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Questions tagged [fees]

Questions concerning monetary costs associated with higher education, publishing, or other academic activities, specifically those not formally considered [tuition] or not related to standard research [funding] mechanisms.

8 votes
4 answers

Can a professor force students to pay a subscription fee for a different site in order to take classes?

I have a friend whose has a professor who is forcing students to sign up for a website (that requires them to pay a monthly subscription fee) where they will be posting lectures, notes, assignments, ...
user134679's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

ieee membership discount on overlength manuscripts [closed]

Does IEEE journals of signal processing society (like IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security) consider a discount on overlength page charges for IEEE members? If so, what is the rate ...
m123's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to choose good journal in neuroscience with no fee? [closed]

I'm a post-doc but with some other post-doc from other labs we are doing research in neurosciences in our free time, and so we are not funding for these projects. But we would like to publish in a ...
Dadep's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What happens if I don't pay the article processing charge after my paper was accepted by a gold open access journal?

My manuscript has got accepted and published online as "in press" in an Elsevier journal. I noticed that it is an open access journal late after its acceptance. I have not signed any forms ...
Mathisfreedom's user avatar
2 votes
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A predatory journal? [duplicate]

I sent my manuscript to a journal which they accepted for publication without peer review. They asked for a 1000 euro service fee. I requested a withdrawal instead, to which they replied asking ...
Lizzy B's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it ethical / legal for a PhD student to advertise that he is awarding PhD degrees to other students that pay him 200 USD/month? [closed]

My question is based on the example of a startup. I have come across a "company" which claims to be providing services in Quantum Computing. However, various features of this company sound ...
Siddhant Singh's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What fraction of scientists are members of professional societies and/or associations? [closed]

I've been looking for some statistics that shed light into the professional society/association market of academia. Some questions I'm looking to answer in addition to the title are: How many ...
tquarton's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Advisor not responding to emails, conference fee deadline approaching

TL;DR:: My advisor, who is in charge of paying a conference paper registration fee, is nonresponsive and the deadline is approaching. What can I do? I am working part-time in a research institute, ...
Jonas Schwarz's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Withdrawing paper from competition track of a conference due to the fee?

A few months back, I came across a competition page which asked for a solution approach for a new and tricky dataset in the domain (I will keep all the details anonymous). Now, it was a new area of ...
Zabir Al Nazi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can I put an IEEE accepted journal version on Arxiv without paying Open Access fee?

I am targeting an IEEE publication that allows Traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (OA) manuscript submission. The OA fee is $2,045. If I decide not to pay the OA fee (ie, I go for ...
dave's user avatar
  • 33
0 votes
0 answers

The expenses of a postdoctoral fellow

I am a postdoctoral fellow on applied mathematics and I am applying for a scholarship, they asked to estimate the expenses of the scholarship. My laboratory pay for me the conferences, so do you have ...
Farah Mind's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can publishers justify author fees for open access journals? [closed]

The context for my question is that I recently discovered a new journal called Experimental Results, published by Cambridge University Press. Their mission, as stated on their website, is: ...
Greg D's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to search the publication fee of a journal [closed]

What's the correct place on a journal webpage to show the publication fee?
feynman's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Tuition to transfer to massachusetts during a degree [closed]

My husband is currently in the middle of his degree in chemistry (we are both independent adults without links or support to parents/family). I am the main wage earner for our household and we ...
Vality's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How much would an outside second Ph.D. supervisor get paid in the U.S.?

I have been asked to consider being a second supervisor on a Ph.D. project for a doctoral candidate at a U.S. university. As I am in the Netherlands, this does not fall under my normal employment. ...
Derek's user avatar
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