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Questions tagged [online-learning]

Questions related to taking courses over the internet or other electronic distance-based coursework.

1 vote
4 answers

Am I experiencing discrimination from my professor, and if so, how can I safely go about this? [closed]

Edited for privacy reasons, my apologies. This has been resolved and I am getting good grades now. No longer e-mailing her/not asking for advice helped my situation. The issue, I’m pretty sure, was ...
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1 vote
0 answers

What indicates instructors' experience in online technology? [closed]

My research is qualitative; it aims to explore the experience of EFL instructors about online teaching. What potential semi-structured interview questions about experience towards online technology ...
Mo Sola's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

In which cases does my employer get informed?

I was thinking of attending a Harvard Online Certificate, but I saw these: that it says about in which cases my employer gets informed. So, what I want to ask is this: ...
mike's user avatar
  • 485
-4 votes
6 answers

Carrying out tests which would give a degree [duplicate]

With the Internet having more and more data every day, a lot of which is science-related, a kind of test could be used to give a degree for someone who knows a lot. The questions of the test would be ...
Cerise's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What's the purpose of 1-week, 2-week, 10-week..."X-week"... (online) professional certificates?

What's the purpose of 1-week, 2-week, 10-week..."X-week"... (online) professional certificates? I mean, they cost money, right(?) Where do they find implementation? Where can they be used? ...
mike's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How useful are professional certificates for graduate program applications?

I'm a third-year undergraduate student, preparing to apply for Ph.D. programs in physics (and aiming to do research in theoretical physics). I'm planning to graduate with a double major in mathematics ...
MomentumEigenstate's user avatar
0 votes
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Points to focus on while making a video of an online teaching demonstration for a university teaching position application

I've applied for a mathematics teaching position at a university, and as part of the application process, I'm supposed to submit a video of my teaching. The exact guideline says: "Select a small ...
Science Man's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Baffled by online professor's response to my weekly reflections journal [closed]

I'm attending university 100% online. I have the same professor for three classes, which are all structured the same way. Every week there is assigned reading, videos, and a discussion board post with ...
Jennifer Hale Jen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to network with professors when not attending a univeristy

My story is a long one to tell, so I will just say my current situation and leave out how I got here. I am interested in studying mathematics but I do not have the opportunity to attend a university ...
ngc1300's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Online Education in a Civilization of Scarce Energy [closed]

In the context of a transition to lower energy consumption, one considers, among other things, the energy consumption of the Internet. Among the various uses of the Internet, it seems that the ...
J..y B..y's user avatar
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3 answers

What are some tips to get more out of long pre-recorded lectures?

I am seeing some online lectures and it seems so that my attention is decaying quite fast as time progresses in the lecture. Most lectures I find on the internet are 1hr yet the the time I can focus ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is online education really free? [closed]

Hi i am from a developing country but for some reasons can't reach the university for now and i want to know if i really can have access to (let's say) a developed country grade education (solid bases)...
Mr Paradox's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is a professor allowed to take off points for an assignment they messed up?

In the final week of a class, our final project included an essay, presentation, and discussion board responses to the presentations. This is an online class so we depend on the availability of ...
Strvwberry 's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can someone enroll in an on-campus PhD program on the basis of a "distance learning" Master's degree?

What would be the status of a distance-learning Master's program in academia? Would it fulfill the requirement of an on-campus Ph.D. program? What would be the status of a distantce-learning doctoral ...
user366312's user avatar
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7 votes
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Creating a StackExchange "Team" for an Academic class to replace the Canvas online discussion board [closed]

I am a community college math instructor. We use the Canvas learning management system for our online courses. Most of us use the built-in online discussion board in Canvas where students can share ...
B flat's user avatar
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Error in PDF conversion led to lower score on test

My daughter is a college student. During her test she was required to use their online system to log in and answer the questions, then convert the results to PDF and upload to the professor. She ...
yasir's user avatar
  • 11
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1 answer

How do I regain interest in a class if I’ve lost confidence in the instructor’s depth of knowledge?

I have joined a 3-4 months technical, online course related to my profession. I know the basics of this subject, yet wanted to get in-depth content about it and hence opted for this one. The course is ...
Sara's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Does an institution commit misconduct if it gives a low-quality online course to its graduate students?

I'm a graduate student in Physics. The past semester was online due to the current situation. We had a particular course named "Workshop course" which is about the metal shop where usually ...
Young Kindaichi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mailing list or websites for remote teaching positions in universities [closed]

I'm currently a part time math lecturer in an engineering college in France, but I'm very much willing to teach undergraduate level math courses outside France. However, despite searching on usual ...
Science Man's user avatar
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56 votes
6 answers

How do I email other students in my online classes, to make friends, without appearing creepy?

I have been studying remotely at my university since September 2021. Each of my weekly classes on Zoom has around ten people. I always turn on my camera. But I still do not know any my classmates. ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are university internal, password protected ANONYMOUS discussion forums truly anonymous? [closed]

Here I ask just about a university's internal password protected discussion boards. They are for university students and instructors. Because you must log in with your university details and password, ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What are good habits in learning mathematics well?

Please bear with me while I provide some background and then ask my question, which I hope you will be able to answer and thus aid my capacity to learn mathematics more efficiently and thoroughly. I ...
TheMatureNeuro's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Can the terms Alpha/Beta release be applied to an online course?

Alpha and Beta releases are stages in software release life cycle. Could these terms be used to denote the stages of ripeness of an online course? The background for this question is that I have ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
15 votes
7 answers

Why are online lecture notes usually not accessible to non-students?

When looking for online lecture notes, I notice that most of the time you have to be a student and login in using your institution information to get access. Why would a professor not show the lecture ...
zdm's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Finding a classmate to achieve access to academic learning process and connection for non-registered learning enthusiasts [closed]

I will probably not be accepted to the Master of Cognitive Sciences program this year at a university in my country, but I don't want to lose my passion for learning and waste my time. So, I made an ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there an analogue to the Open University in Italy?

Is there an analogue to the Open University in Italy? By that, I mean a respected public distance-learning university with few/no access barriers. Another institution of this type would be the "...
Arno's user avatar
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1 answer

How to cope with studying on online platforms [closed]

I would like to know about any suggestions that the community can give about coping with online school. I have both school and my coaching classes. Hence the screen time is too high and I also require ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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0 answers

Can I study remotely in a USA university as a foreigner (Covid-19)? What are the prerequisites? [closed]

I thought because of COVID-19 and remote education plans, maybe some universities are providing a remote plan for international students. My goal is a PhD in machine learning, maybe I can start as a ...
Question's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to lead a succesful academic book club?

I have started an academic book club but I somewhat have a hard time with it. We are reading a slightly complicated text, so I decided to do a slow-paced reading; but up until now, only one person ...
Marvinsky's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is the ability to follow online presentations now a must-have academic skill?

I was never a big fan of live online (research and technical) presentations, lectures or seminars. I'd use pre-recorded online materials when looking into a topic myself, but I was never able to ...
penelope's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What value does self-learning a course (or several) have in graduate admissions?

I am an undergraduate student who hopes to switch my major from engineering to Physics. Although this switch is possible, I lack several crucial foundation courses in Physics such as electrodynamics ...
justauser's user avatar
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How will C+ and many B+ during online school affect PhD admissions? [duplicate]

I'm finishing my second year at a top research university in mathematics, and my major gpa is still a 3.99, however my grades in other subjects have suffered tremendously due to the pandemic stress ...
quantumsz's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Tracking reading progress of documentations or ebooks [closed]

Challenge: I need to read a lot of documentations and websites, but often in random order. I need to track which articles of a website, or which pages of a documentation I already read. I want to mark ...
Synox's user avatar
  • 139
2 votes
1 answer

Tons of People Cheating on Exams which hampers my grade [closed]

To give you some context we recently had our final exams and I barely managed to cross the threshold to get a 10 GPA in the course. I later found out tons of people had cheated on that course and ...
FoundABetterName's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does poor grammar on a shared message board for school annoy teachers?

From the experience of a student, these are the types of people I notice on class messaging boards: Person 1. Writes almost six-seven paragraphs for a single question that could be asked in two ...
user11111111111's user avatar
17 votes
12 answers

Should I not ask my students about their hometown?

Recently, I taught a class of five students. I asked for their native place and all said that their hometown is X, but I didn't tell them my reason for asking. I asked them because I can communicate ...
hanugm's user avatar
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I am unable to submit online quizzes on time due to technical difficulties, and it is negatively affecting my mental health. Can I get extra time? [closed]

I am an undergrad student taking a chemistry class. We have a 50 minutes quiz every week during the discussion section. The TA usually emails this quiz to us, and while my class is at 1:00 pm, the TA ...
Darina Maurus's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

My students are planning on taking an exam together via Zoom

I am a college instructor at a university in the United States. I am giving an exam to my students in a few days, and I am aware that some of them are having conversations about making a Zoom meeting ...
anonymous's user avatar
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4 answers

How to compensate students who face technical issues in online exams

I am teaching a college level course, and a few students had technical issues during exam 1 (held online) and where not able to complete various parts of the exam. One option that I could think of is ...
User 19826's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Courses outside colleges and do they count? [closed]

My undergraduate college does not offer the flexibility of attending courses outside my department, sitting for exams there and including the grades in the official transcript. But I have learned a ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to grade unequal contributions to group work as a TA bound by instructor's rules

I am a TA for a freshman course in the humanities at a US university. Due to pandemic restrictions, the class is entirely online and the medium through which students learn is Canvas. Lectures are pre-...
Kevin Miller's user avatar
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1 answer

Professor creating math Youtube channel?

I am wondering if anyone can offer any advice: I currently am an adjunct and teach a bunch of undergrad math classes, like Calc, ODE, etc. What I want to do is to create a YouTube channel and show ...
tannersk8's user avatar
38 votes
5 answers

How can I deal with students who try to steer a course (in the online setting)?

I am not a course instructor, but I am a teaching assistant for a large course in STEM in the large US school. I have been soliciting advice from students to improve the course and tutorial for the ...
Sin Nombre's user avatar
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How to deal with a setting where some students come to synchronous class unprepared?

With Online Learning, I have prepared recorded videos that are equivalent to lectures. Therefore, I was planning to make the module more interactive. However, it is often the case that only 15% of ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Has the pandemic changed opportunities for graduate funding for on-line PhDs?

In the past, I wanted to start a part-time PhD in History, but due to my geographic location and unwillingness to move, I realized there were no funding for a student like me. Usually if students want ...
Village's user avatar
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Problem with online class

I am a student at my local community college taking pre-nursing classes. My professor for A&P II requires a 360 camera while taking all the tests online on response. I have two small kids who I ...
awuor A's user avatar
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Zoom cloud meeting for education

I have a paid (education) plan of Zoom cloud meeting. I use it for my university classes. I would like to get meeting participants’ names. How can I get that?
Ali A. Jalil's user avatar
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I want to go to grad school but don't have personal relationships with any of my online professors. What do I do about the LOR requirements?

I am an undergraduate student expecting to graduate next spring, but i've attended online classes for the past 2-3 years and don't normally have much contact with my online professors. I want to apply ...
cdubo's user avatar
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1 answer

How feasible to learn undergraduate math in one year? [closed]

I know that Scott Young tried this for computer science by utilizing resources on OCW. I am more interested in mathematics (pure and applied). I wondered how feasible to do the same thing for ...
Lei Zhao's user avatar
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20 votes
9 answers

Should live sessions be recorded for students when teaching a math course online?

I am a course instructor. In my courses, which are now online due to the pandemic, I have optional live sessions. In those live sessions, I give examples of how to solve problems (it's a math-based ...
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