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Questions tagged [netherlands]

On standards or conventions specific to the higher education system in the Netherlands which differs in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world.

50 votes
9 answers

Supervisor advised me to quit late in my PhD

I'm a third-year PhD student at a university in the Netherlands. The program is normally four years but students finish averagely in 4.5 years. By the end of each year we have progress evaluation. The ...
Zen's user avatar
  • 615
25 votes
3 answers

How does the Dutch academic culture compare to other countries in Europe?

I am Dutch, but have only studied in the Netherlands for my undergraduate degree. I am now applying to assistant professorships. The places where I have been for my PhD and afterwards were quite ...
Frank A.'s user avatar
  • 361
22 votes
6 answers

Why are most universities reluctant to offer open-ended contracts to research-funded-staff (such as postdocs)?

In some countries, labour law requires that if an individual has been employed on temporary contracts for a certain amount of time, the employer must offer them a permanent contract (or let them go). ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 42.9k
18 votes
4 answers

Is it unethical to poorly translate an exam from Dutch to English and then present it to the English speaking students?

There are two tracks for my field of study. One is taught in Dutch and the other in English. This is in the Netherlands. A while ago we had to take a multiple choice exam in English, which looked a ...
Ebbinghaus's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

How much salary can I expect as a physics post doc in the Netherlands?

I am considering a post doc in the Netherlands. I am a bit spoiled -- currently doing a post doc in the US with a salary of about $75000. I found a PI in the Netherlands whose project sounds very ...
user17743's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

My department asks to pay back to them the compensation I have received for being a member in a grant proposal assessment committee

Basically, it is as the title says. I have received an invitation to be a member of a grant proposal committee. They have offered a compensation for each working day (which includes interview sessions)...
PsySp's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How should one deal with fellow students constantly asking for notes?

I'm an undergraduate student in the Netherlands, and as the title states, I'm encountering an annoying situation. How should one deal with the situation of constantly being asked for the notes of a ...
Ebbinghaus's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Managerial oversight of Dutch academics: how much permission do I need to ask?

In two weeks time I am leaving the UK for the Netherlands. I am new to Dutch academia and while, for the most part, it seems to be much like UK academia, I am curious about, for lack of a better term, ...
GrotesqueSI's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Diagram of education in the Netherlands

How would the dutch educational system be represented in a diagram? Or put differently, what are the different roads that lead to the academic world in the Netherlands? PS. This question ("What are ...
David Mulder's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

My university changed my bachelor course. What can I do?

I'll have to excuse myself if my question sounds rant-like. I am desperate. Back in 2013, I started my 4 year (240 ECTS) bachelor course. The course I went to was ranked the best in the country (of ...
Belle's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Applying for a PhD during the pandemic

A buddy of mine who lives in Amsterdam told me that it is not a good idea to apply for a PhD as an international student because the chance of getting admission is narrow these days. I would just pay ...
Afshin's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Change of rules & regulations after accepting faculty contract offer

I have recently accepted a new academic position in the Netherlands. Netherlands has a generous so-called 30% rule for high skilled expats: you are paying taxes only for the 70% of your income and ...
PsySp's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

In the Dutch salary system, how do the "steps" ("trede") work?

The salary system in Dutch academia is based on a number of "scales" (schaal), which are related to the different academic ranks. The salary in the same scale can vary considerably, depending on the "...
lighthouse keeper's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What's the bargaining space in a post-doc employment contract - in the Netherlands?

Motivation I'm soon going to start a Post-Doc in the Netherlands. The labor laws are different from where I did my Ph.D. work; the academic culture is somewhat different; the unionization situation ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 39.4k
7 votes
3 answers

Second PhD or postdoc and its effects on tenure track position

I am going to finish my PhD in the Netherlands within one year. Ideally I would like to get a postdoc here. However, due to competition or other factors I might not find a postdoc position. Then, ...
MOON's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

PhD supervision in the Netherlands: what ranks can supervise?

I've heard word that in the Netherlands only a professor/hoogleraar can supervise PhD students but I've found little to solidly confirm this. I've also heard that in practice, other arrangements are ...
GrotesqueSI's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How are years of experience counted for determining level on salary scale for a Netherlands postdoc?

I am going to start a postdoc at a Dutch university. This is my second postdoc, and my contract says I am on salary scale 10, level 8. I am assuming that they counted 5 years of PhD and 3 years of my ...
LinuxUser's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

PhD in the Netherlands: Can I negotiate the starting step in my salary scale?

I am going to join a PhD position in one of the TUs in the Netherlands. This question pertains to the salary I can expect. I have worked 2 years after my bachelors and 3 years after my masters. For ...
Zero's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

My master thesis supervisor wants me to continue as his PhD student, but he has no funds at the moment. Any advice?

I am currently working on my master thesis in physics and mathematics and will finish within a few months. My supervisor told me he would like to continue with my thesis' research subject and asked me ...
dutchstudent's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Differences between MSc Program in Engineering in TU and Research Universities in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands what is the difference between universities of technology (TU's) and research universities? Also both universities of technology and of research offer engineering MSc programs. Is ...
Adam's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is quitting PhD a good decision in my case?

Currently, I am at one and half years into my PhD in Netherlands. I had burnout at the end of my first year, I got some help but I don't think I am able to work still at my full potential. The burnout ...
praveen kumar's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Is it common for professors in The Netherlands to change institutions as they go up the ranks, or to speed up the promotion process?

I have heard that it is common for Assistant Professors or Associate Professors in The Netherlands to apply for positions at other Dutch institutions to improve their chances of promotion. Is this ...
JdP's user avatar
  • 69
3 votes
3 answers

What is the function or role of a propaedeutic diploma (in e.g. The Netherlands)?

I recently came across the term "propaedeutic diploma" in the CV of a Dutch academic. According to Wikipedia, it's a diploma given for successfully completing the first year of university study, and ...
Anyon's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to address interest in getting treatment for (potential) ADHD whilst applying for a PhD grant, so that I don't alarm anyone?

I don't actually have an actual diagnosis of ADHD, growing up I never really addressed it, as treating such isn't really common where I grew up. However recently I took an interest in it, and alas I ...
AyamGorengPedes's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between the promoter and the advisor?

I am applying for a Ph.D. position at Netherlands and I see that there will be a promoter and an advisor. I have never seen such a title as "promoter". What is the difference between the two titles?
hidemyname's user avatar
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2 answers

What does graduated mean in the Netherlands?

I have been admitted to a Master in the Netherlands, but my diploma will be awarded after the enroloment date there. However, the university says they can process my admission if I send them an ...
CSprog's user avatar
  • 51
3 votes
1 answer

What is purpose and meaning of "Propositions" in PhD thesis?

I found a weird and intuitively strange document that is submitted with the thesis. It is called Propositions To accompanying a dissertation on the..... and it is such a strange thing included, ...
SSimon's user avatar
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3 votes
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What kind of questions can I expect in an an interview for an Associate Professor position in the Netherlands?

I am an Asst Prof working at a mid-size liberal arts college in the US. Recently I applied for an Associate Professor position in the Netherlands and got invited to do a Zoom interview. I’m pumped! I’...
Bashar's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
1 answer

Estimating postdoc salary with "30% ruling" in the Netherlands and is postdoc a "scientific" position?

I'm trying to estimate the salary of a postdoc position in the Netherlands. I know that if approved for the "30% ruling," 30% of the gross income is tax-free. But, there are three category in the 30% ...
Andy_Jake's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between "docent" (lecturer) and "Universitair docent" (Asst. Prof.) in the Dutch system?

I see many job openings for "docent" or "Universitair docent" on Dutch job boards. Curious, I checked out Wikipedia for more info and, while I learned about the structure there, it isn't clear to me ...
Teusz's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is it a good idea to include specific funding calls that I have identified for research topics in my research statement/cover letter?

I am applying for a position of an Assistant Professor in computer science at a university in the Netherlands. In my research statement, I have described a number of research directions and in ...
Kom kom's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

In what cases is Ethical Committee approval not necessary for a study?

We intend to perform a study with a device we developed (approved for medical research). The tests are non-invasive and only require a very low power laser to be exposed to the skin (complying with ...
cinico's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What formatting guidelines should I follow for my bachelor's thesis if some of them are not specified by the university?

I am writing my bachelor's thesis at a university of applied sciences in the Netherlands. The university has provided me with a document outlining some of the guidelines I should follow (like what ...
Mu3's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is there any real demonstrated benefit to the Dutch break out of the academic year?

Dutch universities have an arguably peculiar academic calendar: each semester breaks down in two blocks (actually 3, but only 2 are teaching blocks) so 4 blocks in total. Each full course is block-...
PsySp's user avatar
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2 answers

what is the salary of a postdoc without PhD degree yet in netherlands

My PhD contract is about to end soon. I got a postdoc position in the Netherlands after that but I don't have the PhD degree yet. Which salary step will I get in scale 10?
Liang Wang's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is material produced for a course considered property of the department?

I was asked last year to set up a completely new course, far from my expertise (say, you work on differential equations but they ask you to teach general relativity). The department did not give me ...
PsySp's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

NWO Veni grant application: domein-overschrijdend or humanities? [closed]

I am working on a Veni (introductory individual) grant application to the Dutch Organization for Science, NWO. My proposal is interdisciplinary in its methodology, but firmly rooted in historical ...
Anaphory's user avatar
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0 answers

Is "passed" a valid word for a grade in 4-level grade system?

I have recently had a university diploma translated from Russian to English, and the translator used words Excellent, Good and Passed for 5, 4 and 3 marks correspondingly. However, I could not find ...
Serge Seredenko's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How much the previous university's prestige matters for a phd enrollment? [duplicate]

I'd like to apply for a PhD in Ancient History at Oxford in the future. Currently I'm planning to apply for a ResMa in Ancient History at Leiden university, in the Netherlands, which is thaught in ...
ancient history's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Dutch Higher education degrees have a major or a minor? [closed]

The Dutch education system adds a major or minor to their Higher professional education or University education? I saw some examples as: HBO Management (would HBO be the degree and Management the ...
learnbetter1's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

My mentor during my master's degree was a PhD student. Does this lower my chances to get a PhD position in good universities?

My master's mentor was a PhD student in my university. I had an interview in a Dutch University for a PhD position, and the committee made me feel weird about my former mentor being a PhD student. ...
Brainiac's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does knowing the language of the country of a prospective institution influence admission chances?

This question applies to universities in the Netherlands If a given programme at an institution is being taught in English in full, would I be right in assuming that two otherwise identical ...
mezenkur's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How is the Dutch degree/diploma title structure for VMBO-HAVO-VWO? [closed]

I am reading about the Dutch education structure, and noticed the name of the diploma for Secondary Education is divided into 3 main areas, VMBO (vocational), HAVO (high-school) and VWO (pre-academic) ...
learnbetter1's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Calling for a new round of applications for a position, when the shortlisted people of the previous round have not yet been even interviewed?

I am invited to an interview for a (STEM) tenure-track position at a prestigious Dutch university. After the deadline, which was months ago, the job advertisement had been removed from their website. ...
Pinton's user avatar
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Interviewing for another department within the same university

I recently enrolled in a university program, lets call it X. X is a relatively new department trying to grow and currently includes about 30 people. The title is Professional doctorate in engineering (...
pilu's user avatar
  • 111
0 votes
3 answers

Doing PhD in Germany vs the Netherlands

I am planning to apply for a Ph.D. grant. I have two options, one in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and the other one in Stuttgart, Germany. The one in Amsterdam is 38h per week. The remuneration is €2,395 ...
AziZ's user avatar
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Should I email professor to update the motivation letter included with my PhD application?

I have submitted my PhD application. I like it very much but I want to update my motivation letter with more details. Should I do it? I don't know if this kind of behaviour is too pushy or impolite. ...
andy's user avatar
  • 25
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2 answers

Negative marks for mistakes

I just got the grade for a problem sheet that we had to hand in. The grading of the TA seems really ... odd, to put it nicely (for example, 1 exercise consisted of 3 basic computations - I got the ...
physicss's user avatar
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1 answer

How to ask a former advisor to resume 'contact'?

A few years ago, I completed by bachelor's by creating a 'bachelor's thesis'. My advisor for this thesis. The thesis went very well, I've got a high grade and my advisor was very much impressed by my ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can I pursue a PhD in the Netherlands with no Masters? [closed]

I'm a 37-year-old student with 12 years professional experience in the field of the PhD and a strong BA (Hons) in the academic field of the project. Linguistic fluency in the indigenous languages and ...
Aerial_b's user avatar

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