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7 votes
2 answers

When is it appropriate to contact the editor before submission to avoid rejection without review?

Manuscripts submitted to a journal are often directly rejected by the editor without going out for review. I find this acceptable with the caveat that it's a huge waste of time having to reformat and ...
Herman Toothrot's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

Technical editor changed author order of the paper

Recently, I attended a conference as a corresponding author of a paper with five authors. After the paper was published in the conference proceedings, I realized that the technical editor changed the ...
Alex's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Should I contact the editor-in-chief about a senior editor's lack of communication?

I submitted a paper to the top journal in my field. The journal's home page sets 120 days for a decision as a goal. Recent stats suggest 60 days to initial decision is more typical. It has now been ...
alttag's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Editor's mail with no reviewer's comment

Recently I submitted second revision of my manuscript in a highly reputed mathematics journal. My first revision was a major revision while the second one was a minor (with some terms like paper is ...
Srijan's user avatar
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3 votes
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How much reputational value is added to a journal by being indexed in various abstracting and indexing (A&I) databases?

I'm co-editing a small communication and media-focused OA journal published by a regional scholarly association. We are in the process of being indexed in selected research databases of EBSCO (just ...
HunSoc's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to target possible authors? Ethics of increasing the visibility of open access journals

My colleague and I work at an Open Access journal, published by a regional scholarly association. The field is Communication and Media Studies. Recently we started to encounter problems with reaching ...
HunSoc's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Should editors and reviewers be listed alongside authors, to give them credit?

Reviewing an article in your field is an interesting and rewarding experience. Any scientist has, of course, a moral obligation for reviewing other people's work just like he has his/her own work ...
Jubei's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What can cause a delay of several weeks between an editor receiving reviews and you receiving a response from the editor?

I had submitted research paper to a journal two and half months ago. It was under review for two months and now the status is showing that the paper is with editor from last ten days. If the paper has ...
Syed Yasir's user avatar
40 votes
6 answers

Are you permitted to forward the reviews from a rejected manuscript when submitting to a new journal?

Suppose I have a paper rejected from a top tier journal. The anonymous reviews highlight a number of strengths of my paper, but ultimately judge that the paper does not merit publication in that lofty ...
Corvus's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Resubmission of paper has been "under consideration" for 30 days. Request update?

I (re)submitted my paper to a Nature related journal (after revisions) and it has been "under consideration" for about 30 days. Should I ask for an update? If yes, is this too rude? : Dear editor, ...
user30860's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

The editor doesn't respond after accepting the manuscript

The journal editor accepted my paper and told me to ask his assistant about the next steps in the publication process. Four months ago I corrected some minor points and sent an updated manuscript to ...
Michele's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Should I revise and resubmit?

I have just received a decision letter for my submitted manuscript to an Elsevier journal. It was a revise and resubmit (R&R). Two reviewers comments were included in the decision letter. One of ...
Arian's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Asking the Editor-in-Chief about the reason of the review delay [duplicate]

I have submitted a manuscript to one of the top-tier journal of my field at six month ago. The recent status of the paper is "under review" which status is there for last four months. My question is:...
Janak's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What does it mean when an editor needs additional reviews despite a status of "reviews completed"?

I have submitted a paper to an Elsevier journal. After two weeks of required reviews completed status I have sent and E-mail to the editor. He replied: Your paper is still under review. We need 1 or 2 ...
Arian's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is it proper to ask an editor for clarification

In a recent review of a paper, the reviewer suggests several solutions to a flaw, one of which was collecting more data. The other solution was to shorten the paper substantially. The editor said that ...
Sam's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

In Elsevier Editorial System, how do I resend a paper with "Submission needing revisions" status?

I've received a letter from the editor about minor revision to my paper and, if I want, that I can resend revised manuscript. The paper is currently under "Submissions needing revision" in Elsevier ...
Quirik's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

The editor asks me to wait couple of days

I have submitted my manuscript to one of the top-tier journal in my field. The reviewers' feedback was positive in the first round of revision; one reviewer favoured the paper and asked for revisions ...
Mohammed's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Slow Response from Journal: Should I withdraw a paper?

I submitted a paper to an Elsevier journal in August and the status has been "with editor" ever since. I was concerned that it had not been sent for review for 4 months and I sent inquiries twice ...
ljl's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How to prevent desk rejection when trying to publish papers which are counter to the prevailing view (but still legitimate)?

I wonder if there exists, at least in plans, a centralized system that examines editors' decisions in journals, a kind of "appellate court" in peer-review publishing. Recently I have been trying to ...
ThisGuy's user avatar
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26 votes
6 answers

How can editors and reviewers detect data manipulation?

I am preparing a paper in the field of Computer Science. In order to report test results, we usually run a number of tests and report the average of those tests. For each test, we generate random ...
padawan's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Editor said I may apply reviewer's suggestions and resubmit "if I wish", what are the consequences if I don't?

Few months back I communicated a paper. I got the reviewer's report in a positive direction. But he asked us to add some results if we wish and in the end he wrote: "I leave it to the decision of the ...
monalisa's user avatar
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35 votes
8 answers

Why do editors sometimes accept a paper even if a reviewer recommends rejection?

For the last many days, I have a question in mind related with the editorial decision of accepting or rejecting the manuscript after peer-review: Few days back I got a review report from a very ...
Srijan's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is the editor-in-chief's advice sincere?

After submitting my paper to a reputable journal, the editor-in-chief sent me the following e-mail: I am writing to let you know that I have briefly read your paper. It appears that your submission ...
user3209815's user avatar
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4 votes
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If the editor handling my paper is a retired professor, then would it be fine for me to inquire about my paper status?

I have a paper under review at a journal for 2.5 months. Given: 1) it is a short paper taking only two pages, 2) I know that the editor handling this paper is a retired professor, and 3) I have ...
Yes's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Journal submission refered to Editor-in-Chief

I had submitted to a reputed computer vision journal. Both the reviewers (there were only two) marked it as "reject" with comments that alluded to the fact that they had actually "missed the point". ...
user2979010's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Editor indicated that if minor changes are made, paper could be published: what are the chances of publication?

I am trying to publish a paper. This was the result of a summer's work in my spare time while working 40 hour weeks in a non-math related job. I received an email response from the journal that ...
Pubbie's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How detailed should one be in writing the referee's report?

When writing a referee's report for an editor of a journal, does one always aim and try to be as brief as possible, saying yes or no to the publication (giving a couple of sentences in support of one'...
AnyAD's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Should an editor ask his own graduate (PhD) students to review papers in his journal?

If a professor is an editor of a journal, then should he ask his graduate students (PhD) to review articles? What do you think, good or bad on what points? Different from "Is it common to review ...
dsJS3942's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can I understand the rejection reason of an article by reading the reviewers' comments?

My paper is rejected with this comment from editor: Unfortunately, the reviewers generally agree this paper should not be considered for publish in.... My question is do all the reviewers reject ...
Code's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Can frequent messages to an editor about the status of a paper under review be a cause for rejection?

I have submitted a paper on mathematics to a journal and it was there for more than one year. I asked the editor many times about the reason of the review delay. At the end the paper was rejected with ...
Sara's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

When reviewing a resubmission, can I request a version with changes highlighted if the journal does not require it?

Reviewing is time-demanding. It makes huge sense to re-review if comments and changes are submitted. While first review takes a lot of time, the second can be very quick. If authors provide a version ...
userJT's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What is the difference between volume editors and series editors?

I am filling out a "Consent to Publish" form and I need to fill out the Volume Editor(s) field. I tried to find out who these editors are, but all I found was the series editors and the main editor. ...
Martin Drozdik's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Is it bad to ask the editor about the status of a submission on seeing that referees' reports were submitted a week ago?

This question is about inquiring regarding paper status. I had submitted a paper, and recently I just discovered that the manuscript tracking system shows that the editorial committee has received ...
Yes's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is it wise to contact the editor of a journals with my concerns regarding the length of the acceptance process?

I have finished writing my first paper to be published in a journal. My intent is to try to publish in a high-impact journal (there are two candidates from the IEEE Transactions class). However, my ...
user3209815's user avatar
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15 votes
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How to respond to an editor's post-review comments suggesting major changes I'm not willing to make?

I submitted a paper (in applied mathematics) to a journal about a year and a half ago. I received the first feedback from the Editor in Chief about a year later (the reviewing process for this journal ...
OliverX1's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Should the editor's name be included in a rebuttal letter?

To make things simple, I am asking whether the rebuttal letter is starting with Dear Editor and Reviewers or Dear Reviewers
Costa's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Sound reasons for excluding a reviewer

I am about to submit a paper, and I'm asked whether I want anybody to be excluded from consideration as a reviewer. I also need to state a reason. I briefly considered listing someone who - I have ...
Ana's user avatar
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What is the correct procedure to report typos or errors in journal articles?

I have found an error in a journal article which I believe to be a typo. It is minor but it does affect the technical aspects of the paper so it should ideally be corrected. What is the correct ...
E.P.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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Should I contact an editor at the journal that rejected my paper, to ask for feedback?

Recently I got a rejection of my paper from a reputed journal. There were two reviewers who reviewed my paper.However reviewer1 accepted it while reviewer 2 rejected with some suggestions that can be ...
Srijan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is it okay to resend an email to a journal asking for the status of a submitted manuscript? [duplicate]

This question is related to the question asked here: Is it okay to inquire about the status of a paper when the online submission system shows no update three months after submission?. Around 4 ...
User X's user avatar
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How long does it typically take for editor's final decision after reviews are completed?

According to the reviewers, the paper I have submitted is now ready for publication. How long I should wait to know the final decision of the editor-in-chief?
user13324's user avatar
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14 votes
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Are reviewers chosen from among the editorial board of a journal?

If, in a certain international journal where I have submitted, the journal webpage lists the editorial board, should I expect that the possible reviewers of my paper are selected from among the ...
Anna's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

What might the editor do if my supervisor contacts a journal to claim authorship of a paper?

When I was doing my PhD project, I got an idea to solve a different but related problem. However, my supervisor said neither the motivation nor the initial result were interesting, and so he refused ...
user17682's user avatar
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Asked editor for review prolongation to do further experiments, can't meet deadline. What do?

My paper received a good review, but we've been implicitly asked (interpretation of my supervisor, not mine) to do two experiments to verify a method I use. We then asked the editor for some time to ...
Eekhoorn's user avatar
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19 votes
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Is it okay to inquire about the status of a paper when the online submission system shows no update three months after submission?

Around 3 months ago, I submitted a paper to a Math journal for peer-review through an online submission system. The same day I received in my e-mail an acknowledgement saying that the paper had been ...
User X's user avatar
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12 votes
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How should a reviewer provide comments to a journal's special issue in a field he is not familiar with?

As an editorial board member for a low impact journal, I've been approached to provide comments on whether I think a proposal for a special issue is acceptable or not. I'm quite inexperienced in this ...
Simmy's user avatar
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13 votes
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Do journals hold rejections against authors?

I am BSc student. When I was in the fourth semester (end of the second year), I did my course project and submitted it to my professor. His efforts in order to publish it really shocked me. It was ...
user17830's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

"Awaiting Editors Decision" what could it mean? [duplicate]

I submitted my paper to a engineering journal. It underwent a major revision and then a minor revision. The minor revision was some grammatical stuff. Now it is in the "Awaiting Editors Decision" mode ...
user16146's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Is it permissible to request a new reviewing editor?

I submitted a manuscript to an established ecology journal and received reasonable reviews. The reviewing editor requested a revision. However, the comments from the reviewing editor were abysmal. ...
chiroptologist's user avatar
9 votes
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Is it bad practice to submit the entire manuscript for an initial book proposal to a publisher?

In a previous book I wrote, I submitted the entire manuscript along with a couple page proposal to a few different publishers. Both editors never responded to me. In my current book, I sent the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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