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Questions tagged [literature-review]

Questions about evaluating the current state of research on a topic by searching published material.

55 votes
2 answers

How can I do a literature review efficiently?

For a new project I want to compile a literature review to determine the state of the art and possible approaches to start with. Last time I adhered to the following scheme, but it felt very ...
Jean's user avatar
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42 votes
4 answers

How common is it for a paper to be wrong?

I am a student in computer science and I recently started working on my M.Sc. thesis. Now I am reading a 2011 paper with about 170 citations that was published in a well-known conference. In part of ...
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252 votes
8 answers

How to read papers without falling into a rabbit hole?

Often while reading a paper, I will see a citation that that seems more relevant than my current one. I'll switch to the new paper, only to experience a similar feeling. Or maybe I need to look ...
jds's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How to reference studies mentioned in a paper without having to read the original papers?

I'm review the literature at the moment. Now I'm reading a paper that mention other studies. How can I reference them without reading the original papers?
Kaser's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

What is systematic literature review?

I know what a literature review is and was wondering what makes such a review systematic? What extra steps do people usually go through when they do a systematic literature review? how is it different ...
seteropere's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How to write a survey paper?

I want to write a survey on one emerging research topic in wireless communications (It can be applied to any field!). There are almost 500 papers on this topic as published or in early access. And the ...
Mithun's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

How to identify the publications that cite two specific papers?

Finding the citations of any particular paper is straightforward. But how do you identify the set of publications that cite two specific papers? The reason I am asking this is because I am trying ...
Moa's user avatar
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42 votes
8 answers

Literature searches in publications when you have limited access to journals

I'm currently at an institution that has a phenomenal library system. I think every journal article or book I've ever needed, no matter how old or obscure, was available to me. I consider myself ...
iwantmyphd's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

A systematic review already exists in the literature. When is a newer one required?

Suppose that a systematic review on a topic X was published some (3-8) years ago by someone else, and it is currently still a useful source for what has been made before it was published. However, ...
Orion's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to locate most important literature in an unfamiliar area

I'm a pre-doctoral researcher (does it exist?) figuring out my true interests and learning the craft. When I start exploring a new (that is, unfamiliar) area, I try to find the most influential ...
ba_ul's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

How can I efficiently check the originality of my work?

I have worked on many ideas where I found later that they were already published, which was frustrating. I usually look around before developing my idea, but sometimes the articles I read or the ...
sapienswatson's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

What are we expected to do when citing literature?

Open any research article and it is littered with citations. I’ve recently been wondering what is expected of us when citing the literature: Are we expected to cite every reference relevant to our ...
luciano's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Is it right to cite a retracted research article?

I was doing literature review and I came across a paper which is in the area of my interest but has been retracted because of duplicating the figures (technical drawings) of other papers. Can I cite ...
Deepak 's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to find related work in academic writing in the most time-efficient way?

I noticed that, for each research project, there comes a point where I have to consult the literature, and find all the previous research related to the current project. Unfortunately, I seem to be ...
FirefoxMetzger's user avatar
38 votes
2 answers

Literature Review versus Literature Survey. What is the difference?

I have read several articles about literature reviews. At the same time I found some guides about literature surveys. I am confused... how is a literature survey different from a literature review? ...
Npn's user avatar
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