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  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
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84 votes

Do I have the legal right to demand information on plagiarism of my work from another university?

76 votes

Should I let my professor know that I cited a text written by him....that I pirated from online

67 votes

Is it fair that a PhD student should be allowed to review a research paper?

49 votes

Reasons for an academic to need administrator rights on work computer

47 votes

GitHub repository ownership as a PhD student in a lab

45 votes

How should one acknowledge a funding agency if it fulfils its obligations only partially?

38 votes

Why does a UK university need to know my sexual orientation and religion?

36 votes

Is it possible to write publication with a BSc student co-author?

35 votes

I am not getting academic credit for code I have written for my PhD, when it was later used in other research. Should I complain?

34 votes

What are the benefits of becoming an academic administrator?

33 votes

Could one become a successful researcher by writing some really good papers while being outside academia?

32 votes

In what month should I write to professors in Germany regarding PhD positions?

30 votes

How to be a co-author anonymously?

28 votes

How familiar should you be with a topic before assigning it as a thesis to an undergraduate?

28 votes

Miscited in a bachelor thesis

27 votes

Can version control systems, like Git, be used to establish priority date of a paper?

25 votes

Would most PhD supervisors stop working with a student who was unproductive due to clinical depression?

22 votes

How do you even write a proper email to a professor?

22 votes

In Germany, does an academic position after PhD have an age limit?

21 votes

Should I list my papers which are published in less known journals in my CV?

21 votes

Repeated demand for citing a certain paper in the referee report

20 votes

Would it be well-received to ask for the LaTeX source of a textbook?

19 votes

Is it true that almost everyone who starts a PhD and sticks around long enough can get one?

18 votes

The manuscript does not reach the required quality standard of this journal

18 votes

Co-author conflict after paper got accepted

17 votes

Why are most papers not dated?

17 votes

What is the status of foreign cloud apps in German universities?

16 votes

How do people have so many papers in just one year?

16 votes

Working and doing an MSc in physics in Europe

16 votes

Journal rejects my conference-to-journal extension, saying it's copied from previous publication. What should I do?

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