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[journal-workflow] concerns the workflow within journals after submission of a manuscript until its acceptance or rejection. Please click on “info” before asking a question.

Before asking, please take a look at: What does the typical workflow of a journal look like?

The tag concerns the workflow within journals after submission of a manuscript until its acceptance or rejection. Many journals use electronic submission systems such as EES (Elsevier), ScholarOne Manuscripts, Editorial manager, and eJournal Press. Each system sets up custom workflows for each journal but involve internal features common to users within each system.

There are also journals that handle manuscripts manually, these probably also follow a more or less fixed system for handling manuscripts through the process.

The tag thus covers questions on signals to authors from electronic systems, the internal workings of journals handling manuscripts from submitted manuscript to published article. In analogue manuscript handling communication occurs with an editor while in electronic systems, the system automatically handles processing and communications in response to events. Understanding the internal work is therefore key to understanding the signals provided by such a system.