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51 votes

My code is published as original work by a different group. What should I do?

This seems to be a clear case of plagiarism, and potentially a copyright violation. The BSD license contains a line "Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list ...
Danny Ruijters's user avatar
47 votes

I mistakenly chose the CC BY 4.0 license on arxiv. Can anyone take my paper and publish it in a journal or conference?

Can anyone publish my paper in a journal or conference? They'd need to attribute the paper to you. Most journals will only accept papers written by the person who is submitting the paper. Can a ...
Brian's user avatar
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42 votes

What license to choose for my PhD thesis?

CC-BY seems to be the industry standard license for open access papers, see Why CC-BY? for a discussion of the reasons. It's a well-known license, that allows various kinds of later use (including ...
Anyon's user avatar
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33 votes

Is there an open-source license that enforces citations?

Before thinking of the citation of the software, think of the related situation for scientific articles. Have you have read an article with a comment "If you use the results of our research, it is ...
Pierre de Buyl's user avatar
30 votes

MathSciNet reviews license

Here are some answers to your questions: Yes, MathSciNet is behind a paywall. Yes, we ask reviewers to give us copyright to their reviews. Yes, you can post your reviews elsewhere. In return, for ...
Edward Dunne's user avatar
24 votes

Does publication of results trigger the GPLv3 license?

No, the output of a GPL-covered program is not covered by the same license as the source code, apart from very special cases. Reference 1: In what cases is the output of a GPL program covered by the ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
18 votes

I mistakenly chose the CC BY 4.0 license on arxiv. Can anyone take my paper and publish it in a journal or conference?

The license mainly affects legal rights, not academic ethics. Codes and conventions of academic ethics provide (generally) clear guidelines on who can submit papers for publication, what authorship ...
PLL's user avatar
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18 votes

Does publication of results trigger the GPLv3 license?

I'm in agreement with the answer of Federico Poloni and the answer of Anonymous M, but point out that you need to either keep the modified code to yourself or have the license extended to it. While it ...
Buffy's user avatar
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17 votes

Does the ND (NoDerivatives) clause forbid the distribution of any form of text or data mining based on papers with such a license?

According to the Guide to Mining CC-Licensed Material (mirror), the answer may depend on what you produce with the text/data mining. If you run some calculations and then write a paper describing ...
Anonymous Mathematician's user avatar
17 votes

What license to use while putting papers on the Arxiv?

This is the right license that you can always safely pick (assuming you can submit to arXiv at all): perpetual, non-exclusive license to distribute this article (Minimal rights required ...
Jukka Suomela's user avatar
17 votes

I mistakenly chose the CC BY 4.0 license on arxiv. Can anyone take my paper and publish it in a journal or conference?

Anybody attempting to publish your paper under their name would be committing plagiarism and breaking the license agreement. Anybody submitting your paper under your name would be committing some sort ...
Anyon's user avatar
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15 votes

Is there an open-source license that enforces citations?

A license requiring some form of citation is certainly possible, but there would be practical problems which, I believe, far outweigh the benefits. To get an idea of what such problems might be, ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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14 votes

Which license should be chosen in arXiv for a paper to be published in Elsevier?

How to add another Creative Commons license to an arXiv paper: We currently support three of the Creative Commons licenses. If you wish to use a different CC license, then select arXiv's non-...
FuzzyLeapfrog's user avatar
13 votes

Given the traditional ACM copyright license, is it legal to publish the paper on ResearchGate?

No. Researchgate is a for-profit organization that makes money from ads and job adverts. See for instance
Federico Poloni's user avatar
12 votes

Is there an open-source license that enforces citations?

Unless you use some third-party code that is copyleft-licensed and forces you to use the same license, as the author/copyright holder, you are entirely free to choose your own licensing terms. (There ...
nengel's user avatar
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11 votes

I chose wrong license during submission on arXiv, what shall I do?

Passively play along like a boss. @AnonymousMathematician's practical suggestion for undoing things on ArXiv may work, but let's suppose it doesn't. What do you do now? Well, just do exactly what ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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11 votes

Requiring specific licensing for optional coursework - is it OK?

You should definitely consult a corporate lawyer at your academic institution for a definitive answer, but I will offer my thoughts. First, the excerpt that you quoted does not seem to apply to the ...
Tripartio's user avatar
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10 votes

Is publishing in a journal considered "commercial use"?

For an author writing a paper, the answer would be no. The author isn't exploiting the software for commercial use, but for scientific/academic work. The author that uses the software isn't selling ...
Buffy's user avatar
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9 votes

Can I use decompiled source code for research?

Using a decompiler, you can work with the restored source code as good as if the authors had made the code available in the first place. Not even close. Try running the decompiler on a free software ...
DepressedDaniel's user avatar
9 votes

Which license should be chosen in arXiv for a paper to be published in Elsevier?

The top option, allowing only the arXiv to distribute what has been submitted to them, is more restrictive than any of the Creative Commons licences, as they are designed to allow others to use the ...
Jessica B's user avatar
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9 votes

MathSciNet reviews license

Option 1: Refuse on principle. Do seriously consider telling MathSciNet you'll gladly accept, if they were to drop their paywall and make their content publicly accessible; which they will likely ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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8 votes

If an image covers the entire slide, where should I credit the author/licensor in a presentation?

Bottom right corner (maybe unobtrusive in gray, as not to interfere with the white background) seems right to me - you see this often in paper magazines, too. This way nobody can easily or ...
jvb's user avatar
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8 votes

Which license should be chosen in arXiv for a paper to be published in IEEE TPDS?

I am no lawyer and I have not read the complete legalese, but as far as I see, the first option (non-exclusive and irrevocable license to distribute the article) is the only possible valid one, as it ...
mlk's user avatar
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8 votes

Which license should I choose on for later publication?

I think there are two factors you will usually take into account: The policy of the journal or journals you expect to submit the work to. You must choose a license that is permitted by that journal. ...
David Ketcheson's user avatar
7 votes

Can I use images from an arxiv paper (and some others) in my undergrad thesis?

There are at least four things to consider: Is it allowed by academic ethics? Yes, if you cite appropriately and make it clear where the image came from. Is it allowed by copyright law? Maybe. You'...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
7 votes

What license to choose for my PhD thesis?

Copyright only applies to the way ideas or information are presented, not the information itself. That's why you were able to just cite other researchers in your thesis without asking them. Therefore, ...
jaia's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I view the license information of preprints on the arXiv?

Below the download options for each article (i.e. "pdf", "postscript", etc.) there is a link in very small print labeled "license".
mlk's user avatar
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7 votes

I mistakenly chose the CC BY 4.0 license on arxiv. Can anyone take my paper and publish it in a journal or conference?

Can anyone publish my paper in a journal or conference? As mentioned in the other answers, they could, with attribution. But they probably will not because it is not profitable. Is there any way ...
Anonymous Physicist's user avatar

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