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Paper submitted to a Nature sub-journal with 3 weeks without updates, what can it mean? [duplicate]

I'm a postdoc working in the field of cancer genomics. Recently I submitted my work to a Nature sub-journal. It quickly went from "manuscript submitted" to "editor assigned" and &...
3 votes
2 answers

When submitting a major revision, does it matter whether the revised manuscript or the response to reviewers appears first?

I submitted a major revision for an article to a World Scientific journal today. However I am in a confused state. I had to submit two documents: 1. Revised Manuscript, 2. Response to Reviewers, both ...
1 vote
1 answer

Given reviewer comments, shall I resubmit after the rejection?

I had submitted a manuscript to a SCI indexed journal and I received a rejection after 4 months The reviewers comments stated: The reviewer stated only 1 correction in the whole paper and wrote the ...
-3 votes
4 answers

What should I do if the author didn't do what I asked them to do when I reviewed their paper?

I had reviewed a manuscript two months ago. Though the manuscript was interesting and well written there were some minor flaws. I had pointed to the author the flaws and asked them to correct them. I ...
1 vote
3 answers

How to address an Editor if I have new proof techniques of old results?

I read an article published in a High Impact Factor journal and on reading I find that almost all of the proofs could have been done in an easy way. I devised easy techniques myself and I find that ...
13 votes
4 answers

Should I withdraw my paper because the editor is delaying the report?

I am clearly disheartened by the editor's behaviour: I sent a manuscript for peer review nearly three months back to an Elsevier journal with impact factor 0.625 in mathematics. I inquired about the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How can a Paper be sent to "Under Review "so quickly? [duplicate]

I had submitted a manuscript to an SCIE indexed journal 1 month ago. I had selected an Associate Editor for my manuscript. The journal website said that if my manuscript is not deemed fit for peer ...
7 votes
2 answers

Could I change part of my paper after acceptance

My paper is accepted in one of the Taylor and Francis journals and Today I figured out that I made a mistake in one row of one of my tables ( the minimum of one of variables in statistic analysis ...
6 votes
2 answers

How long does it typically take for editor's final decision after reviews are completed?

According to the reviewers, the paper I have submitted is now ready for publication. How long I should wait to know the final decision of the editor-in-chief?
2 votes
1 answer

Fixing typo in paper after acceptance

Last week I received the pleasant message that my very first journal paper got accepted. More precisely, the journal "accepts the manuscript in its current form". The reviewers did have some remarks, ...
3 votes
1 answer

How much reputational value is added to a journal by being indexed in various abstracting and indexing (A&I) databases?

I'm co-editing a small communication and media-focused OA journal published by a regional scholarly association. We are in the process of being indexed in selected research databases of EBSCO (just ...