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how to include editorial work in list of publications [closed]

Is there an acceptable way to include editorial work on journal articles in my list of publications?
user109099's user avatar
0 votes
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No response from Journal editor after misinformed rejection

I recently submitted an article to a journal, which was later rejected. But the grounds for rejection were completely unfounded. Also, a few oddities stand out with regards to the rejection. ...
FoldedChromatin's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Will a top journal at least read my introduction?

I'm currently preparing an article for a very good journals in mathematics (AMS, Acta, Advances, etc.). I have never had a result worthy of these journals until now. I would like to know whether I ...
Douglas Sirk's user avatar
1 vote
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How to response to the editor for a minor suggestion given by the reviewer via a formal letter?

I submitted a paper and after about five months the editor sent an email: "I have decided that your manuscript can be accepted for publication after you have carried out the corrections as suggested ...
user106988's user avatar
4 votes
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Identifying a published error

Hypothetical: I found an error which fundamentally kills a published paper and re-opens a number of problems the paper claimed to solve. Not only is there an error, but the results are actually wrong....
Anonymous Researcher's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Outcome of journal as out of scope

I got the outcome of my paper after 2 months from IEEE Transaction. The editor said its out of scope and suggested to submit in a sister journal and he cc the outcome to the editor of that journal. ...
Aadnan Farooq A's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

More than 2 months with status 'Editor assigned ' ; is it normal? [duplicate]

I'm a bit worried because my paper have been more than 2 months "with editor" status. It's a computer science journal , from a famous editorial. Normally we have the option to send an e-mail to the ...
Alize C's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Do journals allow authors to bring their own reviewers [duplicate]

Some papers are published under category "communicated by ...". Do this mean the author contact this person to review the paper instead of editorial board? My question is: do journals generally allow ...
user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Can I ask the editor for rapid processing (rapid peer review) in the cover letter of my paper submission?

I'm a PhD student and I need to (almost desperately) squeeze in another paper for my dissertation in the next 6 months. Is it acceptable to explain my situation to the editor and ask to set a tighter ...
spore234's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I get a job reviewing math or comp sci articles and books in advance of publication?

I spend a great deal of time identifying and figuring out how to fix mistakes in published papers and specialized books. Time and time again an author's careless error has sent me down a rabbit hole. ...
Toothpick Anemone's user avatar
-1 votes
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Editor is asking for two referees and single column

I submitted a double columned paper to a journal and the editor returned my email with requests such as: Several formatting changes including making the paper single column, no automatic features ...
meta truth's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What is the workflow of an editor in this case? [closed]

I am rather new to the academic so I am bit insecure about the whole process. I have a small question regarding the publication process. Context: Recently I submitted a paper to a physics journal. ...
Feynman008's user avatar
2 votes
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How long does it take for the first round review of physical review letters?

I am wondering how long it takes for the first round review for physical review letters (PRL) on average. I have three referees. One of the referees returned the report in 4 weeks. But the other two ...
New Kolege's user avatar
4 votes
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What to do if the Editor is not responding to my repeated e-mails?

This is in reference to my previous question: How to mail the editor asking to withdraw my submission? I wrote to the editor regarding my problem for 2 consecutive days. I sent 4 mails to him ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to withdraw a paper when advisor insists on having his name

I have written a paper all by myself,the research problem and its solution all were formulated by me. As a result I wrote the paper and submitted to a journal citing only my name. As I told my ...
user avatar
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How to mail the editor asking to withdraw my submission?

How do I say to the editor that I want to withdraw my paper from his journal? I had submitted a paper to a journal 10 days back. When I checked recently, the status was showing "Under Review". But ...
user avatar
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1 answer

When can I know the updated status from reviewer or editor after i submit a revised manuscript to that publisher? [duplicate]

I have submitted a revised manuscript to an international journal of quantum chemistry at 8 August. My articles status still remain under review, I also don't know my article get accepted or rejected, ...
Koh PIN WAI's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

Re-write paper to make it truly double blind

When I was a PhD student, I wrote a collection of papers that comprised a large portion of my dissertation. These papers were written using grant money from one of my advisors. (I had two advisors. ...
Vladhagen's user avatar
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What does it mean when APS editors ask us to "list first page" for some refferences?

Basically the title. I don't understand what the editors are asking from us? Are they asking us to make a list out of the first page of these references, e.g. by copying and pasting them into a file ...
Ali's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to react to unfair criticism to my published study?

Background Few years ago, I have published an article on a peer-reviewed internationally recognized journal. My study went through an extremely sound (blind) peer-review, which allowed me to improve ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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2 votes
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Manuscript transferred from editor to editor [duplicate]

I recently submitted a manuscript for publication, and soon after received a message saying that it was "with Editor". A few days later, I received a message saying it was "transferred to Associate ...
iwantmyphd's user avatar
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I forgot to add preprint submission (BioRxiv) before the actual journal submission, what can I do now?

I was entrusted to do the entire submission process on my own (previously done by the PI) as a learning process, so I am learning by trial and error. I was supposed to initiate and complete all the ...
posdef's user avatar
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What does a managing editor do in scientific journal editorial board?

I need to contact the editorial board of a journal I recently submitted an article to about an issue, and I am having some thoughts as to who would be the appropriate person to contact. I know that ...
posdef's user avatar
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Can nice pictures be a deciding factor?

Let's say Paper A was recently accepted by a fairly prestigious journal (the top in my subfield). Now, there is a new Paper B, half of which gives a more detailed description of an object in Paper A ...
Forever Mozart's user avatar
4 votes
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When is it acceptable to issue an update to a manuscript that is still under review?

16 months ago, I finished a paper A and submitted it to a journal X. It is currently still under review. (For the journal's defence, it must be said that the paper is quite long - 89 pages). This ...
Ilia Smilga's user avatar
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14 votes
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Dividing paper after Reject & Resubmit decision

In a recent manuscript, we used a first principles calculation A and used it to explain experimental results B. A and B are based on existing methods, the novelty primarily lies in combining them and ...
AppliedAcademic's user avatar
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How does a book editor's scientific reputation affect how the work of the chapter authors is evaluated?

When considering to publish a paper in a research journal, the journal's reputation itself is what people usually care about, rather than the editor's expertise and scientific status (although high-...
Mostafa's user avatar
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10 votes
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What to do on a desk reject of a revised paper?

Since this is a longer story, let me first give some background: We submitted a publication to a journal in the field of engineering. The article remained on the status “with editor” for more than ...
n1000's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

What to do if the editor's decision is not in your favor?

I had recently developed a method and submitted as a manuscript to a journal. Out of four reviewers, three accepted the method and asked for some clarifications about the method:- 2 with major ...
Kay's user avatar
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1 vote
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Contacting EiC on social media

I am in a very frustrating situation. My article is under review for almost 8 months and I didn't hear any response. The average review time for the journal is 3 months. The journal is highly reputed ...
Mohaqiq's user avatar
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How to contact EiC when his emails seems like auto computer generated reply

One of my article is under review in reputable IEEE journal. The average time of first decision for this journal is 3 months. However, my article is under review for 6.5 months and upon my inquiry I ...
Mohaqiq's user avatar
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Delayed manuscript publication by publishers

I am a PhD candidate in biology. I have a paper that I need to be published for me to graduate. It was accepted for publication in November 2017. I returned corrected proofs in December. In January ...
xavier's user avatar
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21 votes
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Is there a website for rating and reviewing journals openly?

I always found remarkable that whilst the job of all my colleagues boils down to publishing papers, everyone seems so reserved and hesitant when it comes to discussing journals openly. For instance, ...
Scientist's user avatar
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17 votes
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Referee recommends paper rejection with no further comment - how to react?

I submitted a paper to a journal, after 2 months and some days of review I get a rejection with a referee report "I find the paper not suitable for the journal", without any further comments and ...
Silldo's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Editor invites many reviewers simultaneously

I have been reviewing for a particular prestigious journal in my field for some time. I noticed that the editor invites a significant number of reviewers (4-7) simultaneously. In most cases, not all ...
FBolst's user avatar
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How are reviewers rated by editors after a peer review proccess?

I am aware that some journals ask the editorial board to rate each reviewer, and use these ratings to select reviewers. So, my question is: how does this rating proccess work? With respect to what ...
FBolst's user avatar
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40 votes
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How to deal with an unreasonable reviewer asking to cite irrelevant articles?

Two years ago, when I was doing my master’s degree, I was working on a computational project. My supervisor was well-known in the field and a highly reputed person. We were doing a great job, trying ...
Ramanathan Varadharajan's user avatar
134 votes
12 answers

I am an editor for a lousy paper and I found a better algorithm than theirs. Must I share it with them?

I am handling a paper as an associate editor that proposed an algorithm that I find to be weak. In fact, I was able to show that a very simple, brute-force approach actually has a better running time ...
Matilda Martin Santos's user avatar
3 votes
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Withdrawing a journal article after acceptance?

I'm a college student, and this summer I submitted an article to a non-profit journal, which only accepts submissions from college students. About a week ago I was informed that it was tentatively ...
cschu25's user avatar
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How do editors publish in their own journals?

I was invited to review a paper in which the journal's Editor-in-Chief is a co-author. I do not mind, but raised the question that this peer-review is no longer blind. The co-author can see who wrote ...
user82291's user avatar
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What does "the manuscript has been removed from your Associate Editor Center" mean? [closed]

I received the following email: Dear Prof. X: You are no longer assigned to manage the review of Manuscript ID #####. The manuscript has been removed from your Associate Editor Center. What does ...
edval's user avatar
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How to submit a manuscript in two parts?

I have a new manuscript to be published in an Elsevier engineering journal that has a maximum limit of 8000 words. I can't fit the content in this space. Fortunately, the manuscript can be easily ...
Muhammed A. Zidan's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I cite an accepted, pre-publication paper without DOI and the citations gets counted correctly?

My situation: I got two papers underway and the second one was accepted only days after the first one. The second one cites the first one and, naturally, I want the citation to be attributed correctly....
Ian's user avatar
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Does the year of publishing for corrected proofs change in the final version?

I have an accepted manuscript published in an Elsevier engineering journal. The status of the article on its sciencedirect page is "In press, corrected proof". For now the article can be cited using ...
Muhammed A. Zidan's user avatar
2 votes
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What happens if your handling editor leaves the editorial board?

I submitted a paper to a journal and after more than one year I got a positive report. I revised the paper as requested by the referee but when I tried to submit the revised version I discovered that ...
WLC's user avatar
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6 votes
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Do editors allow authors to respond to reviewers when a paper has been essentailly rejected?

I recently submitted a manuscript to a journal that focuses on short papers about software packages. One reviewer gave a very detailed (and helpful) critique of my software/paper with one major ...
haff's user avatar
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how to reply to a blind reviewer? [closed]

I have a paper under review. Two of the reviewers have accepted the paper. The third reviewer is ......This is the first time that I met such a blind reviewer. Most of his questions are superficial ...
Tianyu Li's user avatar
5 votes
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Should I thank the editor for accepting my paper?

My paper has been accepted after several rounds of revisions. The editor him-/herself gave quite detailed comments some of which were quite important. Should I thank him/her personally for the ...
tomka's user avatar
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54 votes
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What to do when you notice that a value in your paper is wrong, once it is accepted but before it is published?

8 months ago, I have submitted my paper to the top journal in my field and finally it got accepted. Unfortunately, I have found one wrong table entry (Experiment Section), which is not a logical value ...
Yacine's user avatar
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Is it ethical to reject an article after acceptance?

I submitted a journal article to Forum: Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research back in September-October 2016. By February 2017, I received an R&R. April 2017, official ...
brightskies's user avatar
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