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Questions tagged [emotional-responses]

On emotional issues such as guilt, discouragement, jealousy, anxiety or feelings of inadequacy affecting academics and researchers.

636 votes
14 answers

How should I deal with becoming discouraged as a graduate student?

I am a third year (starting fourth year in the fall) PhD student in mathematics. I've passed all qualifying exams and am currently doing research. As far as I can tell, I am not doing poorly. I have ...
Aru Ray's user avatar
  • 20.8k
280 votes
9 answers

How to effectively deal with Imposter Syndrome and feelings of inadequacy: "I've somehow convinced everyone that I'm actually good at this"

Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon wherein an individual is convinced that they do not deserve the success that they have achieved despite (perhaps extensive) empirical evidence to the ...
Aru Ray's user avatar
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176 votes
21 answers

How do you come to terms with the fact that you might never be among the best in your research community?

I am currently a PhD student advised by a new (and awesome, in my opinion) theoretical computer scientist in the field of optimization. This was my dream ever since I took a class on convex ...
user avatar
136 votes
14 answers

Is there a place in academia for someone who compulsively solves every problem on their own?

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how I'm still in grad school. I've been researching under one professor's wing for two years now, ostensibly shooting for a PhD (note: no topic yet), and I have ...
Obvious Throwaway's user avatar
22 votes
8 answers

Can an emotional letter of motivation be harmful in a PhD application?

Today some of my friends were discussing a motivation letter. One friend's application was rejected. One reason his friends find out is that the letter of motivation is very emotional. So I was ...
Supriyo's user avatar
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193 votes
15 answers

How to stop hopping the learning chain and actually begin somewhere?

Here is what I feel whenever I find something interesting and feel like pursuing it : Oh so I like X (Computer Graphics), let me read up papers/books about it. Ok let me begin with reading up Y (...
Amit Tomar's user avatar
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96 votes
10 answers

What makes academic failure different from failure in another career?

It is my understanding that academia as a nebulous whole has its own culture and speaks its own language that makes it a very different environment to work in compared to other so-called "industry" ...
astronat supports the strike's user avatar
45 votes
6 answers

How can I clear myself of emotional attachment when reading reviewer feedback?

I have received feedback from reviewers on my latest conference paper (this is in Computer Science). It was an acceptance, which is nice. I feel I really need to consider in depth the reviewer ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
97 votes
12 answers

How to help reduce students' anxiety in an oral exam?

Oral exams can have various pedagogical benefits in certain circumstances, but can also make some students feel anxious. After watching several students nervous-sweat their way through such an exam, I'...
ff524's user avatar
  • 109k
19 votes
6 answers

How to deal with fear of failure as a PhD student?

I am working on a mathematical topic that is basically my own concoction. I have days where even the simplest thing takes ages to do and I realize that's because, deep down, I am terrified that ...
Three Diag's user avatar
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116 votes
9 answers

How to stop feeling guilty about unfinished work?

My biggest challenge as a PhD student is best summarized by the following from PHD Comics: "Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham A consequence of working in research is that the ...
ff524's user avatar
  • 109k
47 votes
9 answers

How to comfortably interact with famous professors?

I know that they are "just as human as we are", but I feel somewhat uncomfortable to talk nonchalantly with the top-notch math researchers and professors in my department because of their social ...
user avatar
41 votes
3 answers

How does an Erratum on one's own paper affect one's career as a researcher?

I'm still early in my scientific career, with only a few papers published. However, I've discovered a typo in a non-critical equation of my paper, and one of the graphs in the same paper should have ...
J.Doe's user avatar
  • 481
18 votes
5 answers

What specific techniques can help someone facing mental health problems (depression, anxiety, ADHD) have a productive academic career?

Question originally found here In the past few months, I have been diagnosed for depression, anxiety, and ADHD. While learning this has been helpful, treatment made my already poor performance worse. ...
Shmoo's user avatar
  • 542
75 votes
9 answers

I wasted six years of my life getting a PhD degree. What should I do, and how will I survive?

I struggled with low self confidence throughout my bachelors, masters and PhD in chemical engineering. After spending two years in Masters and six years in getting a PhD degree, I am lost at what I ...
Abhik Tandon's user avatar
54 votes
14 answers

How should I deal with discouragement looking at others success?

I'm a master CS student. I had so many troubles in my life. I didn't have proper schooling and were in difficult situations which led to me being not so good compared to my peers now at the graduate ...
Jack Twain's user avatar
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51 votes
7 answers

How do I overcome fear of rejection when writing academic papers?

I don't know how to put it. I have never published before. Previously my one paper was rejected, that was because the experiments were not ready and my advisor asked me to still submit it just to have ...
user13107's user avatar
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40 votes
8 answers

Overcoming depression and getting back on rails with PhD work [duplicate]

I'm a first year PhD student (computer science), and I've felt that I lost this year up to now due to some life difficulties. I'm getting no financial support and I was forced to teach to get some ...
Danilo M. Oliveira's user avatar
200 votes
11 answers

Postdoc overwhelmed by incomplete work

I take on more than I can handle and everything is left incomplete. Constant reminders from my previous supervisor, my current advisor, and colleagues, increases my anxiety level and sometimes I end ...
SpatialP's user avatar
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142 votes
13 answers

Why is my mood dictated so much by how well my research is going?

I'm a senior PhD student at an American university. I have found over the course of my degree that my mood has largely been influenced by how well my research is going. If I make a small break-through ...
Erik M's user avatar
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55 votes
5 answers

How to differentiate "imposter syndrome" from actual lack of suitability for grad. school/academia?

A lot of graduate students/applicants, it seems, suffer from "imposter syndrome." Typically, these are bright, high-achieving students, who nonetheless doubt their ability, and this most ...
user avatar
52 votes
6 answers

How to overcome discouragement on finding major error in work just before paper submission?

Recently, we were working on a new idea in physics and engineering. At the end (after writing almost 6 drafts and even ready to submit draft) only I realized that I had made a stupid error in ...
Vaidyanathan's user avatar
46 votes
4 answers

Meeting dishonest ex-supervisors at large international conference -- Should one speak out?

I have returned to my country after one negative experience as a postdoc in China. In short, I was hired based on false salary & funding expectations supported by shady vague contracts written in ...
Scientist's user avatar
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39 votes
9 answers

Left academia for a job with a publishing company. Is it normal to feel guilty or "settled" about a decision? How to overcome the feeling?

After PhD and a year of postdoc in mechanical engineering, I accepted a position of a scientific editor with a publishing company. The pay is decent but not great. I have been working in the new role ...
arcadeditor's user avatar
35 votes
5 answers

How to deal with constant pressure given by advisor

I am a third-year PhD student in mathematics from a very reputed institute in my country. I have one problem to share and discuss that is related with my guide. He is a senior professor in our ...
Srijan's user avatar
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32 votes
10 answers

ls it wrong to not have any research ambitions after PhD and postdoc experience?

I did my PhD and 1 year postdoc in mechanical engineering from a top 20 world ranking school. Though it took me longer than others to get my PhD (5.5 years), I published 5 first authored papers there. ...
carterjack's user avatar
31 votes
6 answers

Is feeling lonely and uncomfortable in my (foreign) country of study a valid reason to drop out of a PhD?

I've been studying for my PhD in Sweden (I moved from the UK in January 2014). It's been alright. I've had difficulties before, and I've thought of quitting it, but I pushed through. I don't speak the ...
TTT's user avatar
  • 319
28 votes
2 answers

How do I stop feeling intimidated by my advisor?

Whenever I meet my advisor and interact with him, in class or otherwise, I can't help feeling intimidated. I feel scared of the fact that I may fall below his expectations, and I become tongue-tied ...
scared's user avatar
  • 281
22 votes
3 answers

Motivation to write the dreaded dissertation

Ok... so I have hated graduate school since day one but have slogged through because I couldn't find anything else to do (I have applied for hundreds of jobs as an escape route with no success). It ...
Defeatedbutnotdoneyet's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

How to cope with feelings of powerlessness on a PhD?

I am currently a third year PhD student of pure mathematics. I've been dealing with a feeling of burn out for a long time now. Quite frankly I struggle to find interest in anything related to my ...
Severn's user avatar
  • 213
21 votes
4 answers

Quitting after 5 years - miserable and depressed [closed]

I'm a fifth year graduate student in the life sciences. To cut to the chase, I hate this PhD, I hate research and I hate academia. It didn't used to be this way. I have been juggling three different ...
user32029's user avatar
  • 219
6 votes
1 answer

Is it common to feel anxious when reading papers?

I am a graduate student, and I often feel strangely anxious when reading papers. I was wondering whether the same is true for other people. There are basically two scenarios where I feel that way: a)...
sgf's user avatar
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99 votes
4 answers

I'm feeling discouraged after getting tenure; should I quit?

A few months ago, and seven years after I obtained my PhD, I finally got tenure. Hence I have a permanent position in academia. After a few months in this new position, I find myself thinking of ...
Johnny Cage's user avatar
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89 votes
17 answers

As a TA, how to react if I come across a Facebook group in which students insult me?

I am a PhD student in Europe and also TA for some bachelor's degree classes for my supervisor. Just by chance, I have found an open Facebook group (normally, the group aims to create an interaction ...
optimal control's user avatar
83 votes
14 answers

How do really talented people in academia think about people who are less capable than them? [closed]

To be more specific, how do really top professors think about students who are much less smart than them, the students can be their Ph.D. students or just students who were taking his/her class. This ...
Robert's user avatar
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73 votes
7 answers

How to care less about teaching?

Fifth year math grad student as of this Fall. ABD, currently on target for six years in total. I have very strong feelings about the way courses should be taught, graded, and organized. I have ...
dedekindpoetssociety's user avatar
60 votes
11 answers

How to deal with unnecessary stress introduced by the supervisor?

I am doing my PhD in a high prestige UK university. I am finishing my second year and I have funding for three years in total. I have already two papers finished (pending to be published) and ...
Aventinus's user avatar
  • 924
57 votes
7 answers

My student told me his mother has cancer, what do I do?

Today I saw that one of my students in the class was looking very sad. He sat down at the end of class and he looked like he was in a bad mood. After all the students left the classroom I called him ...
M R R's user avatar
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47 votes
11 answers

How do I continue work if I love my research but hate my peers?

I am an established researcher in my discipline, which is a sub-field of computer science. In the last years, I have successfully published papers and generally enjoyed doing research, as in ...
mto_19's user avatar
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44 votes
15 answers

How should I control my nervousness, so as not to disturb my presentation on the day of a conference?

My paper is successfully accepted in a very prestigious and reputable conference, to be presented orally in one of the presentation sessions. This is my first time that I am going to give such a talk ...
enthu's user avatar
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43 votes
11 answers

Thinking about leaving academia for good. I am feeling guilty and disappointed in myself. Any thoughts/advice?

I have a PhD in mechanical engineering and am currently a postdoc. I have been fairly productive in my research, published fair amount of papers during my 5 years PhD and 1.5 years of Postdoc ...
carterjack's user avatar
42 votes
8 answers

How to deal with unavoidable failure in my first year of tenure-track applications?

I got my PhD recently. I applied to many tenure-track positions and got selected for several onsite job interviews. Yay. However I have actually been told in no uncertain terms by several trusted ...
user91750's user avatar
  • 447
41 votes
9 answers

How not to lose confidence in front of supervisor?

I have been working on my doctoral thesis with a very well known professor in the field. I am going to finish 1 year of my study with him. As usual, we have been meeting every week at least once on ...
Coder's user avatar
  • 12.8k
39 votes
8 answers

Is Relocating Necessary in Academia?

Despite experiencing a lot of drama and negativity at my university, I love my city and hate the idea of relocating. Sometimes I even think of reapplying there just so I could stay in this city (this ...
user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

Dealing with discouragement during the academic job hunt

Similar to this site's question on impostor syndrome, what strategies would people recommend for dealing with self-doubt and discouragement on the academic job market? It's not that I think I'm an ...
coffee_into_plots's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Gap year before post-doc?

I have been in a rush to accomplish academic goals since I remember myself. Started my PhD right after undergrad and did my Masters on the same time. Now I am about to submit my thesis and feel kind ...
JKR's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

How do I talk to my professor about my anxiety/depression?

I am 22 years old and I have recently began my first year of grad school. It is very overwhelming. Everyone seems to have more developed thoughts than I do, and all my classmates are 2nd or 3rd year ...
user63290's user avatar
  • 229
21 votes
5 answers

Trouble finding job after disappointing PhD in India [closed]

Started PhD in 2014. Mistakes that I have committed: I did my PhD in a topic that was not the area of expertise of my PhD supervisor. I was doing computational work, while the past graduates on the ...
arbitgyan's user avatar
  • 275
19 votes
5 answers

Is mathematical research stressful?

Richard Hamming, in one of his talks about research, said that scientists have to put up with stress, and he talked about his ulcers (and he was amongst other things a mathematician). I thought ...
Jacob  Murray Wakem's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Is it research to just combine other people’s work?

I am currently a second-year undergraduate double-majoring in math and computer science. I am currently doing a joint research paper with one of the faculty in my university. My advisor gave me ...
user3508551's user avatar
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