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Questions tagged [wikipedia]

Wikipedia is a free encyclopaedia that anyone can edit, and a place of first resort for many people to find knowledge about a vast array of subjects.

2 votes
1 answer

How do I go about adding a figure from APS journals to Wikipedia?

I would like to add a figure from an article published in Physical Review E to a Wikipedia article. I have already contacted the corresponding author for permission, but I am not sure how I should ...
Emmy B's user avatar
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7 answers

Is it advisable to use Wikipedia for note-making?

Some people summarize the content of a lecture to deepen their understanding, but I am thinking about using Wikipedia instead. Specifically, I mean finding the Wikipedia article (in my primary, non-...
user46812's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it OK to write Wikipedia articles about your research?

On Wikipedia, people sometimes write articles on their research topic or add their results to existing articles (probably in order to increase their visibility). I make this assumption if the ...
Libavi's user avatar
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3 answers

Am I responsible for a Wikipedia article if I wrote it? [closed]

Some time ago I wrote a few Wikipedia articles covering a rather obscure event I was interested in. I did it more or less completely out of interest and was not paid in any way. Although Wikipedia is ...
Allure's user avatar
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3 answers

Is a journal based on extending Wikipedia articles feasible?

A large part of the work in writing a paper in my field (theoretical CS and economics) is writing the introduction, the problem description, the motivation, and the related work. A large part of this ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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1 answer

How to decode a difficult citation in Wikipedia with "Historical Library"? [closed]

Historical Library, V,39,1. -- I came across this (bad?) citation while reading Wikipedia and I don't know how to follow it. Can someone please ...
Jacob Stewart's user avatar
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Scientific Topic on Wikipedia originated from a Scientific Article with Low Citations

As fas as I see it, one way to known if certain scientific article is important or relevant, is to see how much cited it is .. For example, let's take Karl Schwarzschild He's known better known for ...
Nau's user avatar
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Wikipedia paragraph in the Introduction section?

The Introduction section of a paper is supposed to broadly introduce the topic. What better beginning of a broad chapter than a part of the Wikipedia summary paragraph on the topic? Because it is free ...
Vorac's user avatar
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1 answer

Does copying facts from Wikipedia, with attribution, constitute plagiarism?

I had an assignment where I had to create a web-based advertisement for a Computer that was created in the 1970 era or earlier. In my advertisement, I copied facts from Wikipedia such as "Output ...
Nick's user avatar
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4 answers

Would it be inappropriate to cite wikipedia for something trivial in an academic article? [duplicate]

Edit: I believe this is not a duplicate of Are there instances where citing Wikipedia is allowed?, because that question asks about citing Wikipedia for knowledge that is very basic but is nonetheless ...
Ceph's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to cite an article from a corporate website? Can Wikipedia be used to prove credibility?

I need relatively broad information on the functionality of a certain technology as part of the exposition to my seminar paper. As scholarly papers tend to focus on very specific questions, already ...
StckXchnge-nub12's user avatar
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Why is Reddit not a reliable source of experts? [closed]

Some people say that you should take for granted for opinions on Reddit, because comparing it to academic journals is like comparing kindergarten to university. But I don't understand. Well, it's true ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Is it a good idea to include the writing of a wikipedia article(s) on your CV before grad school application?

I am considering applying for graduate school at some point, and I am wondering how academia looks upon contributions to Wikipedia. Essentially, the article will be a dedicated to a very specific ...
ags14's user avatar
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6 answers

How to cite that something is *not* on Wikipedia

I am presently writing an article about a certain class of discrete probability distributions, and I want to mention that the distribution is relatively obscure compared to other common distributions. ...
Ben's user avatar
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Is it true that articles cited in Wikipedia get more citations?

It is famously known that “visibility” of an article influences its citation count. Is it true that articles cited in Wikipedia page get more academic citations?
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