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7 votes
1 answer

Negotiating tenure track position after major career grant

I have been pushing hard for several years to get an academic job, with little success. The best job I could get was a non-tenure track group leader position, with very questionable promotion criteria....
26 votes
5 answers

Is there any job security for tenured academics in Denmark?

There recently was some bad press regarding job security for tenured academics in Denmark. A critical article in a newspaper edited by University of Copenhagen employees mentions the firing of two ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can I still decline an accepted counter offer before signing a contract?

I am currently in a tenure-track assistant professor (AP) position. About one month ago, I got an AP position offer from a better ranked university, with a good startup package. When I informed my ...
13 votes
4 answers

How common is redundancy in the British (UK/Australia/NZ/Ireland) system?

The British permanent faculty system seems to differ from the US tenured system mainly in that in the former the management can 'fire' one on the basis of redundancy (What is the difference between ...
4 votes
1 answer

"The tenure-track professor plans to carry out X publications." So, what could X be here? [closed]

I signed a contract for a 6-year tenure-track professorship in a European University a few weeks ago. Recently, I received an Agreement document between me and the University, whose main objective is ...
2 votes
2 answers

Would applying for a tenure track position while I am a visiting instructor look bad to the institution and my colleagues if I am not selected?

I am a fourth year doctoral candidate in an Experimental Psychology program at an R2 and am completing a visiting instructor appointment at a small liberal arts college (SLAC) right now. I had seen ...
9 votes
2 answers

Is it a good idea to apply for another position at the same university while awaiting tenure review?

I am a faculty member in the Science School. I have recently submitted my materials for a tenure review. During this waiting period, I've become aware of an attractive position opening in the Business ...
2 votes
1 answer

The Title of Adjunct Professors in the UC System

When I was recently looking for academic positions in the US, I noticed that the actual titles of many assistant and associate professors in the University of California system are "adjunct ...
0 votes
2 answers

Will it look bad if I (tenured faculty) apply for a position at a different R1, a year after moving to my current R1?

I am a tenured professor. I recently moved to a new R1 university (less than a year) but always had a different school as my dream university. How odd is it to apply to another university given that I ...
27 votes
5 answers

For what reasons might a full professor lose tenure?

Recently, a full professor at my university lost their tenure and had their employment with the university terminated. I have never heard of a tenured faculty member "being fired" before. I am not ...
3 votes
0 answers

TT summer salary withheld despite prior commitment [closed]

I'm a tenure-track faculty at an R1 university with a standard 9-mo appointment. At the end of July, I have decided to move to another tenure-track position at another R1 university (for personal ...
1 vote
2 answers

Do teaching-only faculties get tenures? [closed]

As far as I understand, there are two types of faculties in the universities/colleges: Research + teaching faculties Teaching-only faculties Do teaching-only faculties get tenures (i.e. permanent ...
27 votes
13 answers

What is the advantage of becoming a full professor if you already have tenure as an associate professor?

What is the advantage of becoming a full professor if you are already an associate professor with tenure? Why not just stay an associate professor for life? What is the key difference between an ...
0 votes
1 answer

How does a tenure track professor get money to recruit PhD students? [closed]

Does the university/institution or department give money to their tenured-track professors to hire PhD-students? Do they have to write grants to get funded to recruit PhD students? What are the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How much do you agree with Elon Musk statement that non one is going to read your publications? [closed]

I have seen a public video on youtube where Elon Musk gave his opinion about academic publications: He stated that most academic publications are pretty ...
7 votes
3 answers

How important is outreach for applying to tenure track professor position?

I often see outreach listed in the CVs of professors, which makes me believe that doing outreach is beneficial to advancing a professors career. What I'm wondering though is if this is only import for ...
9 votes
4 answers

How do senior faculty change universities?

I am starting a permanent position this year, and while I am very happy here, the admin part seems a bit overbearing. I know from my previous positions as a postdoc, that other places are not that bad....
71 votes
5 answers

What ratio of PhD graduates in STEM fields ultimately end up as (tenured) professors?

I recently saw this infogram circling around various social networks: It appeared in this Tweet with the following claim: Got a PhD? Your chance of becoming a Professor is 0.45%. Good luck. Being ...
16 votes
5 answers

A tenured position with less pay and less responsibilities than a professorship

At the moment I am a (soon to be graduating) PhD student. The reason I went to graduate school is that I love doing research. In graduate school I discovered that I absolutely hate teaching but I had ...
26 votes
7 answers

What is the real benefit of tenured positions for universities?

People are interested in tenured positions to have a secured job, as they do not need to worry about their contracts. Tenured position gives a professor security that s/he cannot get fired easily (e.g....
9 votes
5 answers

Consequences for a tenured person of not getting grants [duplicate]

As far as I heard in (some of) the universities a person having a tenure track position who fails to get grants may not get tenure. I am wondering what might be consequences of not getting grants ...
21 votes
2 answers

During an application/interview should an applicant justify leaving a current faculty position (pre-tenure)?

I have been in a tenure-track position for 3 years and am going back on the job market. Would I be expected to "explain" why I am leaving, especially when it is pre-tenure? I suspect that a search ...
1 vote
2 answers

What is the maximum age to get into academia, as a recent PhD / recent post-doc, in the US? [closed]

At what age does breaking into academia as a professor, e.g. recent PhD / recent post-doc, in the United States become effectively impossible? Is it at the age of 30 or 40? I keep hearing about ...
1 vote
1 answer

How competitive is it to become a tenured history professor at a four year institution?

I am a current history undergraduate student who would like to teach someday! I would really like to teach at the collegiate level but I hear that it's becoming very competitive to find a tenure track?...
0 votes
1 answer

Choosing between two good reference letters providers

I am in the process of applying to tenure-track assistant-professorships positions in my home country. Some institutions request no more then 3 reference letters. Two letters I will have from my ...
4 votes
1 answer

Tenure Track Positions

What is the difficulty of landing a tenure track professorship at a top 25 program nowadays? I am considering pursuing a PhD in mathematics (thinking applied or computational) and curious on what the ...
17 votes
2 answers

How to introduce myself briefly in a get together for new faculty members?

For the new faculty orientation, there is a get together where they will ask every new faculty member of all departments to say a few words about him/her self. What are the best practices regarding ...
19 votes
3 answers

Do Australian academic jobs have similar tenure track policies as USA?

Is the Australian academia following the same system as the US one? i.e., tenure track for a few years, and then tenured? Or it is more like the British one where there is 'probation' period?
35 votes
1 answer

Post tenure job search in the humantities: a waste of time?

I've searched many forums and websites and I am hoping to find a more direct answer to my question. I am a tenured, associate professor of humanities at a SLAC (yes, I do appreciate this). My family ...
25 votes
2 answers

Will professors get dismissed for not actively doing research?

According to Wikipedia: A tenured professor or curator has an appointment that lasts until retirement age, except for dismissal with just cause. A common justification for existence of such a ...
17 votes
5 answers

What are the perks of being a tenured professor at U.S. universities, besides having academic freedom?

For instance, one of my professors went to Princeton (for his undergrad math degree) for free, because his parents are tenured faculty at Princeton. Is such a benefit available to tenured faculty at ...
21 votes
9 answers

Do newly hired professors have to take a drug test before they start? [closed]

In U.S., Canadian and European universities do new professors have to pass a drug test before starting their career? Or is it only required when they are promoted to full-time tenure professors?
20 votes
1 answer

Research on career path after tenure denial?

I am looking for a study on the career path of professors after they are denied tenure. Specifically, what percentage of these get a tenured or tenure-track position at another institution? get a ...
49 votes
7 answers

What's the point of maintaining a CV after tenure?

Once you have tenure, presumably you're never going to have to search for a job again. However almost all professors have a CV on their website, and fairly recent ones. Why? They already made it.
7 votes
4 answers

What's the average retirement age in the universities in British (UK/Ireland/Australia/NZ) system?

In UK/Ireland/Australia/NZ, they don't seem to have a set retirement age. However, when do faculty members actually retire, or 'have to' retire (due to peer pressure, for example)? This question is ...
13 votes
5 answers

What is the average tenure-track duration in the USA?

I am a postdoc and will be up in the tenure-track job market in the near future. Just want to know what the average duration one has to work on tenure-track. Is this duration negotiable or there is a ...
11 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between permanent faculty positions in the UK and tenured faculty positions in the US/Canada?

Is there any technical as well as practical differences between the two academic positions, one being a permanent faculty position in the UK (or Australia/NZ and other similar systems) and the other ...
20 votes
3 answers

Should someone who wants tenure (or a research position) have hobbies totally unrelated to their work?

Or in Sean Carroll's words, is it true that "you are better off if your hobbies are nothing like your work"? Carroll, Sean. "How To Get Tenure at a Major Research University: Cosmic Variance." ...
23 votes
2 answers

Are politicians attempting to destroy tenure?

Apparently, Iowa's politicians intend to enrich the tenure experience by annual gladiatorial games at state schools, regardless of tenure: those being evaluated below some threshold shall be ...
8 votes
2 answers

What is the promotion rate of professors in United States?

I'm writing an essay, and want to know the promotion rate and average duration from assistant professor to associate professor and associate professor to professor in recent years. Sadly I don't know ...
2 votes
1 answer

Are there any actions professors can take online to contribute towards "service requirements"?

I would like to fulfill my service requirements for the tenure review process. My question: Is it possible to help fulfill these requirements through on-line activities? E.g. Mentoring students ...
8 votes
2 answers

Difference between publishing textbooks and publishing research for acquiring tenure

I've noticed that a few of my professors have written their own textbooks, but they only did so after they had already published many research articles and presumably become tenured at my university. ...
10 votes
2 answers

Tenure vs nontenure jobs

I'm trying to understand an excerpt from a New Yorker article about the mathematician Yitang Zhang. The excerpt is included at the bottom. If possible, please help clarify Yang's point about tenure ...
8 votes
1 answer

How common is it for tenured professors to retire?

It seems like some professors choose to retire, while others love their job so much they don't stop doing it until they die (or have health issues that make them unable to work). Which situation is ...
24 votes
6 answers

What steps can faculty and staff take to promote excellence in, and importance of, teaching?

tl;dr Faculty don't think teaching is as important as their other responsibilities; how do we change that? Long version I've been working in academia for a long time and whenever I see instructors ...
10 votes
1 answer

Does Canada have similar tenure-track system as the USA?

Does Canada have similar tenure-track system as the USA? Does it have around 6 years in a tenure-track position before getting tenure?
12 votes
3 answers

What is the weight on the applicant's personality for tenure?

Assume that someone is an excellent researcher (many awards and at least 7-8 publications a year) and a very good teacher but he is not "liked" by some of the tenured faculty in the department (due to ...
20 votes
4 answers

What stops an assistant/associate professor with a strong publication record from being promoted?

As far as I experienced, research is the most important factor for promotion, as it represents different features of an academician/scholar, which are needed by higher education institutions: teaching ...
24 votes
1 answer

What should a tenured professor do to move to a more research oriented school?

Much is written about how to get a job, but I've seen very little about how a professor with tenure (typically an associate or full professor) goes about changing schools. If a professor wants to ...
17 votes
2 answers

Who determines whether or not a professor receives tenure?

Does the department determine it, or does the president determine tenure after the department recommends it? Or does the process go through both ways? And how does this vary from institution to ...

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