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Questions tagged [workshop]

Questions about academic workshops, which are often smaller, more collaborative forms of an academic conference, or which take place as a session of a larger conference.

4 votes
2 answers

Should one submit to a workshop and a conference at the same time, typically ACL and EMNLP?

I am currently a PhD student in NLP. Say that I submitted my work to ACL, where my paper was rejected for the main conference. Then I submitted to a workshop attached to ACL, for a deadline of June ...
qan's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What costs should one take into account while planning a workshop?

Imagine an STEM-based (European or North American) grant proposal in the last phase of which a workshop is desired to be held in order to better disseminate research results among not only researchers ...
User's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Interpreting frequent rejects from PhD workshops/conferences

I am already at the end of my 2nd year of PhD studies. Currently, I do not have a publication in a journal; however, I have few published proceedings from conferences. I have chosen my own research ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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3 answers

How to include workshops/hands-on sessions on CV?

I'm in my second year of PhD in the field of astronomy and have recently been invited to a scientific meeting with about 20 people to give a 1:30h workshop/hands-on session about a certain simulation ...
Phil's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can I include an invitation to an Isaac Newton Institute program to my CV?

I would like to know how to include invitations to highly-regarded research programmes in a CV such as the ones being held in the Isaac Newton Institute. These invitations are commonly paid. That is, ...
Miguel Cárcamo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I get email alerts of conferences, summer schools and workshops in statistical physics? [closed]

To the statistical physics community: I am a PhD student in theoretical statistical physics. I want to be up-to-date with my field. How can I get newsletter/ email alerts/ updates of summer schools, ...
6ares's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Who is the typical speaker at an academic workshop (in the field of Economics)? [closed]

I've been asked to help with an academic workshop in the field of Economics and I was wondering whether most speakers who are invited to such events are faculty members or PhD students (apart from ...
erised's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Does attending many conferences/workshops increase your chances of landing a post-doc?

I am in my first year of PhD studies within science in Europe, and my interest and goal in the future is to to pursue an academic career, where I can find a permanent position in Europe. I am ...
Atom1667's user avatar
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What does it mean that a workshop has proceedings in the main conference?

In my (short) research experience I have come across workshops whose main track either (1) has its own proceedings (outside the main conference with which it is co-located) or (2) has no proceedings ...
Theo Deep's user avatar
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Realistic chance to get internship through workshop paper at big conference (ACL) in Canada as a foreigner (CompSci)? [closed]

I am finishing my undergraduate studies soon (CompSci) and am currently writing a paper. I am still deciding whether to submit it to a smaller conference or to a workshop at a big conference. (I don't ...
jon's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Can one submit to two places BUT one is non archival?

I was wondering if one can submit to two conferences/journals, but one is non-archival (e.g., a workshop). My curiosity stems from the NeurIPS experiment showing that the submission process seems ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
1 vote
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Submitting to a workshop after journal submission

I have recently resubmitted my manuscript after major revisions to a mid-lower tier open access journal. I am interested in submitting this same manuscript as a proposal to a workshop. On the workshop'...
anonhelp's user avatar
0 votes
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How to run an effective academic workshop/seminar series?

I’m a new faculty member setting up a new seminar series in my small-ish department. Visiting speakers will come and present some of their work. The audience will ask questions during the talk and ...
Dr. Beeblebrox's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Is it common to be asked to take days off to go to a conference/workshop? (US)

My colleague and I started as postdocs this year in a US lab. Recently, we respectively decided to go to a conference and a workshop. The conference was planned since a long time for my colleague, so ...
Argent's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can we convert poster viewing distance to a software "zoom factor"?

I am preparing a poster for an in-person (finally) workshop and I know that the general guide for posters is that they should be readable from 1-2 meters away. What I don't know is how this translates ...
FirefoxMetzger's user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

Would University Professors be open to teaching short cohort based courses for massive financial upside?

As academics, professors and researchers possess a high level of subject matter expertise. However, many a times this knowledge is not accessible beyond small circles of people. In such a scenario ...
Anuraj Rawat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

For LORs being drafted by the recommendee, do the contents need to be different?

I'm applying to a 24 week workshop (or short school), and I have two former attendees who are willing to write LORs for me. They are either nominated in the front page of the website, or still ...
Ooker's user avatar
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How to deal with force citations by organizers

I have seen organizers of different workshops in machine learning making it mandatory to cite their papers. This is totally fine if it is base paper or paper describing the dataset. But sometimes they ...
Talha Anwar's user avatar
0 votes
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How much weight do workshop papers hold for PhD Admissions (Fall 2022 CS USA)

Background: CS undergrad applying to CS PhD programs. I recently got a workshop (poster paper) accepted at the best conference in my domain as a third author (first three authors equal contribution, 7 ...
Academic's user avatar
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What are some good tips for people who wants to start a workshop from scratch?

I, and a group of my colleagues want to start a workshop which covers a topic which generally draws interest but usually categorized as "other topics" in well-known workshops. We want to ...
padawan's user avatar
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10 votes
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Publishing a paper in my own workshop

I'm co-organizing a workshop in conjunction of a leading conference. Since the topic is quite close to my work I'm considering to submit my own paper to the workshop. Given the fact that I'm serving ...
GoldenBlood's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What are the steps to find a publisher and strike a deal to publish the proceedings of a workshop?

I help organize a workshop in a conference on machine learning where the conference doesn't publish proceedings for the workshops: the workshops have to do it themselves if they want to. What are the ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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Submit an idea to a conference

I was wondering if it is appropriate to submit a work to a conference call, which only presents an idea without further development. So far, in my field, computer science, I usually submit works ...
Bub Espinja's user avatar
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Am I allowed to provide the Camera Ready Copy (CRC) / Preprint of my paper published in Springer Workshop Proceedings online on my homepage?

my work was accepted as workshop paper and the conference was held some weeks ago. Until now, the paper is nowhere published. Last year, the Spriner Workshop Proceedings needed 6 months to publish it. ...
user3352632's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Organized or co-organized?

I organized a couple of workshops, as in I was the correspondent person, and I designed the workshop, invited others to co-organize with me, was the lead editor to proceedings etc. But I feel awkward ...
dusa's user avatar
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How do I cite CVPR workshop conference "short" paper?

CVPR doesn't add workshop "short papers" into the proceedings, but they have uploaded all of it onto a repo. How do I cite this when it's not in proceedings?
123movies's user avatar
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Who decides the paper acceptance rate at a workshop organized as part of a conference: the workshop organizers or the conference organizers?

Who decides the paper acceptance rate at a workshop organized as part of a conference: the workshop organizers or the conference organizers?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are (computer science) workshops less prestigious than conferences in general? [duplicate]

I am a PhD student in computer science and I have noticed that my advisor tries to avoid having me submit to workshops in my field when I bring workshops to his attention that we could submit to. He, ...
learnerX's user avatar
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32 votes
8 answers

A few students requesting to cancel lectures due to their personal reasons. What should I do?

I give lectures to postgraduate students. The number of students in this batch is very low (< 20). The lectures are foundation lectures for the course. We are only into the basics of the course. ...
Coder's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Paper status "Accept with Shepherd". What does it really mean?

Recently, one of my works have received the status of Accept with Shepherd. We have received many suggestions from the reviewers. I'd like to know in more detail in which real status is my paper and ...
Bub Espinja's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to answer future work questions in a presentation?

Our paper has recently been accepted to a be presented at a workshop. It's a compiler paper that discusses how we generate code for a specific algorithm for a specific hardware accelerator. ...
Russell's user avatar
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1 answer

choosing workshops/conferences to attend and publish research

I have been able to attend a few different conferences and workshops during my limited time being a masters and PhD student. Some to present my research and some just to watch presentations. I have ...
user1365234's user avatar
3 votes
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How to attend conferences efficiently?

As a master's student, I've recently attended my first summer school. I waited for it eagerly since there would be learning about my research topic, interacting with other students and travelling. But ...
fresheed's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Workshop submission by a first year student, does it count?

I have asked earlier this question in that post Submitting Workshop Proposal by A first Year PhD student I asked my supervisor and he is okay, but I was astonished that he told me that I have to take ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Submitting Workshop Proposal by A first Year PhD student

I am interested in submitting a workshop proposal for a top-tier conference related to my topic. I don't know whether this could be a good idea but this year I co-organized a workshop in a top-tier ...
user avatar
18 votes
10 answers

First-year PhD giving a talk among well-established researchers in the field

I am currently a first-year Ph.D. student, before that (as I have posted about before) I was forced to leave my Ph.D. program after one year because of a bullying supervisor. Previously, I made a good ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How does academics form discussion & study environments efficiency and effectively?

As a student, I often read & hear academics meeting in workshops to discuss problems in their fields with their colleagues, or with academics in other field etc.. As a Physics & Mathematics ...
Our's user avatar
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Nominating my Supervisor as a Speaker in a Workshop Conference

I am interested in nominating my female supervisor to be a speaker in a workshop for women in an international conference, she is quite intelligent, helpful to other female students and that triggered ...
user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Are not published workshop papers considered in similarity check for an extended journal paper?

I am going to submit my journal paper in 2 weeks. Besides, there is a workshop whose deadline is in a couple of days. I am going to submit a brief version of my potential journal paper (12 pages) in ...
Mohammad's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can I submit a paper to a call for paper and a call for workshops for the same conference?

I am applying to a top tier ML/Data-Science Conference and I feel that I might have a higher probability getting accepted in the call for workshops over the call for papers. Can I submit the same ...
Ali Hussein's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to list workshop presentations on a CV when circumstances change?

This might be a bit of an unusual situation. I was accepted to a workshop as a solo authored abstract, but a situation arose in which I was unable to attend. However, the organizer allowed for my ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Workshop versus conference deadline

I noticed a particular conference had a deadline in January, whereas a workshop collocated at the conference had a deadline in May. Does this mean the workshop is merely using the location of the ...
midawn98's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the usual dress code for academic workshops? [duplicate]

I'm attending my first academic/industry workshop next week and was wondering what is the convention with regards to the dress code. It's a three-day affair where each participant is required to ...
KubaFYI's user avatar
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The Pros and Cons of Volunteering in Organizing Workshop in High Prestigious Conference

The last year, I have been granted a fund from a workshop in High Prestigious Conference, from a couple of days I have received from the organizer if I would like to volunteer in organizing the next ...
user avatar
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What should I do with a workshop paper which is peer reviewed, but only available on the workshop website?

I presented a paper in a workshop in CS. The workshop was related to a good conference, and they had a peer review system for evaluating the papers. But they do not have a proceeding and only made the ...
Bob's user avatar
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"Poster presentation" vs "poster only" in academic conference

I want to submit an abstract. I have three options: Oral presentation Poster presentation Poster ONLY What is the difference between 2 and 3?
learners's user avatar
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What are the benefits of participating in workshops related to good conferences?

I just received the acceptance notification of my paper in one of the workshops related to ECML/PKDD conference which is among good conferences in computer science. However, my paper is accepted as ...
Bob's user avatar
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Poster session includes a "poster" + "article"?

When we are accepted in a poster session, does it mean that we need to provide a "poster" (usually in A0 size) + an "article" which explains the topic in a separate file ? Or both poster and article ...
Questioner's user avatar
3 votes
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difference between symposium and workshop?

I am not sure if it is too naive, but can anyone please let me know the difference between a symposium and a workshop. I aim to submit my paper to a conference where call-for-paper is for the ...
SJa's user avatar
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7 answers

How to practice alone for a presentation?

I am well aware that, when it comes to preparing to give a talk at a conference, "practice makes perfect". The problem is that, realistically, it tends not to be possible to find an audience for more ...
Dominic Else's user avatar

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