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Questions tagged [copyright]

Copyright issues: publication agreements, copyright transfer upon publication, legal status of work-for-hire in academia, etc.

30 votes
4 answers

What to do when principal investigator publishes your work without putting you down as a coauthor?

Say I am post-doc in the USA, and my PI (principal investigator) just published a review I wrote, with pictures I took of my experiments without putting my name as the author. What tools do I have at ...
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29 votes
4 answers

Co-authorship for not very involved supervisor

I have now completed my PhD by research. I received support from my supervisor in the form of advice on my chapters (for which I am indebted to him; we have a very good working relationship). The ...
Javeer Baker's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Collaborator published paper on ArXiv without my name

In the last four months, I have been working on a project with a friend. After the completion of writing part of paper, I started searching for conferences and found that my friend had already ...
Virange's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Do any scientific publishers have a stated commitment to authors regarding copyright infringement?

Within the debate of whether science should move to an Open Access / CC-license scheme, or remain with a more traditional scheme where the authors transfer copyright to the publisher, one argument ...
E.P.'s user avatar
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28 votes
6 answers

Do Research Papers have Public Domain Expiration Date?

Do research papers have a Public Domain Expiration Date? simmilar of what happens to literature books For example, let's consider a research paper of James C. Maxwell: XVIII.—Experiments on Colour, as ...
Nau's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

Citing sources of problems in assignments

This question was raised by Dave Clarke here. When a textbook author approaches a topic in a novel way or presents a particularly interesting example, I believe that a teacher who creates lecture ...
JRN's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it legal in the US for a student to download a copy of a textbook, to study?

(this is coming out of a comment thread regarding this question.) The USA has a Fair Use legal provision restricting its copyright law: 17 U.S.C. § 107 Notwithstanding the provisions of ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

Would it violate copyright to retype a classic mathematics book from the 1960s using modern notation and uploading it online?

I am reading a classic book in mathematics that was published in the 1960s. This book uses very old notation, which makes it impossible to read it. Suppose further that I want to read the whole book ...
Son Gohan's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Is it unprofessional to use graphics from Wikipedia in a poster?

Is it an acceptable practice to use simple graphics found on Wikipedia (and hence in Wikimedia Commons) in a conference poster? From the legal point of view, this seems to be fine, as long as the ...
Jakub Konieczny's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

If my paper is accepted in a Springer journal, can I submit my version of the manuscript to arXiv immediately after acceptance?

I have read the Springer copyrights and self-archiving policy, but they are a bit confusing. For example in the first of them, you may find this: Author may self-archive an author-created version ...
ThisGuy's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

License of code accompanying a published article

Given a paper that introduces a new algorithm and upon publication copyright is transferred to the publisher. Is an implementation of the presented algorithm considered a derivative of the published ...
guesttom's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Is it legal and ethical to post my notes of a conference I am attending on my website?

I'm due to attend a conference soon, and plan to take notes on the talks I attend. My note-taking software of choice (org-mode) can easily export to HTML. Is it legal to post my notes on my website? ...
Andrew Maurer's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Permission to include a segment from Google Maps as a figure in a publication

For the application of remote sensing, a satellite imaging of an urban land cover is required. The image I require is readily available in Google Maps. Who must I contact to receive permission to ...
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

How much do figures need to differ to avoid copyright claims?

It sometimes arise that I need to use, for an article, a book chapter or any other written work, figures that I have already published (not figures published by others). These are usually schematic ...
F'x's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

What to do when another researcher used my results without credit in a science documentary?

A former colleague (not collaborator) used main results of two of my published papers in a science documentary featuring their work. They had briefly mention to me at some point, that they wanted to ...
anonymous's user avatar
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