In my university, we submit a lecture plan at the academic semester starts. The lecture plan is a kind of semi-official documentation on the schedule of lectures or topics (Ref: Planning a course: lecture-by-lecture or topic-by-topic?). The lecture plan looks like the following that also includes the plan for quizzes, tests, projects.

Week    Topic      Subtopics     Expectation
W01     Topic1     St1, St2      To achieve.
W02     Topic1     St3, St4      ---
...some weeks of such lecturing...
Quiz1 ...
W07     Topic7     St1, St2      ---
W08     Topic8     St1, St2      ---
...and some more...
Mid-way Test
...Again lecturing...
Final test

Now I am in a problem. The mid-way test has been scheduled in next 3 weeks. But, I have completed all the stuff required for the mid-way test. I don't have any more things to lecture and I don't want to.

Should I complete the course well before time? But, again my dean might not be happy with this.

Or, what should one lecturer do in such a scenario?

Suggestion with some experiences would be really appreciated.

P.S. This is undergrad course if at all it matters.

  • 3
    What you should do is not get so massively ahead. Even if you get one lecture ahead, you need to slow down and add extra material: more background, more examples, more explanations, etc. Commented Sep 24, 2017 at 23:55
  • 1
    @DavidRicherby Pressing brakes from the beginning looks like the only solution in such a case. Thanks.
    – Coder
    Commented Sep 25, 2017 at 6:04

1 Answer 1


Generally, when a course is assigned a certain number of credit hours, that means that students (and professors) can expect a related number of contact-hours via lecture, tutorials or labs. Your students and dean will likely be upset if you cancel classes for next 3 weeks.

If you don't want to introduce new material, there are several things you could do.

  • Review material or go further into depth
  • Have students work on their projects
  • Have students work on homework or small projects

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