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XavierStuvw's user avatar
XavierStuvw's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
25 votes

Is it okay to keep a "Thank you" slide before references?

11 votes

How should I deal with critical comment that may affect on my research path?

9 votes

How to deal with arrogant e-mail of a student

9 votes

Professor refuses to write a recommendation letter to students who haven't written a research paper with him

8 votes

Can I contact the referee if I know their identity after a double-blind reviewing process?

5 votes

Why are review articles cited more frequently than original research articles?

5 votes

Is it better having a bad PhD done or having no PhD?

4 votes

Postdoc overwhelmed by incomplete work

4 votes

Paper author has not included all suggestions in peer review

4 votes

Why is it acceptable to cite unpublished works?

3 votes

How should I proceed when a (famous) professor says I'm not good enough for research?

3 votes

My advisor asked me to co-author a paper, but I have no interest in an academic career

3 votes

Should I report a PhD student’s incompetence to their supervisor?

3 votes

How do I handle a "fake" co-author?

2 votes

Rebuttal is limited to 500 words, but the reviewers asked almost 20 questions

2 votes

Referee wants me to add a plot – because the paper has none

2 votes

Is it appropriate to rewrite and republish another author's useful but very badly written paper?

2 votes

Student continues to email me after I told him I would not regrade his paper. Do I need to reply?

2 votes

Difficult student would dispute every grade in the course and now wants letter of recommendation

2 votes

What do I do if I cannot give a good reference to my PhD student?

1 vote

Telling a former supervisor you don't want to publish

1 vote

Do PhD students sometimes abandon their original research idea? If so, how do they cope with it?

1 vote

Equal author contribution

1 vote

As a Head of Department, how can I make my faculty happier?

1 vote

Who deserves to be first and second author? PhD student who collected data, research associate who wrote the paper or supervisor?

1 vote

Should I tell an editor that I believe an article I'm reviewing is not good enough for the journal?

1 vote

What should be done when the theory behind a PhD thesis turns out to be wrong?

0 votes

Is it appropriate to mention that authors refused to provide code samples when asked?

0 votes

My advisor wants to co-author a paper on my thesis work, but drags out the submission, claiming it isn't ready. Should I submit without him?

-1 votes

How should you respond when a professor answers your question with "It's obvious!"?