I'm having trouble inserting affiliation. My master's dissertation has been completed and I have graduated from university. I want to publish an article out of my dessertaion however my supervisor does not approve since my research has political factors and he does not want to get involved. If I affilaion to my university without mentioning my supervisor's name, there is a chance that my university won't approve it since the supervisor's name has to be included in the article. The university has the right to claim its' right if I don't put my university as affiliation and put independent researcher, since that was actually my affiliation at the time. How should I proceed? Does my university have a chance of not getting notified if I put its' name?

  • I doubt a journal will do any checking of your affiliation listing. (Just make sure the email address you provide actually works to contact you.)
    – GEdgar
    Commented Sep 16, 2023 at 10:45
  • Thank you. What about my university? Is it notified after publication? Commented Sep 16, 2023 at 14:06


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