1
Breast Cancer Cell Segmentation 174 2018-02-19 159.96MB 1,4849+ 0
Introduction to Computer Science [CS50x] [Harvard] [2018] 192 2018-01-24 9.61GB 69,70882+ 4
GANGogh training data set 1 2017-11-29 37.15GB 8995+ 0
Electron Microscopy (CA1 hippocampus) Dataset 5 2017-10-24 3.87GB 22011+ 0
Animals with Attributes 2 (AwA2) dataset 2 2017-10-23 13.92GB 4479+ 0
UrbanMapper 3D (Digital Surface Model and Digital Terrain Model) Dataset 3 2017-10-14 6.62GB 1837+ 0
UC Merced Land Use Dataset 1 2017-10-10 332.47MB 2348+ 0
NIH Chest X-ray Dataset of 14 Common Thorax Disease Categories 15 2017-10-09 45.09GB 6,90518+ 1
MICCAI 2015 Challenge on Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS2015) 1812 2017-09-19 5.34GB 6999+ 0
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer CT Scan Dataset (NSCLC-Radiomics-Genomics) 183 2017-09-19 4.52GB 54212+ 0
Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation Challenge 2017 (ISLES2017) 1382 2017-09-13 1.40GB 1,1969+ 0
NIH Pancreas-CT Dataset 164 2017-09-12 4.86GB 20,11022+ 0
N+1 fish, N+2 fish dataset (test_videos) 667 2017-09-06 32.93GB 1103+ 0
Richard Feynman's Lectures on Physics (The Messenger Lectures) 7 2017-07-20 1.07GB 33,90137+ 0
AVA: A Large-Scale Database for Aesthetic Visual Analysis 92 2017-07-16 33.14GB 13,67514+ 0
New York Taxi Data 2009-2016 in Parquet Fomat 800 2017-07-01 35.08GB 9507 0
Small Object Dataset 1 2017-06-06 5.86MB 7658+ 0
Downsampled ImageNet 32x32 2 2017-06-03 4.27GB 3,70717+ 1
Downsampled ImageNet 64x64 2 2017-06-02 12.59GB 3,25213+ 2
Human acute monocytic leukemia 1 2017-04-28 1.61GB 1458+ 0
Didi Data Release #2 - Round 1 Test Sequence and Training 1 2017-04-04 21.93GB 5514 0
VGG Cell Dataset from Learning To Count Objects in Images 1 2017-04-02 16.34MB 2858+ 0
A collection of sport activity datasets for data analysis and data mining 2017a 1 2017-03-30 789.14MB 8865+ 0
Udacity Didi $100k Challenge Dataset 1 1 2017-03-23 32.80GB 9554 0
Public Health 241, 001 - Spring 2011 - UC Berkeley 38 2017-03-10 1.87GB 5,01010 0
Law 271, Environmental Law and Policy - Fall 2009 - UC Berkeley 26 2017-03-10 4.25GB 1,57010 0
Peace and Conflict Studies 164B - Spring 2007 - UC Berkeley 27 2017-03-09 5.07GB 2,4849 0
Statistics 21 - 001 - Spring 2010 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 5.58GB 5,57817 1
Statistics 21 - Fall 2009 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 4.27GB 8,36716 0
International and Area Studies 107, 001 - Spring 2011 - UC Berkeley 21 2017-03-09 1.64GB 3,40711 0
Multivariable Calculus - Math 53 - Fall 2009 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 5.84GB 3,81523 1
Political Science 179 - Spring 2008 - UC Berkeley 12 2017-03-09 1.50GB 4,13415 0
Chemistry 1A, 002 - Spring 2010 - UC Berkeley 43 2017-03-09 9.28GB 2,96417 0
Chemistry 3B, 002 - Fall 2014 - UC Berkeley 26 2017-03-09 4.79GB 1,98810 1
Economics 1, 001 - Fall 2011 - UC Berkeley 24 2017-03-09 4.19GB 4,75910 1
Physics 10, 001 - Spring 2006 - UC Berkeley 26 2017-03-09 4.82GB 3,86015 1
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 179 Process Technology of Solid-State Materials Devices - UC Berkeley 33 2017-03-09 3.64GB 2,80616 0
Psychology 1 - General Psychology - Fall 2007 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 3.36GB 7,48024 0
Environmental Economics and Policy 145 - Fall 2014 - UC Berkeley 37 2017-03-09 3.93GB 1,93212 0
Nuclear Engineering 101, 001 - Fall 2014 - UC Berkeley 29 2017-03-09 4.97GB 3,03714 2
Astronomy C12, 001 - Fall 2014 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 11.35GB 1,70819 0
Bioengineering 200, 001 - Spring 2014 - UC Berkeley 9 2017-03-09 3.80GB 2,38312 0
Public Health 150E, 001 - Spring 2015 - UC Berkeley 1 2017-03-09 252.00MB 1,37813+ 0
Electrical Engineering 123, 001 - Spring 2015 - UC Berkeley 36 2017-03-08 6.06GB 4,26119 1
Integrative Biology 131 - General Human Anatomy Online Course Videos - UCBerkeley 39 2017-03-08 8.52GB 4,22514 1
[Coursera] Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 (Stanford University) (algo) 532 2017-03-05 1.95GB 15,10123+ 1
Wikilinks: A Large-scale Cross-Document Coreference Corpus Labeled via Links to Wikipedia (Original Dataset) 10 2017-03-04 1.84GB 2005+ 0
Open Payments Dataset - 2015 Program Year 1 2017-02-26 584.88MB 2234+ 0
Open Payments Dataset - 2014 Program Year 1 2017-02-26 728.44MB 2458+ 0
Open Payments Dataset - 2013 Program Year 1 2017-02-26 277.98MB 1249+ 0
[Coursera ] Text Mining and Analytics 148 2017-01-22 1.06GB 5,88211 0
A Brief Review of Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Optimization 1 2017-01-09 161.54kB 1,5052+ 0
Pre-configured (Mint) linux based virtual machine image 1 2017-01-05 3.06GB 2714+ 0
Microsoft Academic Graph - 2016/02/05 1 2016-12-25 28.94GB 2454+ 0
US Stock Market End of Day dataset 1 2016-12-24 250.71MB 1,2868 0
AOL Search Data 20M web queries (2006) 3 2016-12-17 460.41MB 5387+ 0
MovieLens 20M Dataset 1 2016-12-16 198.70MB 1,99810+ 0
Udacity Self Driving Car Dataset 3-1: El Camino 1 2016-10-21 29.99GB 5174 1
vgg19_normalized.pkl 1 2016-10-12 80.13MB 914+ 0
MNIST Database (mnist.pkl.gz) 1 2016-10-12 16.17MB 87410+ 0
Udacity Dataset 2-3 Compressed 1 2016-10-12 20.96GB 1,0455 0
Udacity Self-Driving Car Driving Data 9/29/2016 (dataset.bag.tar.gz) 1 2016-10-10 25.95GB 7274+ 0
Udacity Self-Driving Car Dataset 2-2 1 2016-10-10 7.04GB 4465 0
Udacity Self-Driving Car Dataset 2-1 1 2016-10-10 1.64GB 2,8526 0
A collection of IRONMAN, IRONMAN 70.3 and Ultra-triathlon race results 1 2016-09-30 54.96MB 1,7285+ 0
Modified PubMed Dataset used by WSU-IR team at TREC 2015 Clinical Decision Support Track 1 2016-09-24 18.53GB 895 0
UCSD Pedestrian Database 1 2016-09-21 791.87MB 1,6597+ 0
Gland Segmentation in Histology Images Challenge (GlaS) Dataset 1 2016-09-21 180.90MB 54510+ 0
The Cars Overhead With Context (COWC) 128 2016-09-20 9.34GB 5494+ 0
Avantes Dual Spectrograph.zip 1 2016-08-30 21.48GB 654 0
True Marble Global Image Dataset GeoTIFF 68 2016-08-26 9.74GB 1,0029+ 1
Sentiment Labelled Sentences Data Set 1 2016-08-26 512.21kB 4994+ 0
Enron Email Dataset 1 2016-08-26 443.25MB 10,47113+ 1
ISBI Challenge: Segmentation of neuronal structures in EM stacks 3 2016-07-01 23.61MB 1,4585+ 0
QuantQuote Free Historical Stock Data 2013 1 2016-06-20 36.62MB 6565+ 0
Yelp Restaurant Photo Classification Data 5 2016-05-12 14.14GB 7214+ 0
Online News Popularity Data Set 1 2016-02-11 7.48MB 3,0577+ 0
Educational Process Mining (EPM): A Learning Analytics Data Set Data Set 1 2016-02-11 4.93MB 12,38912+ 0
Terrestrial Ecological Systems of the United States (Version 3.0; Updated March 2014) 1 2016-02-04 3.99GB 9493+ 0
Labeled Fishes in the Wild 1 2016-02-03 444.37MB 7,08412+ 0
BuzzFeed News transcription of Airbnb NYC data 1 2016-02-01 192.92kB 2,2767+ 0
NYPD 7 Major Felony Incidents 1 2016-02-01 13.23MB 2,7395+ 0
Vincent van Gogh Paintings 2036 2016-01-24 513.76MB 17,04827+ 0
A collection of sport activity files for data analysis and data mining 2016a 1 2016-01-18 245.47MB 8,3527+ 0
Structured Web Data Extraction Dataset (SWDE) 1 2015-11-29 207.31MB 2,7166 0
Columbia University Image Library (COIL-20) 3 2015-11-26 19.89MB 2408+ 0
Boston Hubway Data Visualization Challenge Dataset 1 2015-11-24 26.00MB 2,5226+ 0
Georgia Tech face database 1 2015-10-29 133.19MB 6,19717+ 0
UCI Folio Leaf Dataset 1 2015-10-12 972.47MB 5,5526+ 0
Stanford EE364A - Convex Optimization I - Boyd 41 2015-04-25 4.46GB 2,34314+ 0
Caltech CS156 - Machine Learning - Yaser 54 2015-04-24 3.36GB 10,53423+ 0
A collection of sport activity files for data analysis and data mining 1 2015-02-16 316.18MB 2,3956+ 0
20150112.json.gz 1 2015-01-17 3.91GB 6,2676+ 0
A general method applicable to the search for similarities in the amino acid sequence of two proteins 1 2014-10-29 641.72kB 1,71214+ 0
The Extended Yale Face Database B 1 2014-10-20 2.09GB 18,44120+ 0
The Extended Yale Face Database B (Cropped) 1 2014-10-20 58.49MB 7,8657+ 0
MNIST Database 4 2014-10-14 11.59MB 3,96311+ 0
NLCD2006 Land Cover (2011 Edition) nlcd_2006_landcover_2011_edition_2014_03_31.zip 1 2014-10-08 1.09GB 5,1587+ 0
MPEG-7 Core Experiment CE-Shape-1 [tar.gz] 1 2014-10-08 2.27MB 4,79411+ 0
Object and Concept Recognition for Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) 1365 2014-09-22 387.89MB 2,3575+ 1
Mnih Massachusetts Building Dataset 303 2014-09-19 2.07GB 6,49810+ 0
Lerman Digg 2009 Dataset 2 2014-08-15 37.55MB 4,1909+ 0
Lerman Twitter 2010 Dataset 3 2014-08-15 292.17MB 3,40510+ 0
US domestic flights from 1990 to 2009 1 2014-08-10 35.40MB 8,41310+ 0
UMN Sarwat Foursquare Dataset (September 2013) 3 2014-07-02 160.75MB 2,28910+ 0
LBL-CONN-7 Network Traces 1 2014-05-16 15.58MB 5,79611+ 0
BU-Web-Client Network Traces 1 2014-05-16 13.79MB 10,13411+ 0
Wikipedia English Official Offline Edition 2014-02-03 1 2014-04-28 10.59GB 2,1404+ 0
Twitter Data - NIPS 2012 1 2014-04-06 22.34MB 8,77011+ 0
Introduction to Theory of Computation 1 2014-03-30 1.29MB 2,9244 0
Viking MDIM2.1 Colorized Global Mosaic 232m 1 2014-03-06 12.74GB 9,4267+ 1
Analysis of the Cryptocurrency Marketplace 1 2014-02-23 1.98MB 4,72867+ 2
Management of acute and post-operative pain in chronic kidney disease 1 2014-02-07 571.35kB 1,564 2
Introducing R 1 2014-02-04 820.99kB 4,89217+ 0
Accelerometer-Based Event Detector for Low-Power Applications 1 2014-02-01 1.45MB 2,2893+ 0
Efficient Accelerometer-based Event Detector in Wireless Sensor Networks 1 2014-02-01 516.71kB 1,6843+ 0
New approach for modeling of transiting exoplanets for arbitrary limb-darkening law 1 2014-02-01 3.58MB 1,6532+ 0
NLCD2006 Land Cover Change (NLCD2006_landcover_change_pixels_5-4-11_se5.zip) 1 2014-01-21 104.43MB 9,6169+ 0
Viking Merged Color Mosaic 17 2013-12-27 276.68MB 15,80912+ 0
MOLA Shaded Relief / Colorized Elevation 146 2013-12-27 2.77GB 9,83913+ 0
THEMIS Day IR Global Mosaic 217 2013-12-27 4.39GB 15,52214+ 1
Arizona State University Twitter Data Set 1 2013-12-23 354.77MB 14,80117+ 0
UCI Machine Learning Datasets 12/2013 211 2013-12-20 16.37GB 11,21510 0
Visual Object Classes Challenge 2012 Dataset (VOC2012) VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar 1 2013-12-19 2.00GB 3,16710+ 0
Crater Detection via Genetic Search Methods to Reduce Image Features 1 2013-12-15 19.31MB 3,0484+ 0
Bernoulli trials based feature selection for crater detection 1 2013-12-11 2.38MB 1,9894+ 1
Crater Dataset 1 2013-12-11 32.49MB 2,0608+ 0
Effectiveness of Cybersecurity Competitions 1 2013-11-25 318.48kB 2,2646+ 0
Mars Weekend: A Panel and Games at the Museum of Science Boston 1 2013-11-23 146.90kB 2,0542+ 0
Genetically Enhanced Feature Selection of Discriminative Planetary Crater Image Features 1 2013-11-23 580.96kB 2,4792+ 0

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