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lordy's user avatar
lordy's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
99 votes

Failing students when it might cause them economic ruin

87 votes

My admission is revoked after accepting the admission offer

50 votes

Do I have to report all data and how should I deal with outliers if there are too many?

34 votes

How to share authorship in a 2-author paper where both contributed equally

33 votes

How to spot abusive/incompetent supervisors in advance

31 votes

MSc thesis written jointly by two students

29 votes

Why doesn't the university give past final exams' answers?

24 votes

Should I include code in my research paper?

24 votes

Can I publish my thesis online and get paid?

21 votes

For a new assistant professor in CS, how to build/manage a publication pipeline

19 votes

Writing Thesis: Copying from published papers

19 votes

Why do people generally do postdoc?

15 votes

How (il)legal and common is it for a university to make one work BEFORE signing a contract?

15 votes

How old can references or sources in a thesis be?

13 votes

Can a data science postdoc improve their chances in industry as a pure science graduate?

12 votes

I know that there is a preselected candidate for a position to be filled at my department. What should I do?

10 votes

What is the upper age limit for a master's degree program in Germany?

9 votes

Should I always keep my professor in cc

9 votes

I caught several of my students plagiarizing. Could it be my fault as a teacher?

9 votes

Are the number of citations and number of published articles the most important criteria for a tenure promotion?

9 votes

Accepting two offers for PhD in USA before April 15th

9 votes

How to write papers efficiently when English isn't my first language?

8 votes

Is it impolite to send the professor a pre-written letter of recommendation for approval?

7 votes

Is there a way to save my career from absolute disaster?

7 votes

Thinking about leaving industry job and taking up a postdoc

7 votes

Applying for a job with former PhD supervisor - what to do about references?

6 votes

Pre-tenure strategies to spend less time on bureaucracy, and more on research

6 votes

Under review paper appearing on SSRN

5 votes

Is it plagiarism if my PhD Supervisor uses my graphs and animations (without asking me) in funding proposals and presentations to companies?

5 votes

Where do all the essays go in college?