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Questions tagged [teaching]

This tag is related to the role and duties of a teacher, an academic instructor, tutor or a teaching assistant.

7 votes
2 answers

What are the roles and responsibilities of an adjunct faculty?

Is adjunct faculty's duty limited to teaching? Do they have any role in course design, grading, etc.? What are the other responsibilities, as an adjunct faculty?
Noble P. Abraham's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is the academic job market in developing / former Eastern Bloc countries welcoming towards young foreign researchers?

Though I am at the very beginning of my PhD journey, I am somewhat disturbed by the apparent lack of tenured positions in the US and Western Europe, especially concerning the humanities. All these ...
Qnib's user avatar
  • 71
5 votes
2 answers

MOOC / video integration into classroom schedule

Please forgive the rambling intro... Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are all the rage when people write about teaching. So many articles have been written about MOOCs killing universities while ...
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.2k
4 votes
2 answers

What should I do when teaching maths for unmotivated undergraduate students?

After completing my Phd in an area in pure Maths and going back to my country, I got a job as a math lecturer at a university, where maths is not the main subject for students there. Maths is like ...
Ahmea's user avatar
  • 57
4 votes
1 answer

Does your Alma Mater and U.S. News Rankings Really Affect Future Job Opportunities?

I'm in the process of trying to decide on which graduate program to attend. I am pursuing a Master's level degree in Computer Science in hopes of furthering my web development career. I would love ...
Java Jeff's user avatar
  • 180
4 votes
1 answer

How can teachers reduce student suspicions in discrepancies and irregularities of grading?

From experience, many teachers dislike it when students compare grades, but that often shows the discrepancies and irregularities in the grading system. What other methods should teachers implement in ...
Eddy's user avatar
  • 59
2 votes
2 answers

What is the proper method to give credits in lecture material

To prepare the lecture material. I use the book, my own slides, but I also take a few slides from MIT or other top universities open courses. What is the best way to give credit? I must provide ...
Mohaqiq's user avatar
  • 5,133
1 vote
1 answer

Could my visiting instructor position be terminated due to low course reviews? Full time instructor position is not going well at all

I'm a fourth year doctoral student in Applied Experimental Psychology who earned a Master's prior to enrolling in my program (which my Ph.D program accepted on full). Long story short, my funding ran ...
zzmondo1's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Are automated online quizzes effective for formative feedback to students

I would like to increase my use of formative feedback (feedback showing students whether they understand material correctly without impacting their grades) and would like to integrate it with online ...
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.2k
191 votes
11 answers

How to deal with a student who most likely has a mental condition, and keeps arguing with me in class?

I am a TA for an introductory computer programming course at a university in the US. There is one student in particular who, during lecture, will argue with me about every point I make, which eats up ...
homersimpson's user avatar
  • 1,691
171 votes
7 answers

Is it acceptable to publish student names with the label 'stupid question', on a publicly-visible website?

While I was browsing faculty websites, I came across this page (new link: Near the bottom there is a ...
SomeOne's user avatar
  • 1,247
151 votes
12 answers

Our teacher is encouraging us to use cracked software

I'm taking a course named Numerical and Computational Methods Based on Mathematica (Or in Chinese: "基于Mathematica的数值计算方法"), but Wolfram Mathematica is a bit expensive for me to afford. On the first ...
nalzok's user avatar
  • 1,615
108 votes
22 answers

None of 25 students at question session before exam has a question. What should lecturer do?

In a comment on another question Josef shared an anecdote. And just another anecdote: A few weeks ago, there was a question hour at the last lecture timeslot before the exam. About ~25 of more than ...
Džuris's user avatar
  • 2,853
89 votes
12 answers

How should I deal with very negative feedback from some students?

I am a lecturer of a computer course in a university. Two months (almost 20 hours) of lectures have already finished. Very recently, I planned to get some feedback from my students on my lectures. I ...
Coder's user avatar
  • 12.8k
88 votes
4 answers

Strategies for teaching with facial aphasia (inability to recognize faces aka prosopagnosia, face-blindness)

I'm a math grad student in my first year, which means that I have not yet taught a class (in my program first years grade or provide one-on-one tutoring for students who struggle in calculus). I have ...
user141592's user avatar
  • 8,347
88 votes
13 answers

How to deal with a student who harasses the (inexperienced) teacher during class?

I am a young teacher at college. I have to go way too long, I know but I have the following problem. In one of my classes, I have this guy who pecks at me for everything I say. He is surely ...
user20399's user avatar
  • 841
79 votes
12 answers

My math students consider me a harsh grader. Is my teaching attitude wrong?

I am a math major grad student at a big public school, and we need to do TA every semester. I got assigned to lower level classes last couple semesters, and it's been quite difficult for me. Even ...
initial_D's user avatar
  • 1,620
77 votes
9 answers

What to do about top students making other students lose confidence?

About once a year, I end up with a section with a student who is well ahead of others in the course. Often, these are students auditing the course, but sometimes are senior students attending 100-...
Village's user avatar
  • 12.5k
77 votes
8 answers

How to explain a bad grade to a delusional student?

There is a student who attended a seminar where they were supposed to study an assigned research paper and deliver a presentation to the class. Their presentation was very low quality. Four (!) ...
walkmanyi's user avatar
  • 12k
75 votes
5 answers

Handling Disruptive Student on the Autism Spectrum

I have a student who's on the autistic spectrum. He exhibits several disruptive behaviors in class, such as Inability to moderate his volume/interjections: he will shout out questions and comments ...
Spark's user avatar
  • 28k
73 votes
7 answers

How to care less about teaching?

Fifth year math grad student as of this Fall. ABD, currently on target for six years in total. I have very strong feelings about the way courses should be taught, graded, and organized. I have ...
dedekindpoetssociety's user avatar
71 votes
16 answers

Should I prepare new homework exercises each year, 20% of the final grade is homework?

This year I prepare a new course (in programming, but it could be any other course). I spend a lot of effort in creating homework exercises. This is fun, but also very time-consuming. I wonder if I ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
70 votes
14 answers

How to deal with students staying hours past the end of office hours?

Background: I am a fourth year math graduate student working as a TA for an introduction to proofs course with a focus on analysis. I really enjoy the teaching component of my position as a graduate ...
AegisCruiser's user avatar
  • 4,527
68 votes
10 answers

Understanding an abnormal grade distribution

I have three years of experience teaching as part of a team (many teachers, some with more experience, agreeing on a syllabus and preparing the tests together), but this year is the first time I am ...
scozy's user avatar
  • 1,280
67 votes
17 answers

In case of in-lecture quizzes, is it unreasonable to fail students who are late or absent?

I am teaching a large undergraduate class this semester. One day a week (same day every week) we have a quiz. The syllabus doesn't specify at what moment of the class period the quiz will be given. It ...
Vika's user avatar
  • 813
66 votes
3 answers

Teaching a blind student MATLAB programming

I teach a first year undergrad class in MATLAB programming, and one of my students is completely blind. Quite amazingly, the student memorises the whole chapter before class and regurgitates with the ...
Mike Miller's user avatar
  • 1,200
66 votes
6 answers

Is there a standard of professionalism in academia requiring me to hide self-harm scars if I'm otherwise comfortable leaving them exposed?

I'm a student intending to stay in academia, and I'm reaching the stage where I've begun to TA classes. If all goes well I'll be teaching courses for the rest of my career, so I want to make sure I'm ...
user37152's user avatar
  • 591
65 votes
16 answers

How should I admit a teaching mistake without losing authority?

I made a small mistake while teaching a very simple concept. It was mainly a numerical mistake, and the essential parts of the concept were well illustrated. I want to admit my mistake and even though ...
Ted's user avatar
  • 551
64 votes
5 answers

Do academic integrity pledges work?

Our students are asked to sign an "academic integrity" pledge with each assignment and exam, vowing that they have not given nor received unauthorized assistance on the assignment. What (peer-...
alexw's user avatar
  • 532
61 votes
23 answers

My university requires that I take attendance. How should I treat students who arrive late to class?

I might soon teach at a university which requires that I record attendance of students, as follows: Attendance is a requirement for the course. A person with at least 75% of attendance is eligible to ...
hanugm's user avatar
  • 7,787
58 votes
10 answers

Can I learn the course material for the first time while I'm teaching it?

If I'm going to give students the course X in next semester. Should I have full understanding of the subject before I teach them or can I learn about the topics before I go to the class and then teach ...
CS Geek's user avatar
  • 849
58 votes
11 answers

What can professors do to encourage properly written email messages from students?

(Motivated by The writing style probably [stems] from the electronic age of text messaging. In ...
aparente001's user avatar
57 votes
7 answers

My student told me his mother has cancer, what do I do?

Today I saw that one of my students in the class was looking very sad. He sat down at the end of class and he looked like he was in a bad mood. After all the students left the classroom I called him ...
M R R's user avatar
  • 3,399
48 votes
4 answers

What are the pros and cons of giving students assignments to write Wikipedia articles?

The Wikimedia Foundation initiated an education program at U.S. universities that in 2010 encouraged government, law, and public policy students from 33 classes at 22 programs to contribute to ...
user2521204's user avatar
  • 1,061
47 votes
11 answers

Should I answer students' questions immediately or teach them to ask better questions?

I'm teaching an online lab (to accompany an in-person course) to undergrads in their 3rd or 4th year of an engineering curriculum this semester. The aim of the lab is not to teach them any particular ...
ff524's user avatar
  • 109k
47 votes
12 answers

Would I get into trouble if I give out "too many" A grades?

In the next semester, I will be teaching for the first time a seminar course which is composed of about 25 students. I am not sure how to respond to prospective students who have asked me about the ...
I Like to Code's user avatar
45 votes
11 answers

What do instructors need to know to accommodate Muslim students?

Increasingly, my school has been recruiting students from Central Asia, so I see 1-3 Muslim students in each section. Near the end of the last term, one student asked for leave for some religious ...
Village's user avatar
  • 12.5k
45 votes
9 answers

Are there tools to prevent students from cheating on a programming exam administered on computers?

I'm teaching an Introduction to Computer Science Course, where we mainly do C programming. I've been assigned a lab for teaching the course, but there are more students than available computers. Also, ...
Guillermo Guardastagno's user avatar
44 votes
5 answers

Keeping your throat comfortable after hours of lecturing

After lecturing for 3-4 hours my throat is often quite sore. Some days, I must lecturer for 6 hours (in past semesters, I've had some days which require lecturing for 8 hours). The problem is that for ...
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.2k
44 votes
12 answers

Professor is upset about student comments about her lectures. What should I do?

One of my former supervisors is upset about student feedback for her lectures. There are two problems: If she provides complete slides with information, students complain that she reads from the ...
Allure's user avatar
  • 133k
43 votes
7 answers

Why doesn't academia incorporate spaced repetition in higher education?

There are many publications explaining advantages of spaced repetition. I found a summary of some of them here. While a lot of studies show many advantages of spaced repetition, it is not formally ...
user2521204's user avatar
  • 1,061
43 votes
7 answers

What methods can be used in online exams to genuinely test the students' knowledge and capabilities?

There has been a lot of talk about online teaching in relation to covid-19 and campus shutdowns. This question isn't about that though: my question is about what ways online examinations should be ...
Stumbler's user avatar
  • 2,392
42 votes
9 answers

Should Professors and by extension their TA's, hold student athletes to the same standard?

As a former student athlete at the high school level who played football, the academic requirements asked of me were no different than that of my fellow classmates. I never asked for any special ...
Bluebird's user avatar
  • 3,668
42 votes
15 answers

To what extent is the students' perspective on the lecturer credible?

I am giving a master course with another colleague, but since I am more experienced in the subject, I took the most difficult lectures. My lectures contain a lot of mathematical equations and require ...
Capsule's user avatar
  • 604
42 votes
4 answers

Children in the Classroom

As a new semester of school approaches I have begun updating my syllabi for the classes I teach. I have lately used a clause in the syllabus about no children in the classroom as I feel it is a ...
Vladhagen's user avatar
  • 19k
41 votes
5 answers

What to do when other professors place unfair demands on my students?

A recent question asked how students should deal with professors who "think their class is extra special". Putting aside the question of how good students are at judging what an appropriate workload ...
Henry's user avatar
  • 20.4k
41 votes
12 answers

Is it ethical to ask students to proofread a textbook?

I will have a draft of a new textbook ready for the fall semester. It is an engineering class. I very much want feedback from the students concerning the quality and usefulness of the material. What ...
Astor Florida's user avatar
40 votes
5 answers

Special Needs student with disruptive behavior (racial slurs towards teacher)

There is a student at a university of a friend of mine who has Asperger's Syndrome, which is a milder form of Autism. My friend, who is a teacher there, has told me that the student mostly does OK ...
Darrin Thomas's user avatar
40 votes
13 answers

Is it appropriate for my professor to include gender offensive material that is unrelated to the class subject matter in the course notes?

My accounting professor created a large binder full of notes for us to use instead of an actual textbook. He created it, and since he's the head of the accounting department at my university, he has ...
N. Mitch's user avatar
  • 473
40 votes
3 answers

What makes a good chalkboard?

I've encountered lots of chalkboards through my career, and they vary widely in quality. Some write smoothly and erase cleanly; for others, the chalk squeaks and the eraser just smears. I assume ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar

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