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dearN's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
24 votes

How to find a good topic for a PhD research proposal?

23 votes

What part-time jobs are suitable for PhD students?

18 votes

What's the etiquette for a short visit to a US university department by a faculty member from another university?

13 votes

Are there any good job directories for academic work?

8 votes

How to acquire 3 recommendation letters to apply for jobs when working with 1 advisor?

8 votes

How to select a dissertation committee member wisely?

7 votes

Software/App for electronic research notebooks

7 votes

How should students approach quals?

6 votes

How to prevent students from having an unfair advantage on exams, when they are held on different days?

5 votes

Balancing coursework, research, and teaching

5 votes

OpenOffice Vs. LibreOffice Vs. MSOffice for academic writing

4 votes

Teaching Assistantships and research

4 votes

Age and Graduate school

3 votes

Usefulness of graduate school extracurriculars

3 votes

Post-doc positions in Mechanical Engineering

3 votes

Free web hosting for academics

2 votes

Dislike PhD project

2 votes

If I abandon my PhD program, will it prevent me from continuing elsewhere?

1 vote

1 or 2 Year Master's Program