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Questions tagged [professorship]

Queries specific to the duties and responsibilities of professors, as distinct from all other academic staff positions. This tag should not be used for queries that could equally apply to researchers or instructors who are not professors.

44 votes
5 answers

What tools make it easy to maintain (or avoid!) the N versions of your CV?

Academics need various forms of their CV, depending on what purpose it's being used for. In my case, here are reasons I've had to re-format or have a different version of my CV: promotion and tenure, ...
Fuhrmanator's user avatar
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43 votes
12 answers

I hate taking lectures, can I still survive in academia?

I'm 3rd Physics & Mathematics student and I almost hate both taking and attending lectures; it is not because of the content, but rather the way how it is done; I don't like sitting in ...
Our's user avatar
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6 answers

Can professors generally keep books paid for with university funds?

I'll soon be leaving the faculty position I've held for over 20 years at a private college in the United States. Do departing faculty typically keep books that might have been purchased with ...
Embarrassed tenured professor's user avatar
42 votes
8 answers

Do professors care about their rating on websites such as RateMyProfessor or Koofers?

I am wondering if a professor is already an Associate Professor, do they still care about their reputation in the eyes of the department considering tenureship is already granted?
oikos99's user avatar
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42 votes
10 answers

Are professors required to perform research as a necessity to teaching?

In my country, in order to teach mathematics (or any subject) to college students one doesn't have to have a PhD. Just a good academic record in the masters level of one's subject and one must clear a ...
R_D's user avatar
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9 answers

What happens to unproductive professors?

I notice that past a certain age (sometimes as early as 50), some professors tend to be significantly less productive, to the point that they essentially do not publish or have graduate students and ...
user2562609's user avatar
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3 answers

How can a full professor from a developing country get a job in the United States?

I am a full professor of chemistry from Iran. I want to move to the United States. I have a good record of publications, teaching, executive positions, conference participation, etc. However, as I ...
user33450's user avatar
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6 answers

How to address a professor in letter?

When writing letter to an academic professor (not necessarily from student to professor), what is the appropriate way to address his/her title? I have seen in letters using Dear Prof. X even when ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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7 answers

Is it permitted to not take Ph.D. students who have girlfriends/are married/don't come in weekends...? [closed]

As a professor, are you permitted to prohibit Ph.D. students from joining your research group if you know they have a boy/girlfriend, are married, don't come in on weekends, who don't stay late, etc......
QuantumDot's user avatar
40 votes
7 answers

How should I tell a professor the answer to something he doesn't know?

Last year, I asked my physics professor a question that he did not know the answer to. This year, while doing a research paper, I also figured out the answer to the question I asked him. I want to ...
Elon Musk's user avatar
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40 votes
14 answers

Can I call an assistant professor "Professor"?

My former teacher, who had done her PhD in a top-10 university in the UK in 2009, is an assistant professor in my former school. On the day when I visited my former school, I saw her at the school ...
kitty's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

Can a professor influence the graduate admissions committee if he or she is interested in a particular student?

I've had a promising Skype interview with a great professor from a top-level university in US. Our research interests are closely related and he encouraged me to apply BUT he says that all decisions ...
Kasra Manshaei's user avatar
40 votes
5 answers

Is it acceptable to ask an unknown professor outside my dept for help in a related field during his office hours?

Would a professor find it strange or be irritated if an unknown student asks him a question during his office hours that is related to his field but either is or isn't related to any class he is ...
123movies's user avatar
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3 answers

My professor presented a problem that I solved. He says I can send it to a conference. What is the etiquette in cases like this?

But I don't understand if it is ethical because he was the one who identified the problem. I wouldn't have thought of the answer if he hadn't asked the question. I am an undergraduate and this is my ...
user7578203's user avatar
40 votes
4 answers

Is it appropriate to ask my professors what they think of me before I ask for letters of recommendations from them?

As some students know, sometimes it is not easy to determine whether a professor (restricted to the professors in U.S.) will write a strong letter of recommendation for a student. So the question is, ...
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