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Questions tagged [europe]

On standards or conventions specific to the higher education system in Europe which differ in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world. Keep in mind that many different countries, customs and regulations coexist in Europe, so many questions will not have a unique answer that applies to the whole continent.

0 votes
1 answer

Marie Curie fellowship future possibilities

I am a non-european who started a PhD with a Marie Curie fellowship program, however, I have had problems with my supervisor and I was not able to find another supervisor during my first semester, so ...
Anonymous's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Will it hurt my chances if I separate the research and teaching experience in my full academic CV?

I'm applying for an assistant professor position to a certain university/institute in Netherlands, and I'm thinking of separating my research (academic/industrial) and teaching (academic) experiences ...
Science Man's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Funding opportunities for small project collaboration between EU and US?

I'm a early career researcher in Italy (University of Bolzano) and I have a colleague who is Senior Research Scientist at the National Institute for Aerospace (private contractor of NASA at the ...
Nicola Gigante's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Mathematics Office Hours in Europe

I am a BSc student of Mathematics in Austria. I've been studying more advanced courses on the side (diff geo) to further my knowledge. I would like to attend contact/office hours of some professors to ...
Csaba Daniel Farkaš's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

I have completed 2 yrs of my PhD and I want to leave my toxic lab and transfer to a new one. How should I approach potential new advisors?

In my current position, my committee believes that I am by all metrics a successful student. I'm even working on two papers. But I've had to endure sexual harassment and working conditions that ...
ducks_unlimd's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What is the socio-economic argument or historical basis for university professors and staff being paid by the state?

In ancient Greece, it was generally accepted that philosophers and teachers like Socrates did their work out of love of wisdom. If they were paid at all, it was by private parties and not by the state....
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4 votes
1 answer

Obtaining Academic Work Permit in Europe/USA

What is the process of obtaining a work permit (to work in Academia) in US and Europe? I have noticed on many job postings there is a question along the lines of "are you authorized to work in ...
Karl 17302's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How many publications is seen as a good number for a Ph.D. thesis defender in CS field? [closed]

I know that the question may sound a bit context related (country, university, topic of the Ph.D.) but in general nowadays, how many publications (conference + journal) are Ph.D. students required to ...
Martin Moore's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

PhD admissions without admission deadlines

I have done my masters in computer science and artificial intelligence and have some work experience in the software industry. Due to certain personal and family reasons, I had to halt my additional ...
Wolfie's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to best navigate a bad grade in senior year?

I’m in my undergraduate senior year and by the looks of it I’ll be getting a failing grade in an elective math course. For reference I want to apply to a theoretical physics Masters degree, but in a ...
Johnny's user avatar
  • 53
0 votes
1 answer

What are the requirements to have a program accredited as a Bachelor’s degree?

I have found this document about European standards for higher education: The criteria are not as strict as I maybe expected, a lot of it ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can I enroll in an engineering PhD as an MD?

I currently have a bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering and soon I will get a Medical Doctor's degree (which technically is a Master's degree). I want to start a PhD after finishing medical ...
Jantek Mikulski's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What does being a full-time senior researcher in Latvia entail?

I have a PhD in Art History from a university in the United States. I was wondering what a full-time senior researcher position might entail because this is very uncommon in the United States, ...
Parrever's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I mention in my Statement of Purpose that this university is my "top" choice

I am applying to graduate schools this year for a master's degree. I've read that some universities will reject some "strong" applicants because they believe this student would be accepted ...
whoisit's user avatar
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Is my timeline for starting a PHD in Fall 2023 in Europe a complete 'Pipe Dream'?

I am an EU citizen currently working in a field completely unrelated to academia. I have been interesting in returning to academia for a number of years now, and finally plan on applying for a PHD. My ...
Brian C's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What does "matriculation" refer to?

In the US and Europe, what does a University mean when they ask for grades from Matriculation? Is it the 10th grade or the 12th grade or both?
whoisit's user avatar
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1 vote
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Influence of the familiarity of the university with recommender to application success

I am an international applicant trying to apply for a PhD program in Europe in mathematics and I am a bit confused regarding whom to ask the second recommendation letter. There are two professors I ...
Ron's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is it more probable to get into a college for master/bachelor, if we previously studied in that country for lower level?

Suppose I am an international student living in country Y and I apply to university Z in a european country/developed asian country Q. Would my chance for admission into Z, if applied, depend ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Thinking about taking another gap year for the study of physics but afraid how it would be perceived on my PhD application

Intended field of Research: Physics (Particle Physics or Quantum Physics) Country: India I became an undergrad in 2018 and my degree was supposed to be completed within 2021, but due to the pandemic ...
Akash Singh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Reference letter from the university professor rather than thesis guide

For my PhD admission in Europe I need 3 reference letter from my university professor.I also collected 3 reference letters.Among 3 letters one is my masters thesis guide.But my masters thesis guide ...
D.S.'s user avatar
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My diploma does not have a signature on it

Context: I completed a doctoral degree in Italy at the end of last year (2022). I am now preparing to apply for a research position in France, and one of the required documents is a certification of ...
Morgan Rogers's user avatar
0 votes
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Which is more common in Europe - applying for a 'PHD Program' or coming up with a research Q? I still don't fully understand the application process [duplicate]

Do I keep visiting website like 'find a PHD' which have advertisements of PHD programs and their respective application deadlines? And would these be considered 'pre-designed' programs with a broader/...
Brian C's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What are faculty search committees in Europe looking for in research and teaching statements, or how are the expectations different from US?

I am applying to faculty positions (Assistant Professor/Lecturer level) in several European Universities. Sorry for lumping all European universities into one; I understand that each university and ...
DrBouncingBalls's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

How should I email quite a few professors for PhD positions while also not 'mass emailing'?

I will be applying for PhD positions towards the end of this year and maybe early 2023. My query is specifically about cold emailing professors in Europe about possible PhD positions. Until now, I ...
YeatTheorem's user avatar
0 votes
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Is having double bachelor's disadvantageous in masters admissions?

I am looking to apply for masters this year. I've previously changed universities after studying data science to physics. If I would finish my data science bachelor's would that affect my application ...
Limitsandstuff's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What to do with a physics PhD in Europe?

I am currently finishing up my doctorate in Europe and will start a post-doc next year. My understanding is that a lot of people end up doing post-doc after post-doc (easily till around their 40s), ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What steps to take when offered an unpaid research fellowship position in a funded research?

EDIT FOR UPDATE I rejected this specific research fellowship. Another lab in the same R&D institute reached out to me soon after I rejected the first one, offering me full funding with living ...
Jay's user avatar
  • 23
7 votes
3 answers

Is doing a PhD in philosophy with a master's in an unrelated discipline viable?

I have a master's degree in computer science, and have been working as a software developer outside of academia for about a decade. I'm considering trying to transition into academic philosophy with ...
voidptr's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How do I find small, teaching-focused universities in the European Union?

I'm a European doctoral candidate about to defend her PhD dissertation. I'd love to eventually get a job at a small teaching university with a relatively larger focus on education rather than research;...
SLHsqua's user avatar
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-4 votes
3 answers

Do French master's programs let you choose an advisor at a different institution?

I am about to begin my second master's degree in math in France. I am not from France; I did my first master's in my country. In my course, master's thesis is in 2nd semester but I want to start ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Withdraw funded PhD position after accepting and enrollment but before actually starting

I know that there are already some similar questions, but mine is a little bit different, so let me ask it here: I applied to two PhD position in mathematics in southern Europe. I just got accepted ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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F grade during exchange semester [duplicate]

I am a European guy and will apply for the Masters in Economics next year. I did an exchange semester in Germanys top school and basically due to too much partying I got an F at one of the related ...
blknt3191's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any uniform date for applying for Phd positions in the Italy for mathematics?

I am not a resident of Europe and I am in 2nd year of my masters in Mathematics. My research interest aligns with many professors of universities in Italy. I wrote to one prof. asking about open ...
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0 votes
2 answers

Can I complete a PhD in a university abroad as an external doctorate student?

I have been through a 4-year PhD program at my home university. In these 4 years, I have performed several research projects, authored several articles and passed qualification exams. After that, I ...
svavil's user avatar
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-1 votes
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I attended a top institute in India, but got very poor grades. Is there any path forward toward a PhD in Europe?

I messed up in my university even in courses related to my field of interest. The main problem was lack of discipline: I would alternate between high-intensity periods where I only stopped to sleep ...
Spacetime's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Can I find a fully-funded PhD position in europe at 39 or more? [closed]

I'm 37 now and hold a master degree. I got my degree 3 years ago. For some personal reasons I plan on applying for a phd position next year or later.( I cannot do that now.) I love my field and doing ...
R.t's user avatar
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41 votes
7 answers

I insulted a professor by using an anti-Semitic slur in a department seminar. How bad is this?

I am in a research group in a French university in physics (I am a 1st year PhD student) and in a seminar in my university I used a slur against an Israeli professor, Professor X. I am from an Arab ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Should I write a third e-mail to prospective supervisor? [duplicate]

I am a student from 3rd world Asian Country and want to do a PhD in Pure mathematics. I wrote to prospective supervisors of UK and France on 22 December, 2021 (I have never met any of them before). ...
user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Suggestion for websites which list open PhD positions in Mathematics in France, UK, Netherlands, Denmark only

I am a student of an Asian country who completed the 2nd year of masters last year and I am applying for PhD positions in Pure Mathematics in Europe. I know about this scholarship database website ...
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0 votes
2 answers

Should I offer my unpublished independent research when applying for PhD position?

I've finished masters and I've worked on my independent research for few years but never published anything nor I haven't posted any of my research work in public. The reason I did not publish is that ...
Tom's user avatar
  • 11
5 votes
2 answers

Moving abroad with books marked "for sale in Indian subcontinent only"

I am soon going to move from India to Norway. I own multiple reference books that will be relevant to my work in the future as well and I plan to move with my books. Several of the editions that I own ...
stuckstat's user avatar
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15 votes
10 answers

A potentially trans student is misgendered in university records. What should I do?

I have noticed* that an undergrad student in a course I teach has "female" written in the "gender" field in the university intranet database (used for course enrollment, grading, ...
TooTea's user avatar
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What exactly is the "présentation analytique" while applying for MCF (assistant professor) positions in France on Galaxie portal?

I've passed the qualification in mathematics and I'm trying to apply for some assistant professor (Maître des Conférences - MCF) positions in France, using the Galaxie portal. However, I see that ...
Science Man's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Can I get a good phd with a poor master thesis?

I am a month away from graduating in Math. I spent the last six months working on what I consider now a poor master thesis. I was asked to discuss some connections between model theory and ...
Blueday's user avatar
  • 61
4 votes
3 answers

What to do about this incident as a PhD student? [closed]

I am from a marginalized community in my country whose religion X is persecuted in my home country (which is in Asia). Now, I am in my first year of PhD study in math in a top university in Germany ...
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2 votes
0 answers

Where to propose a joint PhD program

I am a mathematician, doing most of my research in dynamical systems. I would like to propose to an European academic partner to co-fund (50%-50%) a PhD position. Is there a place on the web where I ...
user153541's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Choosing a Master's program with less than one semester time for thesis

I want to apply for a Master's degree in computer science in Italy. I noticed that some Master's programs in Italy give you less than one semester to work on your thesis. My goal is to apply for a Ph....
SMMousaviSP's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should I consider university rankings while accepting a PhD offer? [duplicate]

I have two Ph.D. offers. One from a university in Germany which is considered one of the best in Germany and is ranked in the top 150 universities worldwide in my engineering field. The second offer I ...
Daniel Sempere's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Motivation letter / Letter of Application for 1 year Research Master's in France

I have done my master's from an institute in Asia in 2021 and I planned to write for PhD in Pure Math in 2022 in France. One prof suggested me to also apply to 1 year Research Masters(M2) in France ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Cultural differences and etiquettes to be kept in mind for a PhD interview

I am a student who has completed his master's and I took an year break to prepare for PhD and living in a poor Asian country. I applied to PhD programs in Germany and France this year in Pure ...
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