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Questions tagged [two-body-problem]

For questions about the "two-body problem" in academia, which refers to the challenges partners in a committed relationship (particularly those in academia) face in obtaining jobs at the same university or within a reasonable commuting distance from each other.

24 votes
4 answers

How should I approach job materials for a lateral move entirely for two-body reasons?

I am a tenure track assistant professor at a liberal arts college. I Iike my job quite a bit, but it is located in an impoverished, rural area. My partner works in the nearest large city, 2.5 hours ...
The Person In Question's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Mention two-body-problem in PhD applications? If so, where?

My significant other and I finish our master degrees at the same time and thus we are applying for PhD programmes at the same time. One major factor of accepting a potential offer would be if we could ...
Timme's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What would be different between two years of graduate admissions?

A bit of background to contextualize: So I'm in a bit of a two-body problem with both me and my wife interested in applying for programs in the near future. Mine would be five-year-plus program and ...
Azor Ahai -him-'s user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How do you think about volunteering helpers and two-body problem for PhD

I am an international student and I just got the offer of a very good D.Phil. program in an elite university in the UK. My only concern is the "two-body problem", i.e., I have to get involved into a ...
John's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

How to politely inform potential PhD supervisor that I must wait before responding to an offer? (Two-body problem)

I am a physics student in the UK. A university (university A) has made me a PhD offer. The email from admissions was very clear that there is a 30-day time limit on this offer. As it happens I am ...
Clumsy cat's user avatar
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38 votes
5 answers

Fiancée has a position lined up, but none of the universities in the area are hiring. What else can I do to get an academic position in the area?

I find myself in an unfortunate two-body problem situation. My fiancée got two offers earlier this year, one a post doc and the other a tenure track position. She deferred the tenure track for a year ...
Cameron Williams's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Wife: advantage or drawback when asking for visiting student position?

My wife and I are both PhD candidate in major-but-not-elite French universities. We study in completely different fields. She got a visiting student position in the US for 1 semester as of January ...
ebosi's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Applying early as a postdoc + two-body problem

A recent question asked about applying for tenure-track jobs before the end of a postdoc. I'm in a similar position, also in math, and would like to ask the same question with an additional twist. I'...
a postdoc's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Why and how to go to the US for a PhD-exchange semester?

Context: My wife and I are both PhD candidates in good-but-not-major eastern European universities, aiming to defend our theses in fall 2017 (i.e., in 15 months). She works in accounting, whereas my ...
ebosi's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

As an ambitious female PhD student, should I avoid dating people? [closed]

I am a female PhD student, studying computer science at a top school in the heart of Silicon Valley. I have a wonderful boyfriend who probably never wants to leave the Bay Area because he is (a) a ...
girl's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How can I gracefully exit my current post-doc position for a new one?

I'm a post-doctoral research fellow and I've just been offered another post-doc position at another university. I still have a year and a half left on my original contract, but it's not going as well ...
PineTreeThree's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to approach the dean and/or provost about a years-old two-body problem?

Both my wife and I are scientists in the same field. Approximately 4 years ago she accepted a tenure-track position, and in what seemed like a good opportunity at the time, we both decided it was a ...
Joel DeWitt's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Trailing spouse postdoc

My husband has accepted a postdoc position in a city in Australia with two great institutions where I think I'll have a good shot at securing a postdoc for myself. I have some great connections to ...
BefuddledSpouse's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How common is spousal hire (academic or non-academic) in the Australia/New Zealand system?

I am an academic with hoping for an offer at an Oceania university. I want to know how common in this system is it to ask the university to give my spouse a job? It is common and often successful in ...
John's user avatar
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32 votes
4 answers

Is it OK to mention a two-body problem during a tenure-track interview, if getting the job would actually resolve the problem?

I'm having an upcoming phone interview for a tenure-track position and I expect that I will be asked the usual "Why would you want to work here?" question. Apart from reasons relating to the research ...
tenureTrackCand's user avatar

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