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71 votes
5 answers

What ratio of PhD graduates in STEM fields ultimately end up as (tenured) professors?

I recently saw this infogram circling around various social networks: It appeared in this Tweet with the following claim: Got a PhD? Your chance of becoming a Professor is 0.45%. Good luck. Being ...
badroit's user avatar
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49 votes
7 answers

What's the point of maintaining a CV after tenure?

Once you have tenure, presumably you're never going to have to search for a job again. However almost all professors have a CV on their website, and fairly recent ones. Why? They already made it.
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27 votes
13 answers

What is the advantage of becoming a full professor if you already have tenure as an associate professor?

What is the advantage of becoming a full professor if you are already an associate professor with tenure? Why not just stay an associate professor for life? What is the key difference between an ...
guesjnree's user avatar
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What should a tenured professor do to move to a more research oriented school?

Much is written about how to get a job, but I've seen very little about how a professor with tenure (typically an associate or full professor) goes about changing schools. If a professor wants to ...
Dan C's user avatar
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What stops an assistant/associate professor with a strong publication record from being promoted?

As far as I experienced, research is the most important factor for promotion, as it represents different features of an academician/scholar, which are needed by higher education institutions: teaching ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Research on career path after tenure denial?

I am looking for a study on the career path of professors after they are denied tenure. Specifically, what percentage of these get a tenured or tenure-track position at another institution? get a ...
ff524's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

How to introduce myself briefly in a get together for new faculty members?

For the new faculty orientation, there is a get together where they will ask every new faculty member of all departments to say a few words about him/her self. What are the best practices regarding ...
user1547's user avatar
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4 answers

How common is redundancy in the British (UK/Australia/NZ/Ireland) system?

The British permanent faculty system seems to differ from the US tenured system mainly in that in the former the management can 'fire' one on the basis of redundancy (What is the difference between ...
John's user avatar
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How much do you agree with Elon Musk statement that non one is going to read your publications? [closed]

I have seen a public video on youtube where Elon Musk gave his opinion about academic publications: He stated that most academic publications are pretty ...
Felix's user avatar
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What is the maximum age to get into academia, as a recent PhD / recent post-doc, in the US? [closed]

At what age does breaking into academia as a professor, e.g. recent PhD / recent post-doc, in the United States become effectively impossible? Is it at the age of 30 or 40? I keep hearing about ...
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