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If I publish my Master's Thesis in a journal can I still write a book my topic about later?

I've recently completed my Master's Thesis (and I'm a little proud of it). I'm interested in publishing my findings in a journal, but I'd also like to expand on my ideas and write a book for a wider ...
Harrison's user avatar
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If I publish my PhD thesis chapters, can my thesis be later still published as a monograph

My supervisor told me that it is not required to publish my papers before submitting my thesis. We are required (in German universities), however, to published our monograph thesis later as a book. ...
Schildi's user avatar
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Why are dissertation-based books looked down upon?

I came across the following statement by the Chicago University Press: If your book has its origins in a dissertation, your acknowledgments should not draw attention to this fact, as it will ...
EasternRiver's user avatar
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Publishing dissertation chapters instead of a monograph

I am at the end of my second year of a tenure-track position (my institution uses calendar years instead of academic ones) with a heavy load of service. This academic year I was assigned to work on ...
user63652's user avatar
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Commercial publication of your PhD thesis

I'm wondering what it is like to publish a PhD thesis commercially? Has anyone done that before? What would the contract be with the publisher regarding sales profits?
Ehsan 's user avatar
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Does a chapter published in a book fit as part of a paper-based dissertation?

I've just received an offer to write a chapter for a book that will be published with an important publisher. I was about to say yes, because the topic fits with my dissertation topic and I thought I ...
Ophelia's user avatar
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Publishing thesis as a book

One of the answers here says that some researchers in humanities publish their thesis as a book. Could the same be done for example in physics, chemistry or math degree? By book I mean the whole ...
ScienceSamovar's user avatar
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What are the main factors that mean Humanities PhDs get published as books?

In both this comment and this answer it is conveyed that it is often the case in the humanities, that PhD thesis are viewed as a first draft of a book and are often published. There are probably a ...
gman's user avatar
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How do I convert my PhD dissertation so that it can be published as a book?

I have just completed a PhD by research, which I think has some merits in being available as a book (This is, of course, my personal opinion). The research cuts across several fields (e.g. sociology, ...
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