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Questions tagged [fees]

Questions concerning monetary costs associated with higher education, publishing, or other academic activities, specifically those not formally considered [tuition] or not related to standard research [funding] mechanisms.

4 votes
1 answer

How did the 2012 rise in university fees in the UK affect university enrollment? [closed]

Did the number of domestic students decrease ? Did international students start to make up a larger % of UK university enrollment?
user124123's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What are examples of trustworthy no-fees open access scientific journals where serious scientists have published? [closed]

I sometimes hear the claim there are no no-fee open access journals available in some fields. An example on this website was recently for the case of Bio Informatics / Computational Biology. What are ...
Kvothe's user avatar
  • 945
6 votes
2 answers

After a few years away from school, inactive students may need to reapply for admission. Why?

At many schools in America, undergraduate students can freely take a semester or two off. But some students might want to take a longer break: perhaps two or three years. At many schools, after ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Is it normal to partially cover fees to attend the conference by PI for postdoc?

If you are working as a postdoc, would you expect your PI to cover all fees for your conference attendance? I heard some labs cover all, but I am not sure what is the culture and conditions in here. ...
Simon's user avatar
  • 111
-3 votes
3 answers

Publishing a paper without paying an article-processing charge

I need to publish my paper in law but, to my knowledge, journals charge money in the form of an article-processing charge. Any tips on how to publish your research for free?
Sehrish Saad's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Conference fee, travel costs and accommodation fees for Keynote Speaker and Technical Program Committees [duplicate]

I was invited to attend a conference as a keynote speaker and TPC panel. The sent message began: On behalf of the organizing committee, we are honored to invite you as a keynote speaker and the TPC ...
samer's user avatar
  • 21
0 votes
1 answer

Covering application fees for peer review, when your university declines to proceed, but expert in the field consider the work excellent

Situation - I produced a MSc thesis in applied data science (I mean, using data science but applied on a certain domain X), which was A-graded. An expert in the field X said it is excellent and worthy ...
user305883's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

What can I do if I can't pay the fee to have my paper published as open access?

I have had a paper accepted to a journal. In the submission process, there was a question whether the paper would be Open Access, I said yes, thinking there was no fee! After the acceptance, the ...
Raafat's user avatar
  • 109
2 votes
0 answers

how much is a typical budget for publication costs in a five-year project that requires open access?

I need to budget the cost for publication for a European grant that requires open access, either green or gold, and I am struggling to figure out the costs over a five year period. Some ...
Herman Toothrot's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to handle payment requests from a predatory journal?

I sent an article to the journal at a promotional price. The article has already been published. They asked for a surcharge for the review and I paid but according to them I was late and they want to ...
Sylwia's user avatar
  • 13
16 votes
3 answers

Why do " 'inclusive' access" textbooks normally self-destruct after a year or so?

Background information (you can skip this) There's a technology called automatic textbook billing, or "inclusive" access (IA). It is also known by many other names. With IA, students are ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What would be the cost of doing an MS degree in US as Night classes especially for an full time employee? [closed]

Is there any Test or Test score required to get admission? Is there any forum or website to understand more about night classes for MS degree in US?
Indirakumar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How best to handle financial support for gold OA publication fees?

I just had a paper accepted for publication in an Elsevier journal. It is to be published open access, so the journal has a sizeable open-access publication fee (or "APC") ~$2000. I've ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Do we need to pay for author registration at a conference to present our paper at an non-archival workshop?

My paper recently got accepted in a non-archival workshop at a prominent computer science conference. Since it is non-archival, should I still pay author registration (which is between $500 to $1000) ...
user172471's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What are the fees when submitting to a paper to a conference as an independent researcher?

I am very inexperienced in this process and could only find generic information. I would like to submit a paper to a particular conference, and I am not sure if there are fees tied to the submission. ...
ganto's user avatar
  • 317
0 votes
1 answer

What happens if you cannot pay OA fees after publishing in an elsevier journal?

What happens if I am unable to pay the article processing charge after my paper was published in a open access journal? I had asked for a full waiver from the very beginning and clearly communicated ...
Snp11's user avatar
  • 17
23 votes
7 answers

Do conference organizers make a good profit?

I was shocked to learn that the participation fee for a large annual European conference almost didn't change when the host country changed from one of the most expensive Western European countries to ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can coauthors split the article publishing charge?

Is the article processing charge paid only by the corresponding author or can it be split among all coauthors, with separate bills and receipts?
Felipe G. Nievinski's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

When authors from multiple universities contribute to an article, who pays for open-access fees?

I am part of a postdoc research with a grant that requires publishing in open-access. An article of mine was just accepted for publication within a journal after some major revision. Given that the ...
TakeMeToTheMoon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

up-to-date database of open access policies *and* publication fees?

Sherpa Romeo does a good job aggregating open access policies for a large number of academic journals. This lets me see what OA options (self-archiving of various kinds, full 'diamond' OA with fee, ...
Ben Bolker's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How can i know the fees of the publication

I need to find the journals that don't take fees for publication in Elsevier. how can I know if the journal I find needs fees or not, please?
user5520049's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How did the rise in fees for UK universities change the way things function?

Tuition fees for UK universities rose to £9,000 a year for the 2012–13 academic year (not in Scotland for Scottish or EU students). Other than meaning students had a larger debt to pay back to the ...
Daniel Adams's user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

Fee for Recommendation letters?

My college demands a fee (equivalent to $10) from the students for every LOR that the student asks for. The fee goes to the college authorities and not to the professors themselves. Is this a ...
mnuizhre's user avatar
  • 375
0 votes
1 answer

example of department letter in support of waiving article processing charges

Looking for examples/ drafts of letters from department head in support for waiving/ getting discount on article processing charges. The journal is asking for such a letter stating that there is no ...
N00's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

I'm publishing a paper without an affiliation and cannot afford article processing charges. Suggestions? [closed]

I am a retired scientist looking to publish a viewpoint/review article on radiation and cancer. I do not have an affiliation (university or industry) and cannot afford high article processing fees ...
user152936's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How much would it be reasonable to plan for publication expenses, for a project in physics (experimental optics)?

I am preparing a grant application, for a project in physics (experimental optics). So, my question is: how much would it be reasonable to plan for "publication expenses" in the budget, in ...
Fabio's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

University Tuition Fee Loans in UK

The UCAS student finances page that the undergraduate tuition fee loan is paid directly to the insititution. Tuition fee loans, to cover the full cost of your course, are paid directly to the course ...
Jontia's user avatar
  • 131
13 votes
4 answers

Are there potential consequences for not paying a college fee after I graduated? [closed]

I just graduated last semester and I just received a bill from my college claiming $125 in "room damages". I contacted the office of res life about it and they claimed that I "turned in ...
The_hipster_cow's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can I opt for traditional manuscript submission instead of open access in a journal that offers open access?

I am a Ph.D. student and I wrote my first paper. The term open access is a new concept for me. I already watched YouTube videos about the subject, so I now understand that you have to pay a fee to the ...
zed_eln's user avatar
  • 41
0 votes
1 answer

possibility of paying fees by bitcoins in IEEE transactions?

Is it possible to pay IEEE transaction fees/charges by bitcoins?
m123's user avatar
  • 569
8 votes
4 answers

Can a professor force students to pay a subscription fee for a different site in order to take classes?

I have a friend whose has a professor who is forcing students to sign up for a website (that requires them to pay a monthly subscription fee) where they will be posting lectures, notes, assignments, ...
user134679's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

ieee membership discount on overlength manuscripts [closed]

Does IEEE journals of signal processing society (like IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security) consider a discount on overlength page charges for IEEE members? If so, what is the rate ...
m123's user avatar
  • 569
0 votes
1 answer

How to choose good journal in neuroscience with no fee? [closed]

I'm a post-doc but with some other post-doc from other labs we are doing research in neurosciences in our free time, and so we are not funding for these projects. But we would like to publish in a ...
Dadep's user avatar
  • 135
9 votes
2 answers

What happens if I don't pay the article processing charge after my paper was accepted by a gold open access journal?

My manuscript has got accepted and published online as "in press" in an Elsevier journal. I noticed that it is an open access journal late after its acceptance. I have not signed any forms ...
Mathisfreedom's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

A predatory journal? [duplicate]

I sent my manuscript to a journal which they accepted for publication without peer review. They asked for a 1000 euro service fee. I requested a withdrawal instead, to which they replied asking ...
Lizzy B's user avatar
  • 29
4 votes
2 answers

Is it ethical / legal for a PhD student to advertise that he is awarding PhD degrees to other students that pay him 200 USD/month? [closed]

My question is based on the example of a startup. I have come across a "company" which claims to be providing services in Quantum Computing. However, various features of this company sound ...
Siddhant Singh's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What fraction of scientists are members of professional societies and/or associations? [closed]

I've been looking for some statistics that shed light into the professional society/association market of academia. Some questions I'm looking to answer in addition to the title are: How many ...
tquarton's user avatar
  • 221
1 vote
1 answer

Advisor not responding to emails, conference fee deadline approaching

TL;DR:: My advisor, who is in charge of paying a conference paper registration fee, is nonresponsive and the deadline is approaching. What can I do? I am working part-time in a research institute, ...
Jonas Schwarz's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Withdrawing paper from competition track of a conference due to the fee?

A few months back, I came across a competition page which asked for a solution approach for a new and tricky dataset in the domain (I will keep all the details anonymous). Now, it was a new area of ...
Zabir Al Nazi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can I put an IEEE accepted journal version on Arxiv without paying Open Access fee?

I am targeting an IEEE publication that allows Traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (OA) manuscript submission. The OA fee is $2,045. If I decide not to pay the OA fee (ie, I go for ...
dave's user avatar
  • 33
0 votes
0 answers

The expenses of a postdoctoral fellow

I am a postdoctoral fellow on applied mathematics and I am applying for a scholarship, they asked to estimate the expenses of the scholarship. My laboratory pay for me the conferences, so do you have ...
Farah Mind's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can publishers justify author fees for open access journals? [closed]

The context for my question is that I recently discovered a new journal called Experimental Results, published by Cambridge University Press. Their mission, as stated on their website, is: ...
Greg D's user avatar
  • 121
-1 votes
1 answer

How to search the publication fee of a journal [closed]

What's the correct place on a journal webpage to show the publication fee?
feynman's user avatar
  • 604
3 votes
1 answer

Tuition to transfer to massachusetts during a degree [closed]

My husband is currently in the middle of his degree in chemistry (we are both independent adults without links or support to parents/family). I am the main wage earner for our household and we ...
Vality's user avatar
  • 173
4 votes
4 answers

How much would an outside second Ph.D. supervisor get paid in the U.S.?

I have been asked to consider being a second supervisor on a Ph.D. project for a doctoral candidate at a U.S. university. As I am in the Netherlands, this does not fall under my normal employment. ...
Derek's user avatar
  • 41
5 votes
1 answer

Is it suspicious for a conference abstract submission to be subordinated to registration?

My PhD advisor and I wish to participate to a specific international conference in our field. The program seems legitimate and part of the scientific committee are respected researchers of my field, ...
Alexis's user avatar
  • 229
14 votes
2 answers

Interview not reimbursed if offer is made but not accepted (UK)

I'm applying for Lecturer positions in the UK (entry-level faculty, other academic systems might call the position "Assistant Professor"). I just got short-listed for one of the positions I have ...
penelope's user avatar
  • 12.6k
-4 votes
1 answer

Where does one get the funding to participate in a conference as a student?

I received a few invitations to conferences on physics. In Australia, in Japan, in France, and others. I am finishing graduate school. But how can I take part in these conferences, if I need 1,000 ...
MIKHAIL's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Travel reimbursement for interview after accepting another position

I know a PhD student (X) who is soon to defend, reaching the end of his funding, and has thus been applying to PostDoc positions. He was applying to two positions in two different groups. The first ...
badroit's user avatar
  • 13.7k
1 vote
1 answer

Publication fee will not be paid at deadline – what will happen and how should I proceed?

My team's article was published online 2018, with me as the lead author and corresponding author. The print publication followed in early 2019. Shortly thereafter I received the bill for the ...
cephalaea's user avatar

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