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Questions tagged [tuition]

Fees paid by students to academic institutes they attend to cover educational expenses.

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2 answers

Tuition fees vs enrolment fees?

What is the difference between tuition fees and enrolment fees? The University I'm planning to apply for MA studies, requires Non-EU students to pay 1500 euros per semester for tuition and 150 euros ...
escplat12's user avatar
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Pay for a Doctorate by working at institution?

A friend of mine was working on a doctorate at a local university, and they offered to hire him as an adjunct so he wouldn't have to pay for the doctorate. Is there an easier way for me to search ...
M. Johnson's user avatar
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Slow dissertation advisor: should I complain?

My doctoral advisor has regularly taken 3-4 weeks to respond to each round of my revisions on my doctoral dissertation draft. Because of her lengthy response delays, I defended very late in the ...
Jessica Rabbit's user avatar
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Scholarship award not being honored

I was announced as a recipient of a scholarship from an organization outside of the university, and the organization doesn't seem to be honoring the scholarship. The announcement was made months ago ...
Golightly's user avatar
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How much public funding do private universities in the United States receive, directly or indirectly?

I am trying to assess how much public funding private universities in the United States receive. I found a study that partially answers the question: Taxpayer Subsidies for Most Colleges and ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How to estimate cost of a course when price is quoted per semester but program has three semesters?

I'm looking to get an MBA at University of Texas at Austin. I'm planning on working full-time while going to school, so I'm interested in their Evening MBA program. I'm trying to understand costs. ...
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Is it normal for US PhD programs to require students to pay tuition for extra credits beyond 9 credits/semester?

Last semester I chose 12 credits, but the department said it can only pay for 9 credits, i.e. I have to pay for the extra 3 credits by myself. No one ever told me about such rules before. I thought ...
SentToJailBecauseImTooHandsome's user avatar
19 votes
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Why would a grad school reduce fees to a trivial amount rather than reduce stipend?

When I applied to grad schools I was accepted with full tuition wavers and stipends to all but one. That one gave me a good stipend and reduced tuition to a trivial fee ($300). They say you can even ...
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Should I pay up the rest of my tuition? [closed]

I'm from a third world country sponsored by my government to study in Canada. I messed up my last year and my full scholarship was revoked, so I had to repeat a whole year with my own money. You won't ...
Keith's user avatar
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Is it normal for graduate tuition to be much cheaper than undergraduate tuition?

The undergraduate tuition in the University of Rochester is $49260 per year. On the other hand, graduate tuition adds up to only $27684 (18 credit hours). Am I missing something?
Quevun's user avatar
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Is TAing a necessary evil?

My understanding is that Masters and PhD students often need to TA -- even if they're already research assistants to a professor. I'm a first year undergraduate who took courses heavily TA-reliant ...
Muno's user avatar
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How do I pay for classes as a non-degree student?

I've already earned my degree (B.S. in Neuroscience, Psychology and Music), but need to take some pre-requisite classes before applying to a Masters in Physician Assistant Studies program. These ...
Nick's user avatar
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6 answers

Why didn't more people graduate with a college degree when it was "affordable"?

Adjusting for inflation, (without too much controversy, I expect), it is evident that college was more affordable in the past. See for example, this chart of Tuition and Fees and Room and Board over ...
MarsOneRover's user avatar
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Why are Ph.D admission numbers low?

I am applying to a few Ph.D programs in mathematics and I found that most schools only admit about 5% of applicants. I know most programs fund students; some schools give stipends to all incoming ...
user5826's user avatar
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Is it possible to pursue masters degree in the US university without getting financial back-up from family?

I am a undergraduate student majoring in Human resource management and planning to get admitted in such a university where I have great opportunity to do research. Is it possible to pursue masters ...
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