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A curriculum vitae (CV) or resume provides an overview of a person's education, academic and industry experience, some of his qualifications, research interests and a list of his references. A CV may be optimized and edited to highlight some parts of the CV to be presented into a research institute or to apply for a job.

Curriculum vitæ, is a Latin expression which can be loosely translated as "[the] course of [my] life".

In the United Kingdom, a CV is short (usually a maximum of 2 sides of A4 paper), and therefore contains only a summary of the job seeker's employment history, qualifications and some personal information. A CV can also be extended to include an extra page for the job-seeker's publications if these are important for the job.

In the United States and Canada, a CV is used as a "replacement" for a résumé and is far more comprehensive; the term résumé is used for most recruitment campaigns. A CV elaborates on education to a greater degree than a résumé and is expected to include a comprehensive listing of professional history, academic credential, publication, contribution or significant achievement.

Note : This tag wiki has content adapted from Wikipedia, used under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.

A CV for a position in academia is often generated using . Template examples and questions and answers about resumes can be found here:

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