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Questions tagged [journal-workflow]

[journal-workflow] concerns the workflow within journals after submission of a manuscript until its acceptance or rejection. Please click on “info” before asking a question.

-4 votes
0 answers

Paper was submitted 24 months ago, what is wrong with the journal and publisher? [closed]

People often complain that 3 months is long or 6 months or even 12 months. Well, my paper has been with this journal for 24 months and the process has not yet concluded. In the process I have sent ...
A.T.Ad's user avatar
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Status of a manuscript whose required reviews are completed

I have submitted a paper to a good math journal in first week of May 2024. After a month (+ a week at most), the online system shows the status “Required reviews completed”. However, to this day, I ...
Nik's user avatar
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Is there a limit to the number of times a journal editor will send my paper for review if referees keep declining?

I submitted a paper to Physical Review D, an APS journal, approximately a month ago. So far, the editor has forwarded my paper to six referees for review, all of whom have declined. I suspect this may ...
TheFyziker's user avatar
2 votes
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One week for minor revision: Indicator of predatory journal?

I submitted a paper to a journal (which was on Beall’s list ten years ago). It got accepted with minor revisions, but they gave me only one week for the revision. Should it be a concern for me if this ...
Deepak Tatyaji Ahire's user avatar
3 votes
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Is the approval of a co-author required after submitting a paper to a journal?

After submitting a paper to a journal, usually an email is sent to the corresponding author and the co-authors, wherein it demands the approve of them for their contributions to the paper. If the ...'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Banned from the Journal Cureus [closed]

Unfortunately, I forgot to correct the ethical approval number of my manuscript and included the approval number of an already published article. I have been informed that my article has been blocked ...
icim mici's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

What is the reasoning behind putting table and figures at the very end of submitted papers? [duplicate]

Sometimes papers I receive for review will not have the tables and figures placed in the text body where the are referenced, but instead at the very end after the bibliography. I personally find that ...
Sursula's user avatar
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7 votes
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How often are articles rejected after bona fide/non-accidental acceptance?

I recently submitted my first paper to a journal. It was recommended for minor revisions and ultimately accepted after they were done, but about a week after the acceptance, I received a new email ...
vaticidalprophet's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Should we act as gatekeepers of the journals based on their reputation?

Initially in my career, when I was sent an article to referee my decision to reject/approve used to be influenced on how "good" the journal was (IF, SciMago's Q). I.e.: if the article was ok ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Should I send an email to the editor-in-chief regarding the delay in receiving the editor's decision for my submitted research paper?

I submitted my research paper to a Springer journal called Electrical Engineering a few months ago. After exactly three months, I received a major revision, and the editor gave me 14 days to send back ...
Go masha's user avatar
2 votes
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How to react being the 6th reviewer of a first submission to a renowned journal? [duplicate]

Recently I was asked to review a paper for a renowned engineering journal of IExx. After all reviewers submitted their comments, I downloaded the review PDF with all commments and learned the ...
user48953094's user avatar
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Editorial manager system and Firefox password manager

This is maybe a rather special specialist question... I review and hold Associate Editor positions for various Elsevier and Springer journals that use (actually I believe both ...
Cachalryo's user avatar
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Why are journals so pesky about partial submissions?

I recently began the submission process at a few potential journals for my paper to verify the process / requirements. Having not submitted these yet, the journals seem to be very concerned with these ...
jessexknight's user avatar
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What is a reviewer integrity check in this particular context?

I recently submitted a manuscript to a well-known journal in my field. It is published by Wiley and Hindawi. I received a "major revision" decision based on two reviews. One of the reviewers ...
Dr.M's user avatar
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What does “ awaiting assessment “ mean within the context of a ScholarOne submission system? [duplicate]

I submitted a paper to New Phytologist journal that uses the ScholarOne submission system. The manuscript status has changed to “awaiting assessment “, What does this mean?
Baogang Yu's user avatar
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Study on number of papers in math during the pandemic

I would like to know if there is a serious study about how the disruption caused by COVID-19 affected the publication figures of some mathematics journals during 2020 and 2021. Was a downward trend ...
Jamai-Con's user avatar
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How to send an email to a senior editor?

We have sent a comment paper to Physical Review B, but the editor told us to extend this comment paper and convert it to a regular paper. But we have already written a regular paper and wanted to send ...
Wisdom's user avatar
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What are the chances of acceptance after being asked to submit a revised version? [duplicate]

I received the following response from a journal editor: "The reviewer(s) would like to see some revisions made to your manuscript before publication. Therefore, I invite you to respond to the ...
Marty's user avatar
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How long should it take for minor revision, in pure mathematics?

I received a minor revision from a good (in my opinion) mathematics journal. I submitted the revised version. Since then, it has been more than 2 months, but we have yet to get a decision. Maybe the ...
learner's user avatar
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How often should one check the status of a manuscript?

How often (e.g. frequency) should one check the status of a submitted manuscript? I understand that daily checking is a waste of time while never checking the status might also bear risks (e.g. when a ...
Dr.M's user avatar
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How long PloS One "Decision in Process" status remain? [duplicate]

Anybody who has published in Plos One, can you tell me how long did the manuscript status take to change from "Decision in Process" to accepted or to receive the letter of acceptance? And ...
Anupama's user avatar
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Why did the status of my paper change from "with editorial office " to "with editor" in bioinformatics journal?"

I submitted a paper in bioinformatics journal. After a five days, the status of my manuscript changed from "with editorial office " to "with editor." What does this indicate
Dream's user avatar
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How to handle conflicting formatting instructions and issues with technical checks during submission

I'm getting frustrated with the handling of an article of mine that is currently under review and I'm looking for advice. For context - I submitted a paper 4-5 months ago to a decent journal managed ...
sErISaNo's user avatar
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How much time does a journal editor spend on a submited paper before deciding to either go forward with reviewing or desk rejection?

I've been wondering, how much time journal editors spend (on average) on newly submitted papers before deciding go/no-go ? Do editors have the time to read the full paper or do they get a "feel&...
Gabriel Cia's user avatar
0 votes
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Need clarification on the status of my manuscript in ScholarOne [duplicate]

I recently submitted a manuscript to a journal using the ScholarOne submission system. After the second round of review, the editor provided some minor language revisions, and all three reviewers had ...
Jason Chen's user avatar
4 votes
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What factors delay a final decision in the editorial process

After completion of peer review, the associate editor usually sends his recommendation to the editor-in-chief of a journal. The editor-in-chief is the one to take the final decision. On this forum I ...
Dr.M's user avatar
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What is the status of a paper in IEEE after ADM?

The paper status got Under Review directly after submission, with the name of an ADM. But it is around two weeks nothing changed. What is the next stage in IEEE and how long does it take? Does it need ...
m123's user avatar
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Does the teaser image need to be a picture in the paper? [duplicate]

I am submitting a paper to a journal. The journal requires submission of a teaser image. Please also identify a teaser image from your manuscript that may be used in the abstract book as part of the ...
Gerrie's user avatar
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My manuscript suddenly went from "Awaiting Final Decision" back to "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" ... what do you think happened there? [duplicate]

Does it happen that the editor asks the reviewers to re-review a paper? For about 10 days or so it has been "awaiting final decision" after a few months of under review and then awaiting ...
flipsyde's user avatar
6 votes
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How to understand this schedule of a special issue?

I need to publish a paper before the end of this year and found an announcement with these details: Submission deadline: 14 July 2022 Final manuscript due: 1 November 2022 Tentative publication date: ...
prog 's user avatar
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-4 votes
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How to find journals that only require a PDF for their final submission? [closed]

Almost all journals I have published so far have required either Word or LaTeX source files after acceptance (but with present-day OCR technology it is straightforward to generate Word or LaTeX files ...
Cel's user avatar
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How many revisions are too much for a submitted manuscripts?

I have submitted a manuscript to a journal. The journal can let me revise the manuscript. In total, I have revise it 5-6 times. I am wondering, will too much revision hurt my chance of being accepted? ...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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Can the editor be the referee at the same time? [duplicate]

According to what I know, the standard procedure of reviewing an article is the editor to skim the article first, then find the referee(s), then the referees review the article, write the report, and ...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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-5 votes
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What can one infer if more number of reviewers were assigned compared to the standard? [duplicate]

If we submit a research paper to a journal in Elsevier, then the status will be 'with editor' for some time. Later, the editor invites reviewers. The number of reviewers depends on the manuscript and ...
hanugm's user avatar
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How to submit one paper to many journals, to maximise chance of publishing? [duplicate]

I wrote a paper, and I found several journals (from high to mid impact factor) that publish similar papers. There's always a chance of rejection, so instead of submitting to journals one at a time (...
user46147's user avatar
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How long does it usually take for journals to resolve 'expressions of concern'?

The 'expression of concern' in question is this one. It says: The journal and publisher have been alerted to concerns about this article, and an investigation is in progress. In the interim, we alert ...
Allure's user avatar
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The status of my manuscript changed from Undergoing Initial Checking to Under review but the ED: not assigned? [duplicate]

I submitted a manuscript to one of the weliy journals. The status was “Undergoing Initial Checking” on Scholarone system. After 3 days, the status changed to “Under Review” along with "Ed: not ...
Edrisnn's user avatar
1 vote
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How long does it take to reach a decision after "Pending Decision Approval" status? [duplicate]

I have a paper that was under review with one of Wiley's journals. The paper received an R&R last summer and a revised version was provided. The status of the paper has since changed from "...
user3571389's user avatar
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As handling editor, should you invite mainly reviewers for manuscripts authored by people from a different country?

Further to my recent question on a similar topic (As handling editor, should you invite only female reviewers for manuscripts authored by women (eg 1st, last, and/or corresponding)?), I am wondering ...
Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai's user avatar
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Status date changed while the status remain ``Decision in process" [duplicate]

I have submitted a paper in an Elsevier Journal. Two days after submission, the status changed to with editor. After 15 days, the status date changed with the same status. After ten days, the status ...
pmun's user avatar
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The right order of submitting to conferences and journals

I am very much aware of the fact that we shouldn't be submitting the same work to multiple journals or conference venues simultaneously. However, I see that the authors usually first submit to a ...
dusa's user avatar
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Editorial Board Members and EBM Agreement [closed]

I have to know about recruiting editorial board members (EBMs). How to find EBM agreement (for free-charge members)?
u-phy's user avatar
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How long should I wait to contact an Editor-in-Chief if she told me she would contact soon but has not yet done so?

In another post, I mentioned that I have been waiting for a decision on a revised article for more than 11 months. During those months of waiting, I have contacted the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) twice to ...
Natorp87's user avatar
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Should I withdraw my paper because review is taking too long?

I submitted an article to a prestigious journal JCR Q1 about 20 months ago. It took more than 6 months for them to send the article for review. But it was worth it. The reviewers did a good job and ...
Natorp87's user avatar
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Related to current status and status date

I had submitted a paper to Elsevier journal on 2/8/2021. While I am continuously following the paper, it has come to my notice that the status Date is 8/8/2021 and current status is required reviews ...
paru's user avatar
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Under Review status vs Decision Pending (Taylor & Francis journal) [closed]

In the ScholarOne system (one of Taylor & Francis journals), the manuscript status is "Under Review". However, under the regular submission system, the status is "Decision Pending&...
Tamer's user avatar
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Taylor& Francis Manuscript status from "Awaiting Editorial Office Processing" to "Under Review" in 3 days [duplicate]

I submitted a manuscript in a journal (Taylor&Francis) and after 3 days the status of my MS changed from "Awaiting Editorial Office Processing" to "Under Review". What does ...
Tamer's user avatar
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Is it wise for a co-author to contact the journal for a correspondence when the corresponding author is not responsive?

I am currently submitting an article to a prestigious journal. However, after about four months, the article still has yet to be assigned to an editor. We contacted the journal two months ago, to ...
amedico's user avatar
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Single system to track status of all journal submissions?

Is there a software or website where I can track the status Editorial Manager system for all, or most, of my journal submissions rather than logging into all of their websites individually? As an ...
bissi's user avatar
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What is the difference between average of journal first decision and submission to first post-review decision?

I noticed that in Taylor and Francis metrics there are two concepts: Average submission to first decision and Average submission to first post-review decision Could any one demonstrate the difference, ...
hend's user avatar
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