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Captain Emacs
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
234 votes

Is the phrase "thanks, but no thanks" appropriate in an email sent to a supervisor?

148 votes

How to politely decline the university medal?

130 votes

Using rage faces in presentation

126 votes

One reviewer in the committee rejected my Ph.D. defense but he didn't attend

120 votes

Other students can easily cheat on a test and the grading system is relative - should I cheat, and what else can I do?

115 votes

I got a paper to review from a journal that had rejected my earlier works, how to respond?

114 votes

How to reply to an email from a student who wants a reply instantly?

109 votes

One of my student researchers is likely falsifying some results/data. What are the consequences?

103 votes

What should I do when my accepted paper is subsequently rejected?

98 votes

Was my student being disrespectful by using shouting language in her email to me?

82 votes

Is it acceptable to extend deadlines for coursework delayed due to student activism?

79 votes

What can I do if a student in my lab threatens to tell lies about me, and my advisor doesn't want to fire her?

79 votes

My research supervisor is asking me to fake results, what do I do?

78 votes

How to handle lecturer who doesn't let me use my phone?

74 votes

Is it ethical to upload an automatically generated paper to a non peer-reviewed site as part of a larger research?

71 votes

Can a company prevent a co-author of a paper from putting his name on it?

71 votes

How should a student deal with personal criticisms from an assistant professor?

70 votes

My advisor refuses to write me a recommendation for my PhD application unless I apply to his lab

70 votes

Include a mistake that cost extra when asking for reimbursement after faculty interview?

64 votes

Why is obtaining research grants so important to universities?

60 votes

I got an offer from my dream graduate school days after starting grad school somewhere else. What should I do?

60 votes

Is it bad if my mom comes to a conference with me?

59 votes

Must presenters in the humanities read their papers verbatim instead of summarizing/discussing them?

59 votes

Including somebody with an unrelated degree as a coauthor?

59 votes

How can I deal with students who try to steer a course (in the online setting)?

57 votes

My personal views and my research work kind of collide. What can I do?

55 votes

Should I give professor gift at the beginning of my PhD?

54 votes

How to supervise and support a smart but rebellious student?

49 votes

How to deal with a colleague who always puts you down?

48 votes

How to publish a paper that does not seem to be within the scope of any journal?

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