The German government runs a portal, https://myguide.de, that allows prospective foreign university students to search for undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered by German universities. It allows filtering by several categories -- full-time vs. part-time, location, language of instruction, cost, etc.,.

Does any other European country have a government-run portal of this type? I know of a couple general, commercially run portals, but they tend to focus on overpriced degrees at private (or even for-profit) universities which, I assume, pay to have their incredibly spammy names listed, whereas I'm mostly interested in established public institutions with credible names and physical ties to their communities of origin.

2 Answers 2


Sweden has Studera.nu, which provides an introduction to Swedish higher education. Its Swedish version has such a search function, but I was only able to find the corresponding search function in English at the application site Universityadmissions.se. The corresponding application site in Swedish is Antagning.se. There are indeed search filters for language, study pace etc. The search results include information about the tuition fee (only applicable to non-EU/EEA citizens), but I don't think you can use cost as a filtering criterion. Note that you would generally apply to a university through one of these central portals, rather than through some system managed by the individual universities. The sites are run by The Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet), which is a government agency.


In France there’s Campus France, which is Government run, has the features you mentioned plus various explanations of the french higher education system (as well as things like visas, student housing, etc)

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