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Dikran Marsupial's user avatar
Dikran Marsupial
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
63 votes

Should your PhD students call you by your first name?

34 votes

Is supervisor bound to clarify the technical queries of a Ph.D. researcher?

26 votes

What is the advantage of becoming a full professor if you already have tenure as an associate professor?

26 votes

How to deal with students who are regularly late?

24 votes

My advisor stopped formalizing my work, what should I do now?

23 votes

Why should I meet my advisor even if I have nothing to report?

21 votes

If one got good feedback from a double-blind review, is it ever possible/ justifiable to find out who the reviewer was?

20 votes

Can I write a systematic review as an undergraduate and get it published in a journal?

18 votes

Why are papers without code but with results accepted?

15 votes

Major review for the second time

11 votes

How should I admit a teaching mistake without losing authority?

9 votes

How accurate are published papers?

9 votes

How to suggest reviewers for a journal?

8 votes

Journals selection - alternative criteria to impact factor

8 votes

Why aren't more research papers/textbooks written in a "thought process" style?

8 votes

Is it normal to be expected to read a 400 page academic textbook in a week?

7 votes

Why don't professors seem to use learning strategies like spaced repetition and note-taking?

7 votes

Having a lot of papers published in unimportant conferences VS very few in good ones?

6 votes

How to supervise and support a smart but rebellious student?

6 votes

Advice for an early career lecturer

5 votes

Does taking the title 'reader' have any connotations?

5 votes

Is it fair to not transliterate non-English sources in the bibliography?

5 votes

If a theorem is named after Mike, is it a "Mike Theorem" or "Mike's Theorem"?

5 votes

Will rejecting more papers than I accept reflect negatively on me as a reviewer?

5 votes

Archiving papers, simulation and experimental data, etc?

5 votes

Publication fee for reply to comment?

4 votes

Answering the "why do you want to do a PhD?" question

4 votes

Will the PhD degree be retracted if the thesis is found to be not novel?

4 votes

Can I withdraw a paper from IEEE conference after signing the copyright form?

4 votes

Worry about stealing of research ideas