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Ellen Spertus's user avatar
Ellen Spertus
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
84 votes

Do authors have to be politically correct in article-writing?

56 votes

How to deal with an advisor who wants a "friendlier" relationship with me than I do?

37 votes

Why does a university course become defunct?

35 votes

How should I decline a referee request for the paper which I refereed before?

21 votes

Strategy for revealing pregnancy to new department/department chair

16 votes

What should I do if I accepted a review request based on paper title, but then found out it touches on topics I don't know?

13 votes

What rate of faculty turnover is healthy?

12 votes

Ask how to pronounce advisor's last name?

10 votes

Which is more important for PhD applicants — Quality or quantity of research papers?

10 votes

How do you get a bad transcript past Ph.D. admissions?

9 votes

How can I make sure I (a white male teaching math) am sensitive to "underprivileged" students in my class?

8 votes

Being harassed by a department chair

8 votes

How should I write the last sentence in my email to a professor?

8 votes

Should I agree to review a paper that I do not fully understand?

8 votes

Can I give back my Master's Degree and remove my Master's Thesis?

7 votes

Word choice for salutation in a formal email to your PhD adviser, Is *Dear Boss* appropriate?

7 votes

What do I do if a professor at a foreign university doesn't respond to my emails?

7 votes

Checking/Ticking all the fields on a recommendation letter as "Exceptional"

6 votes

How to acquire 3 recommendation letters to apply for jobs when working with 1 advisor?

6 votes

Incentives for professors to write recommendation letters

6 votes

Could you get a doctorate based solely on a thesis written in your free time?

6 votes

Whether to share at thesis defense where I have submitted pertaining papers to

5 votes

I feel like my teacher is disrespectful towards me in the most subtle, Japanese way possible. What should I do?

5 votes

Do I have to implement published algorithms in the same manner as the original source?

5 votes

Retroactively turning down an accepted offer to a professional program from one school in favour of an offer from another school?

5 votes

Is it the number or quality of internships that is more important for Graduate School admission into Computer Science?

4 votes

What is the best way to solicit teaching feedback from students (before the class is over)?

4 votes

Are there any differences between Master's admissions and Ph.D admissions in the US?

4 votes

Gender transition as a starting faculty member: a terrible idea?

3 votes

What is the difference between project and thesis?