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Should you ever pick "recommended" or "opposed" reviewers for journal submissions in social science?

This question applies to all disciplines but I am curious here about social science journals in particular. Is it ever a good idea to name/identify specific reviewers that you would like to have them ...
maldini1990's user avatar
1 vote
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Status of a manuscript whose required reviews are completed

I have submitted a paper to a good math journal in first week of May 2024. After a month (+ a week at most), the online system shows the status “Required reviews completed”. However, to this day, I ...
Nik's user avatar
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Should I review for a journal that charges authors excessively? [closed]

This is a follow-up/correction of this previous question (which I cannot alter since it has been answered, but was advised to ask a new question instead). Of course, journal publication has its costs, ...
Walter's user avatar
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5 votes
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Short comment paper - time to review Vs urgency of the topic

Several weeks ago, I submitted a comment paper/policy brief of about 800 words to a journal. The paper critiques frequent reports published by major international organizations, which I believe ...
Uri's user avatar
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8 votes
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Should I review for a journal charging authors?

One of the main journals in my field has recently switched to 100% open access, and charges an article processing charge (APC) of about 2500 ($/€/£). For some researchers this is automatically covered ...
Walter's user avatar
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6 votes
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Reviewer's Concerns about Excessive Simulation Results [closed]

I am currently in the process of addressing the feedback received from a reviewer regarding a manuscript I've submitted. The primary concern raised is that there are "Too many simulation results ...
Go masha's user avatar
0 votes
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Status still “Pending decision” but date has changed [duplicate]

I submitted a paper to a Taylor & Francis journal. It was peer reviewed and the status has been “Pending decision” since January 30. On January 31, the status stayed the same but the date had ...
allen566's user avatar
7 votes
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How to write review requests that are not classified as spam?

I'm the editor of a statistical journal (currently it doesn't have an Impact Factor but will have one soon as far as our information goes). I have experienced that it is very hard to find reviewers ...
Christian Hennig's user avatar
4 votes
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How to deal with author's extensive self-citation? [duplicate]

As a scientific journal reviewer, how can I deal with a manuscript where the authors cited their own works extensively (14 times) in the manuscript?
David's user avatar
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Upon resubmission, can I oppose some previous reviewers if I stronly disagree with their comments?

I submitted a manuscript to an Elsevier journal. I was given a major revision after a two-month review period. The comments from the two reviewers are positive and constructive. It took me a month to ...
xxxxxx's user avatar
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Being in "1 Reviewer(s) invited" state for 4 months, What should I do? [duplicate]

I have submitted an article in a math journal, the status has remained at "1 Reviewer(s) invited" for the past 4 months. In an attempt to understand the reasons behind this delay and seek an ...
User-1001's user avatar
3 votes
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Can an author choose the reviewer of their book?

I suspect the answer is no. The problem is, there is a group of scholars who would invariably trash the works of young scholars from a certain school of thought (they already did). My book was ...
Evangeline's user avatar
6 votes
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Should I review for journals where I would not publish my own papers?

Sometimes I receive review requests from journals that are not popular among my colleagues. I'm not so sure about the situation of these journals. They are typically Web of Science SCI Q2 journals (e....
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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Revised manuscript for a long time [duplicate]

We have submitted a review to high-impact factor journal in Elsevier, and after 15 days only, the reviewing process has ended with major revision. We addressed the suggested point carefully and the ...
loay's user avatar
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Need clarification on the status of my manuscript in ScholarOne [duplicate]

I recently submitted a manuscript to a journal using the ScholarOne submission system. After the second round of review, the editor provided some minor language revisions, and all three reviewers had ...
Jason Chen's user avatar
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I submitted an article to a too high-ranking journal, should I cancel?

I am a Postdoc, recently I submitted my first single-author publication (physics). I had one journal in mind and briefly discussed the idea with several seniors, and nobody really objected. Now I ...
enzo's user avatar
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We appealed an editor's decision and sent a revised version, but he hasn't acknowledged it since 5 weeks

This is about a post-review rejection. This is one of the top journals in our field. The reviewers found our work interesting but sent a long list of controls and additional experiments to do. The ...
jadedgradstudent's user avatar
21 votes
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My co authors backed out after paper acceptance, how to proceed

My paper was accepted in an open access journal, I am the corresponding author, but soon after acceptance my co-authors refused to pay their part of the article processing charges (APC) and sent me ...
P G's user avatar
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Can published papers from non-international journals decrease the level of a CV? [duplicate]

Consider a PhD candidate that still does not have publications in international journals but has some papers in local journals (peer reviewed but non-listed in international rankings) from their ...
Oalvinegro's user avatar
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Can I mention that the article is extremely short in a query to the editor?

Every advice on query letters to editors on the status of a manuscript after months of silence says not to sound demanding, impatient, not to give the editor motive for disliking you, etc. I’ve got a ...
user354948's user avatar
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Asking Editor to remind reviewer about my paper

I have a paper in submission and only managed to revise it after more than 8 months when I emailed the editor a reminder about my paper. I have re-submitted my paper about a month ago but from the ...
ubuntu_noob's user avatar
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what does means Paper status: Finished? [duplicate]

I submitted my paper to a journal. After 6 mounth with status: under review, yesterday the status changed to "paper status: Finished". I don't understand what does means by this?
Mee Na's user avatar
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15 votes
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How do Journals find reviewers and their contact information?

I recently received an email asking to review for a reputable journal (I recognize the journal, and the person listed as Associate Editor is listed as an associate editor on the journal's editorial ...
BPL's user avatar
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How to ask politely the editor to urge the reviewers to finish the reviews in the best short time

I want to respectfully ask the editor to finish the review of my paper in the shortest time possible, because I got an early deadline to defend my thesis. Here are some details on the review process ...
Xiao Wangzi's user avatar
21 votes
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Is it normal that the editor says "the referee report is for editor's eye only so I cannot share it with you"?

I recently receive an editorial letter that is unwilling to share referee reports. The letter explicitly mentions the existence of such report but the editor don't want to send it to me. Is not ...
dodo's user avatar
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Is it common to not have comments when reviewing a revision of a paper?

After reviewing a journal paper, I typically receive the revision of the paper to review. This is expected, but most often, my comments are addressed by the authors, and I have no further comments. I ...
Ralff's user avatar
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What is the difference between Abstract and Author Summary?

What is the difference between "Abstract" and "Author Summary"? Example: OpenAWSEM with Open3SPN2: A fast, flexible, and accessible framework for large-scale coarse-grained ...
user366312's user avatar
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How many [conceptual] sections should an "Introduction" contain? [closed]

How many [conceptual] sections should an "Introduction" contain? I need to know this so that I can better arrange the Introduction section of my paper.
user366312's user avatar
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Should I contact journal editor?

I submitted an article to a journal last year in July. It took some months for it to be processed and peer reviewer to be assigned. I received the first decision in March (major revisions). The ...
Naadz's user avatar
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Chance of publication in top combinatorics journals after complicated submission history

(First appeared in Mathoverflow) In May 2020, I submitted a paper to a notable Combinatorics journal where a couple of earlier papers in the topic of my paper had been published. It was one of my ...
laputa's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the difference between Awaiting Reviewer Confirmation and Awaiting Reviewer Invitation? [duplicate]

I submitted a manuscript to a journal, and the status changed from Awaiting Reviewer Selection to Awaiting Reviewer Confirmation. It has been 1.5 months with no change in status. I'm curious if we are ...
farnad's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is scientific progress hindered by page limit and page format? [closed]

There is a trend in STEM: things get more and more complicated over time. There seems to be two things that are not matching up with the pace of our time: page limit, and page format. Page limit: for ...
Concu Bine's user avatar
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The status of my manuscript changed from Undergoing Initial Checking to Under review but the ED: not assigned? [duplicate]

I submitted a manuscript to one of the weliy journals. The status was “Undergoing Initial Checking” on Scholarone system. After 3 days, the status changed to “Under Review” along with "Ed: not ...
Edrisnn's user avatar
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Is it common for a journal to reject (or accept) a paper before all reviewers have submitted their reports?

Suppose that a paper is submitted to a journal and that the editor decides to sent it out to two reviewers. Each reviewer agrees to return the report in X months; however, it turns out that one of ...
user avatar
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What would be the next step after revising a manuscript? [duplicate]

After receiving a report on a manuscript from the referee, then the revised version must be submitted to the editor. In this step, will the revised version be sent to referee again to check that or ...
user40491's user avatar
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Do the referees see the profile of authors?

I am a mathematics PhD scholar (particularly in number theory). I have a question in mind. In general, a PhD scholar doesn't have much publications (or no publication) upto a certain stage. Suppose I ...
learner's user avatar
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How to highlight changes made in the manuscript as part of a revise and resubmit?

We have a journal paper that got correction requests and need to be resubmitted. The changes need to be highlighted in the manuscript. How do you mark the changes? Is changing the text color enough? ...
randomname's user avatar
2 votes
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Requirement on referees for a peer-reivew

I'd like to know if there are any requirements for referees to review a paper in a peer-review journal. For example, for an editor in another journal, is it OK to be a referee for the paper? I think ...
E Zhang's user avatar
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Paper got rejected and meanwhile a similar paper was submitted to another journal

I have been working for 1-2 years on a manuscript to be submitted to a journal with a relatively high impact factor. The journal has pretty strict rules about the length of the paper which is ...
user avatar
3 votes
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When submitting a major revision, does it matter whether the revised manuscript or the response to reviewers appears first?

I submitted a major revision for an article to a World Scientific journal today. However I am in a confused state. I had to submit two documents: 1. Revised Manuscript, 2. Response to Reviewers, both ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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Journal that rejected paper to disclose identity of referee to the next journal?

I've just had a paper rejected by a certain math journal -- nothing new so far, but the journal made a (rather unusual?) offer in the rejection email, and I'm not sure what to make of it. They said ...
ouf's user avatar
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Are journals allowed to publish papers without a final approval from a reviewer?

Is it true that in most peer-reviewed journals the editorial office can decide to publish a paper without at least one reviewer approving some version to be published as is? I am asking whether they ...
i.m's user avatar
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Submission status changed to "submitted" after "awaiting reviewer scores" [duplicate]

I submitted my article to a SAGE journal roughly six weeks ago. The status of the submission was "awaiting reviewer scores" for four weeks and few days ago it changed to "submitted"...
Giorgio's user avatar
11 votes
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Timeline of "Quick opinions" in math journal refereeing

Some years ago a fair number of mathematics journals started to ask for one or more "quick opinions" by experts on a received manuscript before sending it out for peer-review (with the ...
Sanjeet's user avatar
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Confusion regarding manuscript status in IOP's article tracking system and ScholarOne Manuscript System [duplicate]

I had submitted a manuscript in an IOP journal a month back. In the IOP's article tracking system, the status changed from "1st reviewer agreed to report" to "Editorial Assessment" ...
Subhadip Roy's user avatar
18 votes
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Word "believe" in scientific context

I am trying to write a paper. We have done certain experiments and results from it are good. So, I feel that if our idea can be implemented in other sites, it can benefit those sites. Now my question ...
The Great's user avatar
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Is publishing in open access journal a good impression? [duplicate]

Is publishing in open access journal a good impression ? I mean publishing in such journals (where one has to pay money), will it be valuable compared to other journals ?
RIchard Williams's user avatar
3 votes
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Awaiting AE recommendation - Can be rejected? [duplicate]

I already referred to this post, post, post I recently submitted my paper to a journal 40-45 days back. For the first 10 days, it was reviewed by the managing editor and sent to us for some format ...
The Great's user avatar
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Inderscience peer-Review Process

I submitted my paper two months ago to an Inderscience journal. Well, this is my first experience with Inderscience publisher, so while checking my paper updates, I can not understand the meaning of “...
Abdessamad139's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

Crackpot research paper in mathematics

How does a math journal react to a crackpot math research paper? In mathematics (especially in Number Theory) there are many meaningless papers on the web, and possibly a ton of meaningless ...
No name's user avatar
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