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Dirk's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
151 votes

Where to publish research if I do not want a peer review process?

120 votes

Is it normal for collaborator to rerun experiments himself?

113 votes

What to do about "grade grubbers?"

101 votes

Have I embarassed my supervisors by solving a problem that a PhD student in my group was working on without success?

78 votes

Thesis reviewer requests update to literature review to incorporate last four years of research. Do I need to do this?

74 votes

How does an Erratum on one's own paper affect one's career as a researcher?

67 votes

Is improving a simple algorithm without beating the state of the art still publishable?

65 votes

What prevents reviewers from providing biased and very negative reviews?

62 votes

What can I do about undergraduate students cheating?

57 votes

Are authors of papers okay with receiving questions from people in industry?

55 votes

Is it true that foreign students have very limited academic prospects in Germany?

55 votes

Is it rude not to attend courses which have no attendance requirements?

52 votes

What is the difference between Abstract, conclusion and summary?

49 votes

I'm feeling discouraged after getting tenure; should I quit?

49 votes

What is considered appropriate women's attire for a PhD interview in Germany?

47 votes

How to handle a common misconception when writing a Master's thesis?

47 votes

How to overcome difficulties of social interaction at my first academic conference

43 votes

How detailed should proofs be in a mathematical PhD thesis?

42 votes

How can I avoid being "the negative one" when giving feedback on statistics?

42 votes

What level of audience should one aim for in the introduction of a STEM thesis?

41 votes

When and why did conferences pick up the habit of giving out conference bags to attendees?

41 votes

I found published results of my mentor to be wrong. How to tell her?

39 votes

Should a student be penalized for using a theorem outside of the curriculum?

39 votes

Should I put the papers that I contributed only a little to on my CV

38 votes

When to use a table vs. a plot to present numeric information?

38 votes

Is it appropriate for an undergrad student to ask a professor to sign a non-disclosure agreement?

36 votes

My co authors backed out after paper acceptance, how to proceed

35 votes

Second author being lead presenter on paper at a conference?

35 votes

How to handle students who try to negotiate away penalties for late submission of coursework?

34 votes

How to deal with a very weak student?

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